Thanks Vicky,am def going to start the aam starting monday,should really start tomorrow but i am on TOTM and will be till sunday,so i dont want to start something when i know i am feeling a bit fragile.
I am looking forward to doing the aam plan and then i will decide which plan is right for me,might end up not ssing but doing 790 instead or another plan,only time will tell,but i am def going to give it a go.
Can someone email me the amounts of food u can have on the aam week or the 790 plan pls.
I know i need to snap out of this semi depression but deep down i know that when i start losing the weight then i will start living a life again,so which ever plan i do i have to commit myself to sticking it out for a period of time,maybe to start with for 100 days but i have to find other ways to cope if i am feeling ill like my blood sugars drop and how to stay on the plan but to eat something to help raise my sugars so i dont end up having another hypo as that really scared me,although it has happened to me 3 times now that last time was the worst.
Anyway,am shatered emotionally and phyisically so am off for a shower.
Thanks to all of u who have taken the time to post on my thread your messages of support have really helped me.
Take care,sleep well xxx