Well I am home. 6 hours in the car amusing my daughter by feeding her random bits of sandwich was not fun. But hey. I took a sneak peak on the scales and am a bit down as it wasnt as much as I thought (weigh in tomorrow eve), but I guess that is also after 4 litres of water. Will try again tomorrow morning - I know I shouldn't. I do look smaller though and thats what counts I guess. And I managed to put my work trousers on and they fit for a change! I say fit, squashed fit but nonetheless I did them up! Anyway I am going to a party now, with my water and my box of chocolate shake to have in the car along with a few ciggies to help me along!!! Feel a bit embarrassed going with water when I dont know many of the people there but hey. Am hoping my friends are going to make a comment on me - we shall see. I hope you are all doing well today - tell me about your days!