Will 2023 be my Year! 🤞🤞

Hello Kittywinks

Sorry to be slow responding, but I've had Covid and not a lot has been happening as a result.

While I had Covid, I decided to fast, to help get over it quicker. I have done some one day fasts, but this time I did four days and five nights. I think it helped, and an added benefit is the weight loss.

Your exercise advice is spot on. From what I've read, it doesn't add to weight loss - the benefit is mainly for the brain and mood and feelings of well being. The other advice I've been really surprised by is the role of insulin. We have to keep it low, or the body cannot access the stored fat: insulin acts as a one way valve on storage. Who knew?!
Hello SmallSteps97
I had no idea about the glucose thing.

I have come of plan this Easter 🐣
I won’t go into detail as to what I was eating but you can probably guess as it was the season.
Oh dear…..

I have a family get together, then will try to get back on plan

This journey ain’t easy but we do our best.

Glad you are over Covid.
Hi again Kittywinks

That link between insulin levels and weight loss seems to be a closely guarded secret, doesn't it??! Have a listen to this youtube link. The speaker is Dr Jason Fung. He is a kidney specialist, who got into weight loss management because he had so many patients with diabetes who were referred to him with failing kidneys. It's really interesting. I can put on some other speakers on the same topic if you're interested. I'm finding it very helpful.

Hi Tiperrary

Interested in how you monitor glucose and ketones. Do you wear a continuous glucose monitor (CGM)? And which ketone monitoring device do you use?

Thanks for your help, and best wishes. Onwards and downwards!!
Hello Kittywinks

Just found another clip, from a fellow called Sten Ekberg. He explains the insulin problem in more easily understood terms.

I really hope these are helpful.

best wishes

Hi again Kittywinks

That link between insulin levels and weight loss seems to be a closely guarded secret, doesn't it??! Have a listen to this youtube link. The speaker is Dr Jason Fung. He is a kidney specialist, who got into weight loss management because he had so many patients with diabetes who were referred to him with failing kidneys. It's really interesting. I can put on some other speakers on the same topic if you're interested. I'm finding it very helpful.

Hello SmallSteps97

Thank you for your reply and taking the time to post this link to a talk.
I will watch/ listen to this

Thanks again 😊
Hi Tiperrary

Interested in how you monitor glucose and ketones. Do you wear a continuous glucose monitor (CGM)? And which ketone monitoring device do you use?

Thanks for your help, and best wishes. Onwards and downwards!!
Nope, I have a blood testing monitor, Ketomojo, that I use daily. I tend to test my glucose three times a day and my ketones just once.
Long post Alert!

Hello !
I'm back!
should have been sooner, but a lot has happened, and despite my initial being on track and losing some weight, i'm back at the beginning pretty much:rolleyes:

Is this still MY diary? feels like its been taken over!🤔😂

Anyway, since my last post.....obviously i went off track.....:rolleyes:

Also on 10th March, i had an accident at work, basically i stepped down out the truck from the passenger side after cleaning the mirrors, and my foot caught the ramp the front wheel was up against and i fell and landed on my right shoulder😬 painful is an understatement!

got taken to A&E had x-rays etc ....basically i've torn my rotator cuff or whatever damage is there as i can't lift my right arm very much in front or to the side!
I can still bend my arm and use the lower part but it's painful to raise the upper arm...

I got given painkillers and was told to rest and do certain exercises...

in between that i took ibuprofen as the co-codamol was binding me up, but the ibuprofen affected my stomach to the point one afternoon i had severe chest and stomach pains and was struggling to breathe, hubby called 111 who sent an ambulance! ended up in A&E again to get checked out and after many tests xray ECG bloods etc it was decided i'd had a reaction to the ibuprofen which had inflamed my stomach!😬

Since then i've seen the doctor, been to physio and now seeing a musculoskeletor physician, trying to get my right shoulder/arm working properly again.....i'm on different meds , to try and help and also help me sleep as i haven't had a decent nights sleep as when i turn over during the night the pain wakes me and i have to lift my arm with my good arm to turn over..🫤

I have been off work all this time as i can't drive and being i'm a truck driver, i can't work...

i had an appointment yesterday and i have had some improvement i can just about raise my arm shoulder level in front but out to the side a lot less as it is too painful.

