Conventional woman i am not,but i will find a weight loss plan that suits my needs !!

Roch, sorry i havent been on to give you support but ive been away, I am SO PROUD of you, and I really need to know how you are doing. I can feel the positive vibes coming off you now.
Post soon hun, Im thinking of you x
Hey honey!

I'm really keeping everything crossed that this time is YOUR time and that you keep that positive attitude going even when times get rough.

I won't ramble on here, but if there's anything I can do just drop me a line.

Much love
Self help

Hello Roch,

I am sorry to hear that you have been feeling bad, but don't talk about failure, you will do it when the time is right, you haven't failed so leave that word out of your vocabulary.
Are you familiar with Louise Hay, she has a book called "Heal your life" and I think it would be helpful as it is all about the importance of loving oneself.
Also, there is another book called "The Journey" written by Brandon Hays, and this group also travel the world giving workshops and my daughter swears by it for healing painful emotions. Apparently it is very important to forgive in order to move on, and that includes oneself. Check out the website The Journey :
I hope this helps, but don't feel alone, depression is a big problem in our society.
Love Matty
Hey everyone,just wanted to thank all of u for your kind messages and support.
Well sorry to say that vlcd is not for me this is the third time i have tried vlcd in 8 months and each time i have developed weird blood sugars dropping to as low as 3.2.
Last night i started to feel rough sweaty and dizzy and if i was not sitting down i would of ended up on the floor.
When i tested my sugar level last night,it was down to 3.2 and that is why i was feeling rough, i have had probs with very low blood sugars on quite a few occasions as well as low blood pressure.
Anyway i ate a half a sandwich and a yoghurt and felt better within 20 mins.
This morning i spoke to my doc who told me off for not getting medical advice last night as this is the third time this has happened and possibly many more times but i never checked my sugar levels then, and as i am border line diabetic i have to be careful, well to cut a long story short i have yet more tests tomorrow at the hospital,he said i had a hypoglycemic attack and talked about being insulin resistant which i dont know 2 much about but he said after we get the results he will explain it all further to me.

So of course today i stuffed my face with rubbish think i was feeling sorry for myself and angry that the medical probs i now have was due to me being super mobidly obese and that i am a stone throw form being diabetic due to my greed but what can i expect its my fault allowing myself to get to practically 28 stone,up to a year ago i had hardly any medical probs and def none of them being serious probs and now look at me i am falling apart well and truly and me myself and i are 2 blame !!

So tomorrow apart from a barrel of tests yet again at the hospital i am going back to join ww,i was at sw but due to the fact i sold my car last week and wont be getting a new one till jan i cant get to the meeting so there is a local ww meeting with a lovely leader just a few mins away.
I am not giving up just acknowledging to myself that i cant do vlcd and will not try it again,but i am even more determined that i will lose my weight but it might take maybe a few months more than expected,where as i set a date in my mind to be at goal weight of 11 stone by dec 31st 07 that date has now changed to 18th April 08 which is my 40th birthday and they say life begins at 40,well for me that will def be true!!!

You can do this!

Hi Roch,

WE are all here for you and it is a tough road to travel but one with so much rewards and I feel you have done so much study and learning in the last couple of years your time is right for you to go forward now and claim your prize that is yours....Just one small baby step ahead of the next and you will get there.

And as Icemoose says "Keepy Your EYE on the Prize"!!!

I believe in you and I know your going to do this.

Here's to looking Fab at Forty!!!!

Love and hugs.

Love Mini xxxx
Hi Roch,

It doesnt matter what type of plan you are on it will work if you stick to it. CD is a great plan and I take my hat off to everyone on it but I stuck it for 11 days and knew it wasnt for me. I lost 10 lbs but I was really hungry, agitated (my 4 year old twins wanted their nice mummy back!) and the cravings were awful. My totm was really bad too.

I am on my own plan now - im eating low fat nutritious food and counting cals on weight loss resources. Im eating about 1600 cals a day and trying to drink as much water as possible. Im also going to the gym and generally trying to be more active. I lost 5lbs last week but to be honest 3lbs of that was totm weight gain that I always get. I have my treats aswell (too many if im honest but im working on that!). The thing thats new this time is that I have respect for myself - if I have a bad day I dont think well thats it I might as well eat everything in sight I dont make a big deal of it and move on. Last week I had a day which involved a meal out at an Italian restaurant, the old me would have ate loads for days as I had fallen off the wagon but I just got up the next day and moved on. There is no right and wrong track - just a track and I make my choices as I go on.

