Well I survived the Dentist
though I did have a vertigo Dizzy attack from being laid back in the chair which wasnt very pleasant, and had to be escorted out of the room by the dentist and the nurse holding me up
ANyway It was a bit sore last night when the numbness wore off.....but I felt more sorry for myself cos I couldnt eat anything chewy or have hot food or drinks (no choccy HIFI bar or Choccy options!!
) still....it saved me a few syns towards our couple of days away next week
My OH Is feeling Tons better, he stayed off work all week, went back yesterday and took his tablets like a good boy.....he is normally pretty rubbish at remembering and doesnt complete courses when hes had them before he met me (then wonders why they dont work
) so all being well we should be able to still take advantage of the mini break he won.
Today my mush feels fab (well as fab as a mush can do when a dentist has just had his hands in there and pulled a tooth ive had the best part of 40 years & drilled another
-not too delicately either, I thought he was gonna get his knee on my chest at one point to stop my body rising up with each twist and tug!
) cant eat on that side though as its a bit sore but what can you expect
Anyway .........at class on thursday our consultant brought in a big tub of mash to try which was blooming luverly (and syn free
) she had mashed some spuds with ff fromage frais then sprinkled in some seasoning from a jar.
Now I just cant remember the exact name but it was like a swartchz jar and it was 'garlic & herb for mash' I reckon it would make a really tasty pizza base too instead of using smash
which I think is a bit yacky they also do a couple of others she said for meaty things.
I think Im going to try do a red day today again
B yog & Banana
Brunch/lunch omlette onion,tom,ham HEA cheese
T chicken, cauli,brocoli carrot&swede mash,HEB1 new pots 198g 2 syn gravy. yog
HEB 2? might try nuke a HIFI for a couple of seconds to make it softer and chew it on the other side
syns gravy 2 white choc option 2.5
gosh what a long waffling post ha ha