I have a few exercises to try and do and have to keep taking the painkillers regularly.

My next appointment is in 2 weeks time.

I've been off work now for 8 weeks!

And is doesn't look like i'll be back any time soon as the musculoskeletor (big word!) physician says it can take several months to heal properly😲

In that time I suppose I could have got back on track....but I didn't...I also wonder if being the weight i am made my injury worse? being my that my body weight impacted my shoulder more?🤷‍♀️ who knows?

Anyway what is done is done!
I need to get my arm/shoulder better and I STILL need to lose weight!

So, trying to get back on track I am!

On the plus side at least I can still walk !

I have had to walk everywhere... so most days my steps are up :)

I will 'try' again to keep my diary going!

So far i've had a banana to have my tablet with and some 'Fuel' chocolate porridge.

My daughter has a day off today and we are currently watching the 'Wednesday' series again on Netflix - love that series!

Will be back later , off to do my exercises for the second time today :)
So sorry to hear all your bad news, Zafira. What a dreadful thing to happen. Hope you heal more quickly, and the pain eases.

best wishes
Ouch @Zafira that sounds very painful and worse than that is the frustration that it will take so long to heal and having to be off work all that time. Weight and age have a huge impact on severity of injury and healing time. Look at how often toddlers fall and never hurt themselves, be over 40 and you can pull a muscle just tying a shoelace.
Look after yourself
Thanks @SmallSteps97 & @tipperary

yes, at 56 & 15 and half stone, things seem to break easier and take longer to fix :rolleyes: 😬

Anyway what's done is done , and i have to soldier on best i can at the moment....

I really could do with losing this weight though in the meantime!

yesterday i ended up having some home made vegetable soup i'd had in the freezer and defrosted , with some bread and butter, then an ice cream off the ice cream van that came round...then some biscuits:rolleyes:....

Today i've had a banana and some biscuits.... and lots of coffee!

Also i had my hair done highlights and a cut.... last time i'd had my hair done was back in september last year!
And seeing as i'm off thought i'd might as well get it done rather than having to have a saturday appointment :)

Need to try and get my mojo back AGAIN somehow......

My daughter in the meantime has done well and has lost a stone in the past month....i need her motivation right now !😂

Right to think of what to have for dinner.....🤔
Ended up having a Slimming World meal - chicken Fajita with a couple of corn 🌽 cobs with some butter..
I like the SW meals some of them are tasty and they are convenient 😊

I think at the moment I will try and be a bit more sensible and think about what I’m having to eat fro the moment until I can get back into calorie counting


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Hi @Zafira
I had a rotator cuff injury.
It is a painful experience.
For me it lasted some months.
I couldn’t sleep on that side of my body/ upper arm.

Then one day the discomfort and pain elevated.
I also had physio.

It will improve.
It will get better.
Hi @Zafira
I had a rotator cuff injury.
It is a painful experience.
For me it lasted some months.
I couldn’t sleep on that side of my body/ upper arm.

Then one day the discomfort and pain elevated.
I also had physio.

It will improve.
It will get better.
Thanks ….it’s been 9 weeks now and although some improvements it’s still painful and nowhere near full mobility 😩 worst pain is moving during my sleep and first thing in the morning and movements that catch it unexpectedly 😏
It’s hard sometimes to feel like the “ keep your chin up” attitude….

But I shall try.

Weight is still the same atm

Today I have some chicken and minced beef to cook for meal prep…. To which I will add veggies and a carb ….some I will freeze

So far I’ve had banana to have with my naproxen tab and done my first lot of exercises
Ouch, I also appeared to have rotator cuff injury. Was in constant pain and going to physio weekly. Pain was worse after physio and couldn't move at all. And yes sleeping was so hard. I had to move the bed against the wall, put pillows against it and try to proper my shoulder up on it. Anyway after weeks of physio and lots of money I really didn't have I felt the physio was making it worse so he sent me for MRI, and I had a significant bursa in my shoulder, like a horseshoe going over it and a cyst. Two weeks later I had a procedure done on it and now pain free.
Sorry didn't mean to ramble just pointing out I feel your pain and know the total inconvenience to everything it is. It takes root in your brain and it's so hard to concentrate on anything else.