Constantly dizzy- back from the wilderness

Hi, Dizz.

Sorry it was so quiet over the weekend. I hope you had a really exciting time with your ironing!
I'm glad you enjoyed the tuna melt: some things are really worth the syns, aren't they?

Hope you have a good day today.
Hey CD, sorry i didnt respond i wasnt in work on friday!!

My sisters is 100 miles there and 100 back :( it wasnt great as some roads were a bit slippy but no snow and no traffic so all in all it was a good run.

Everyone there was ill though so im hoping i dont come down with something over the next few days.

HEY, Im back....been sooo busy trying to get organised for the holiday Ive totally neglected coming on here :(

Well been good, Been on Plan, the superspeeding took a slight backseat when the snow started as My OH got a mad craving for pasta n sauce with crispy jacket spuds (dripping in butter for him tho :rolleyes:) when he was getting in from work, and I'l be honest.....a dish of melon just didnt have the same appeal as a warming dish of breakfast rice :eek:

Well the flipping white stuff has rendered me well and truly housebound as of yesterday :sigh: we cant get our stupid car out (MX5...hates the snow) and I dont think the friends who normally takeme to class will make it up the hill and round the corner......and then there is the small issue of me being a tad stupid at walking anyway ;) soooooo I cant go to class tomorrow :sigh::mad: so I wont be able to claim my shiney (If Its that even a word???:confused:)

Anyway 1st 13.5 loss was my final official WI Im having NO sneaky peaks....Im going on Hol with that in my head - then whatever I gain I'l come back and work towards my shiney when I get back.......sound like a plan???

or would you peak the morning of the flight??
Oh, Dizz, I'm so sorry you've lost your chance to get your "Official" shiny before your holiday. And you got so close.

I think, if I was you, I would weigh myself, because I'd just want to know whether I'd really done it. I mean it's not as if you chose not to weigh in, you just got viciously attacked by some weather.

Mind you, I'd also want to know what I weighed immediately before my holiday, and then again immediately after. Cos I'd want to know how much damage the holiday did!

I think you just have to decide.

Either way, you've done brilliantly, and whether you've really got that shiny, or nearly got it, you can go on holiday feeling so much better about yourself than before. You've made a big difference, and what's half a pound, really? It's just a number.

You go to the sun and have a great time.
MMMMM.....yup you could be right there jimbob;)
I will weigh myself the night before we leave (OH has to get the scales down to weigh the case Im probably gonna be dangerously close to our limit lol) then at least I know what excess baggage ive packed away in my tum on hol from the unlimited ice creams :p.......cos its a dead cert its gonna happen :rolleyes:

Well OH didnt get home from work til 11pm last night with the damn white stuff :eek: he would have had to set off about 2am to get back to the site they are working on with it being so bad that way, so the boss told them to take today off on pay:D

Im pottering about doing nothing much just waiting for him to come back from the shops with a few supplies to see us for the next few days, Im thinking a nice quorn chili for tea...nomnomnom

Righteo off to have a mooch round-x x
Have a great time, Dizz. Enjoy all the ice cream and that lovely sun. Don't worry about us. We'll be fine here in the c-c-c-cold here without you. We want pics when you get back!
Hey CD,

Just wanted to pop in and say i hope your having a really lovely time on your holiday.

Im not jealous at all, sitting here in the freezing weather - not an icecream in sight :( lol

I really hope the post holibob weigh in is really good to you, you deserve your shiney!!


Well Im back from my hols....not sure yet how much of a gain ive had......but you can bet its a pretty mahoooooosive one :ashamed0005: :D 4 weeks of the food in Mexico, the cocktails....and not forgetting the unlimited ice-creams in about 15 different flavours that you get while you're sunbathing....OMG they are soooooo to die for!!! and I sure as hell have brought some excess baggage back :rolleyes: BUT every bit of it was delightful....and I think it was Jimbob who said as long as it was lovely then it wasnt wasted syns true!!!

WI tonight for the 1st time :eek: watch this space if you want a good larf :8855: x x x
Todays menu: green day

the day started a little badly as I slept brekki was not until 1pm :rolleyes: laaaazzzzy dizzy!!!

brekki/lunch weetabix & satsuma HEB/HEA

Tea pasta n sauce,JP with 2x mad cow lights

2 satsumas

green tea & lemon to drink

not the best of starts with getting up so late........but nothing naughty has entered my tum yet - wooooohoooo :D
Day 2 on the wagon for me

Day 1 went ok.....I think (apart from I was really annoyed with myself for forgetting some really basic essentials off the shopping list.....fibre plus bars & dairy milk to break up into my 1.5 syn treats) so I ended up having 2 slices of wholemeal bread (big loaf) with blackcurrant jam for the sweet craving:mad: good thing is tho that I had no other syns that day so its kind of ok I think??? cant find my book anywhere or get onto sw online for some reason?

Anyhooo today looks like this

Brekkie at 12.30 (ooopsie) muller & satsuma)

lunch scrambled egg, toms, 1 slice wm toast HEB 1 tspn butter 2syn

tea liver & onion, sprouts, carrots, broccoli, corn, sw roasts or JP
pineapple & yog maybe?

Syns cornflour 3 kitkat 5.5

Drinks tea/milk HEA green tea & lemon

please feel free to pull any mistakes out.....I feel realllllly rusty on this (especially EE, its been months since Ive tried it)
hey CD!! No mistakes from what i can see!!

Keep up the hard work hun!! xx

Thanks Hun :) It seems such hard work after the hols for some reason :sigh: also I did greens for ages so EE is taking some thinking about ha ha:eek:

Well today is another EE day

Brekkie apple & mullerlight

Lunch ainsley chilli cous cous, 2xboiled egg, cucumber, toms, red onion

Tea turkey, sprouts, brocolli, carrots,corn, new pots, 2 syn instant gravy.

Snacks satsumas & melon

HEB fibre plus HEA milk for teas

Syns 2 gravy 5.5 kitkat.....dunno what else yet?

Right time now to set off for my Physio :sigh: 1st one since ive been back.....:eek:
Physio went OK ish :confused: but you can tell ive not done a lot of the movements for a long time as I was verrrrry sick with some of them :sigh: but apparently my brain will forget them if I dont do them for a the basic head ones I should have been doing when we were on holiday :rolleyes: Its going to be a lifelong thing with some of the actions....any period of inactivity and my brain will act like its never been taught not to throw up when I turn my head fast etc Hey Ho....Its like starting again with that bit. But the balance is getting better - still making progress there ;)

EE day again today

B bacon 2x toms 1 slice wm bread (large loaf) HEB milk HEA

L cous cous 2x toms boiled egg cucumber

T liver & onion JP sprouts carrots brocolli corn mullerlight

syns 2 flour (gravy) 4.5 penguin wafer

Drinks green tea & lemon