Dukan Ancestor!!
Thanks Laura - the ostrich approach definitely required for me this week!!
On Sunday the family service was followed by a bring & share lunch. Lovely, but a real eye-opener to me on our (I mean 'society') usual diet: A couple of (boring, leafy) green salads, but everything else was waaaayyy over-carby: chilli with rice, Chinese noodles, pasta bake, Quiche, pizza, pasta salad, rice salad, potato salad, rolls, pastry things with potato filling.... There were some bits of green and red in the dishes but really it was one big carb-fest
Yes did load half my plate with green leaves but even so....
And yes I know of course this is related to what you can prepare ahead, what you can afford to share etc... so it's not a 100% fair sample or comparison.
I am glad I could partake - well, I would/should have brought 'my food' otherwise. Dessert ditto - a nod to fruit, but cake, chocolate and ice cream prevailed
I also had a nice meal on Friday night (with wine, and a small ice cream for dessert), and some chocolate crispy cakes on Sunday (kids baking for Fathers day)... so the whole weekend was a bit of a letting-go. No surprises there

The crisp bread did not help ;-) it's very moreish in it's original version.
So now I'm regrouping and focussing I hope, and I have a clear (clean?) run until my next social occasion early July, so I will try and stick to proper conso eating (no more linseed, one fruit etc), with possibly the odd proper PV (and the PP of course) thrown in. There is possibly a neighbour's BBQ at the weekend but I can deal with that
I'm upping my protein and reducing the Veg too.
I've already re-made the crisp-bread, still with some rye flour, but with oatbran. It worked well, but is not yet 100% friendly (still contains some linseed too: I'm having 1 TB worth of oat bran and 10gr of rye flour, 1/2Tb of linseed and 1/3 of ts of olive oil at lunch today). That's my next project when this lot is eaten. I already reduced the oil, and am wondering what will happen if I leave it out altogether.
Have a good week everyone!
On Sunday the family service was followed by a bring & share lunch. Lovely, but a real eye-opener to me on our (I mean 'society') usual diet: A couple of (boring, leafy) green salads, but everything else was waaaayyy over-carby: chilli with rice, Chinese noodles, pasta bake, Quiche, pizza, pasta salad, rice salad, potato salad, rolls, pastry things with potato filling.... There were some bits of green and red in the dishes but really it was one big carb-fest
And yes I know of course this is related to what you can prepare ahead, what you can afford to share etc... so it's not a 100% fair sample or comparison.
I am glad I could partake - well, I would/should have brought 'my food' otherwise. Dessert ditto - a nod to fruit, but cake, chocolate and ice cream prevailed
I also had a nice meal on Friday night (with wine, and a small ice cream for dessert), and some chocolate crispy cakes on Sunday (kids baking for Fathers day)... so the whole weekend was a bit of a letting-go. No surprises there
The crisp bread did not help ;-) it's very moreish in it's original version.
So now I'm regrouping and focussing I hope, and I have a clear (clean?) run until my next social occasion early July, so I will try and stick to proper conso eating (no more linseed, one fruit etc), with possibly the odd proper PV (and the PP of course) thrown in. There is possibly a neighbour's BBQ at the weekend but I can deal with that
I've already re-made the crisp-bread, still with some rye flour, but with oatbran. It worked well, but is not yet 100% friendly (still contains some linseed too: I'm having 1 TB worth of oat bran and 10gr of rye flour, 1/2Tb of linseed and 1/3 of ts of olive oil at lunch today). That's my next project when this lot is eaten. I already reduced the oil, and am wondering what will happen if I leave it out altogether.
Have a good week everyone!