conso in a nutshell

obviously if you do it slowly slowly, without reintroducing things as he advises, then your Conso period will necessarily need to be lengthened...
Good point maintainer xxx
Here are my conso notes, taken from the 2010 book- 2 stages-

Notes on Conso -

Cruise with extras

5 days for every 1lb lost = 140 days for 2 stone - or 20 weeks ie until 31 March 2012
Divided into 2 stages, each of around 70 days or 10 weeks

PV every day except one: unlimited non carb veg as before
One PP day a week
2 tablespoons bran per day
At least 25 mins exercise every day

Stage 1 - until 21 Jan
40 g of hard cheese a day
2 slices of wholemeal bread a day
1 starch meal per week
1 piece of fruit a day (apples, strawberries, blueberries but not bananas)
one gala meal a week

Stage 2 - 31 March 12
As above but 2 gala meals and 2 starch meals per week!


just remember that the slices of wholemeal bread are French size ie small, so one normal size is prob enough til you get a feel for it, and also remember that your body needs to adjust from fairly spartan rations to normal eating.
I think the reason that he suggests a gala meal is partly for the mental side of things. Telling yourself you are not allowed such and such and create huge cravings. Saying that you can have it at your gala meal if your want to solves that for me - and when it comes to the meal I often no longer want it. The only thing I haven't yet introduced is the cheese - I feel really uncomfortable about it...
Oh - and it's worth noting that protein days on conso are more restricted than during the rest of the diet - eg no oily fish. It's worth reading that bit carefully as I think most people just assume that it's the same.
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I dont have the book with me but the 2011 version goes into quite some details about eating 2 meals and when to eat them and the 2 starches. However I can see that starting with 1 might be sensible and work up to 2 if youre doing OK