Time for an update - grumble
Hello everyone, I thought I'd check in before our thread completely drops off the forum!
I'm not exactly a happy bunny +.5kg (to 65kg) despite a fairly strict week where I should AT LEAST have STS... I think it MAY be because with the summer finally here my overall intake has shifted back to more veg (at least it's no longer 2/3 protein I don't think). I usually take bowl of green salad stuff (all from the garden, so proud of muself!) topped fish, meat or egg to work. Rather than taking the protein topped with a bit of leaves!
Oh well there is nothing I can do about it and I'll just have to plod on as I have various social occasions coming up. I KNOW my diet is healthy and has no junk and virtually no fat in it, so that will have to be matra

. Anyway, to pick up from another thread, my bruising problem that I put down to VitC deficiency and my yoga teacher thought was due to incorrect posture HAS GONE so I have probably managed to tackle it on both fronts.
I even doubled my exercise - two lengthy (1.5 hr and 1 hr) energetic (no cruising) cycle rides with DD2 (18kg) on the back. I have worked out we can actually cycle to our swimming lessons when the weather is good, so I'll stick to that in future. I did not have extra treats to compensate.
Ah but I need to remember that I am not doing 100% conso any more: I have a TB of linseed every day (except PP) and when I take my multivits (still don't remember every day) I have added a 500mg capsule of cod liver oil.
I had a 'normal meal' last Friday with come belgian beer, and a pice of chocolate cake at work. A completely treat free weekend (thank goodness for oatbran muffins!!). Nothing in the week, kept to conso small carbs, 2 fruit and only had a couple of small potatoes with one meal. Mostly even skipped the cheese or equivalent. On Thursday I cracked and had 2 dried dates and 2 apricots.
Ah well, as I said onwards, and if August dawns with no break in this trend I'll be able to take more drastic action and have more exercise - I'll be able to start the running as soon as all my evening commitments end for the summer. Once (if ever) I've mastered it I can also go out in the morning but at first I have no idea what state I will be afterwards in so I'll start the sessions in the evenings.
But I have told some of my friends about my plan so hopefully I'll have to stick to it now!
Sorry me rambling again, must do some work now - have a good weekend everyone!