Happy Holidays
Gold Member
Good evening, your post was fine and not depressive x
Good evening lovelies
Well I've had a day today! The news that I was upset about on Tuesday has hit the press and is the headline news in MEN paper so now it's out on public, my feelings have changed. My friend and colleague was dismissed from work on Tuesday and I was very upset about it.
No one knew what happened to lead up to this, today however it's in the paper and now I know, I fully understand the outcome.
I love being a bobby but what my former colleague has done isn't what we do.
I don't mean to be cryptic at all but I'd rather not say anything more about it on here. I'm just disappointed in him and feel very sorry for his family.
Ooh I'll have a snoop around diaries and come back more cheery in a bit xx
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Hello, it's been a few days since I've been on here I do apologise, I've been busy with work and then rather tired so whilst I've been reading I've not been posting.
Anyway good news is I wi and lost 2lbs very happy. I think it helped planning my meals out for the week and my treats too so I'm in the process of doing it now before I set of for work. I'm in a 2-12 tonight.
Food today is EE:-
Breakfast = banana & satsumas (at wi)
Lunch = lamb & veg soup (1.5), scan bran bun (b)
Snack = 1/2 my fruit salad, latte (a)
Dinner = sloe cooker chicken curry (1), rice & plantains, this is left overs from the huge batch I made and got 8 portions
Afters = rest of fruit, scan bran bun (b) & yogurt. Graze carrot cake (4)
Total syns = 6.5
Hex's = milk & scan bran
Here's what my curry looked like yesterday
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View attachment 167049
View attachment 167050
Have a good day everyone xx
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Hello all, thank you for your nice comments. 6lbs to target, again and 9 weeks left on my countdown. So my plan is to get to target by then, that would be perfect for me. Also my sgt asked me last week what I planned giving up for Lent, I had to have a good think and I've decided on unconventional tasks.
1) I'm planning out my weekly meals every week after wi - I know it'll change sometimes but still a plan is a plan!
2) I'm giving up in moaning / *****ing about the same lazy ass / rude people at work &
3) I'm giving up on feelings of guilt when I cheat on the diet
I chose 2&3 as they don't make me feel any better at all and I don't need it in my life.
Food today is a cheeky Green:-
Breakfast = soft boiled eggs, melon & satsuma
Lunch = jacket potato, cheese & beans, salad, plantain & butternut squash, berries & yogurt
View attachment 167133
Snack = fruit salad, scan bran buns (b) latte
Dinner = vegetable soup, butternut squash wedges & last of plantains
Afters = yogurt & rest of snack.
If I'm still hungry I'll have 2nd hex b of hi fi bar
Total syns = 0 but I may have some crisps (6)
Hex = cheese / milk. Scan bran & hi fi bar
Doh time to go I'm in a 3-1 tonight so catch you tomorrow. Xx
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