I have been on so many diets I know what has worked for me in the past so im eating more protein as it controls my hunger and im trying to incorporate some of Paul McKennas ideas aswell ie. eat slowly and enjoy my food and try to distinguish between real hunger and cravings.

What im doing is no quick fix but I can wait and as I get smaller I will feel better. I need to develope sensible eating plans that fit in with my family and my life and im working on that. I stay motivated by coming on here and reading all the slimming mags/books.

We can and will do this (((hugs))))


Sorry to hear you werent feeling the may west on CD...but you are right - do to WW and see them lbs fall off...

All diets work, and WW is a way of life you may find you are changing patterns for life not just a couple of months

I wish you the best on your chosen path!

Agree with andi - it doesnt matter what plan you do. Whats important is you keep going and find the right plan to suit you and get the weight off.
You can do this - keep posting. It doesnt matter what plan we're doing we are all here for eachother!!
Morning all,this is just a quickie as got loads to do,will try and repsond personally to all of your messages later on x

Well just got back for ww as my friend took me as i no longer have a vehicle and wont have one till jan,my leader at ww said there is not a prob if i come earlier than the rest of the class and get weighed as my friend has to drop me off then go straight to work and cant wait around,so am well pleased about that.

Well i have gained 1 stone in the last 2 weeks,think lots of that is also water but for once i am not letting it bother me.
I officially weigh 27.4 this morning but thats ok the onky way is down for me,and although i feel unhappy abput not being able to lose weight fast i am getting my head round it and settleing for the scenic route.

I am going to sucseed i am not going to fail,might take me a bit longer,but so what i have been obese sice a young child what difference is another 6 months going to make to me,just give me more time to work and save money for my tummy tuck and boob job that i will need when i get to goal LOL.
Hope u r all having a good day,will catch up later xxx
Hi Roch

You have exactly the right attitude honey!! WW is a fantastic diet and many people have found success with it!! Good luck, can't wait to hear your weight losses! What's your menu for today, have u decided yet?
Hi Roch,

WW is a great plan. The weekly meetings are a laugh and help keep the motivation going. I was at weightwatchers and was going to go back when I came off CD but my sister and I are doing our own mini class instead. Each week we have a weigh-in and put £3 in a jar. We are both aiming for 2 stone off by xmas and will spend our jar on a christmas night out!

I really like the way you said that you werent going to beat yourself up for the 1 stone on. I honestly believe that you have to love yourself and give yourself a break. All the past diet failures are totally irrelevant all that matters is today - so what are you going to do today that will get you closer to your goal?.

Another thing is that food is not the enemy. Im trying to build a better relationship with my fridge! I try to slow down and enjoy my meals and I present them nicley on my favourite plate etc. I try to make each meal a little occasion and not just mindlessly shovel it in. I am trying different strategies to deal with my worse time of the day - 7-10pm. Last night I managed not to snack by ironing and watching tv in a different room. My dog will love my new strategy of taking him for a 40 minute walk each evening aswell!

Anyways enough of my babbling..have a great day.

Hi roch,
just popping in to wish you all the best with w.w

You can do it girlie, 'beleive in yourself' :p
well done for taking this step, looking forward to seeing youyr sucsess x
Glad the meeting was good and your leader is a good one. :)

You are so right to remember this isnt a race to see who loses weight the fastest!! It's all about doing it YOUR way with a plan that suits you. :)

Enjoy WW honey - whats on the menu for today?
I think you have made a good decision Roch, after all the important thing is your destination, not the journey or how long it takes. You stick to this plan and it will work. Good luck, love
Well what can i say,i feel annoyed,angry,frustrated and a big time super morbidly obese failure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why each time over the past 4 months when i have tried to ss my blood sugars have dropped so low this last time they dropped to 3.2 and my doc said i had a hypoglycemic attack but it was mild not a serious one,cant get an app with my doc for 2 weeks as i want him to explain to me in detail why this happened.

I am a serious emotional eater and that is how i have got through life most of my years using food as an crutch to blot out my feelings and i used to be alot stronger emotionally and have alot more self confidence,at the moment my self confidence is so low it cant get no lower.

CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY MY BLOOD SUGARS MUGHT DROP SO LOW WHEN FIRST STARTING VLCD PLS !!!( and if i ate something low carb instead of carbs after the incident could it of stabalised my low blood sugar and could i off carried on ssing )

I feel like such a failure,pls dont anyone say"Roch u r not a failure u did so well at SW u lost 24 pound in 3 weeks" as that was only tempoarary i have now gained the stone back on and cant control how i feel and end up eating crap.

I dont even want to post here on my own diary as i am so sick and tired of saying "guess what i failed again,or i ate,or may other rubbish excuses"

I am not looking sympathy all i want is to be able to lose weight and change my life why ,why cant i do it.
Am i going to carry on eating till i am completely house bound.
I have to take food out of the equation,but i just dont know how to cope when my sugars drop low again.
When i have posted on here that i am going back to sw or ww that was just me going for the easy option its not what i want.


Hi Roch,
You kindly posted on my welcome thread, so hope you don't mind me posting on here. About your low blood sugars... I know a bit about this because of having 2 daughters with Type 1 diabetes, although I am NOT a medical person! Firstly, I assume you are not Type 2 or on tablets for it, because they would cause you to hypo on a VLCD, as your body would be being stimulated to produce more insulin than needed for the small amount of carbs in the shakes/bars.

I always think of insulin in the bloodstream as like little pacman-type thingies (showing my age here I fear!) that race around gobbling up glucose in the blood. When all the glucose has been used up, excess insulin will cause you to hypo. This is why TYpe 1 diabetics, who HAVE to take insulin by injection are not allowed to do VLCD's.

With Type 2, the tablets are not insulin, but they stimulate your pancreas to produce more of it and also sensitize your body to make better use of it. So on a VLCD dosages usually need to be adjusted downwards and sometimes even stopped.

If you are not diabetic, but are insulin resistant, your pancreas is used to pumping out large amounts of insulin to cope with all the carbs usually eaten. I think that what then happens is that when you go on a VLCD, your intake of carbs is suddenly drastically reduced, but your poor old pancreas carries on as usual, pumping out the insulin, and bingo, you hypo (ie, your glucose drops below 4.0 and you feel awful). I'm not sure how long it would take for your pancreas to readjust, a week or 2 maybe? Your Dr would know better than me.

I think that if you ate a small amount of carb when you 1st started feeling hypo, you would be able to bring your glucose level up above 4.0. When my daughters hypo (regularly!) they have approx 10g carbs to treat the hypo. And they go REALLY low sometimes, we had a 1.5 from one of them the other day! 15 mins after the carbs she was 4.2, feeling tired and starving, but okay.

I must stress again, I am not a Dr and please keep consulting yours, but I think you may be insulin resistant and that is why you go hypo when you start a VLCD. And I think having a small amount of carb (say 2 teaspoons of sugar dissloved in a small glass of water, or 3 dextrose tablets which you can buy OTC) would treat your hypo successfully.

Do you have a monitor to test your glucose levels? May be worth asking the Dr if you could have one, then you may be able to avert 'emergency' type situations again.

Sorry to ramble on, as I say this is only my understanding of things, but hope it helps.

roch honey i have no idea about diabetes (sp??) but i do know how you feel about not wanting to post on my very own thread if i have eaten or not followed through on my 'plan'... i have spent the last 4 weeks trying to get back on ss and trying to get my head sorted and everyone was very supportive but ya know what... it wasn't until people started saying ah come on get ur **** together and just do it that i really said right thats it and her i am on day 2 and am fine.

now i can't stress enough that i have no medical reason why i couldn't do it but surely there is someone else you could ask about this rather than having to wait 2 weeks to see your doc... how about phoning cambridge or is there a diabets society in the uk you could ask?? maybe you need to ease urself into ss'ing with some food (low carb) and packs and then gradully over the space of a few days take the food away and see how you get on??? or have you tried this already?? i know it is a shock to anyones body just taking food totally away quickly and sure isn't that why we all get the withdrawals but you might just need to ease back into it...

roch i really do feel for ya girl and i know how much you want this... so if you feel like ya need a kick up the bum (obviously when you get your medical stuff sorted) then you just have to shout.. cos after all what are cyber friends for eh!!!

lots of love to ya honey stay strong like a bull and you will get there

Gen xx
Hi SM,thanks for such a nice post,and alot of useful info.
I am not diabetic but borderline and my gp has just done some more tests and insulin resistant is something that has been bought up recently in a my last convo with the doc.
I will do some more research and see what i come up with.
How are u doing,how has ur week been xx