Cookie's diary to be joyously slim

Oh have a lovely weekend cookie! I am sure you are x

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Hi Cookie - I hope youve had a fab weekend away in the lakes. Im trying to do a speed catch up a bit like speed dating lol - hope to catch you soon xx
Awww Cookie what a lovely weekend you've got planned! If you guys get out and about and stay pretty active, I'm sure the sticky toffee pudding can be enjoyed guilt free. I think it would be rude to go to a sticky toffee pudding shop/factory/cafe and not have one!

I hope the weather is amazing for you! x

Thank you it's been a top weekend xx

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Maybe too late now, but I'd be inclined to eat in tonight saving potential syns, hmmmm, sticky toffee pudding sounds delicious, I do like that myself but tend not to have it when out, I'm looking forward to the pics. Have a fab weekend xx

Thank you, we ate in, weekends been fab! Xx

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Hi Cookie - I hope youve had a fab weekend away in the lakes. Im trying to do a speed catch up a bit like speed dating lol - hope to catch you soon xx

Hello lovely, thanks I've had a lovely weekend xx

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Hello everyone

I'm off today and I've had a really lovely fab weekend in the lakes. It really is so beautiful up there and to be honest we only visited a small bit of it. We'd like to go back there and maybe stay somewhere else and explore. Perfect for cycling around too, not that we did any as we've no cycle rack to attach to the cars and in all cases my lovely bike as quaint and old fashioned as it is, it is so heavy! I'm going to get back into it now it's getting warmer and then see how we go the next caravan break we go on.

Food wise, I did pretty good considering my plan. I didn't have the sticky toffee pudding in the end reason being it was 27 syns and that's before the custard or icecream and I just for some crazy reason bring myself to have it!
Weird I know but I couldn't!

We ate in both nights and had little bits out to try and get me 2lbs off and then on Sunday night when we got home I ate a slice of pizza & maltesers! What's all that about? Never mind back on track today and planning on being super good.

Pics to follow xxx

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Grange over sands

My pudding & hot choc (2)

Brett's pudding, red velvet cake




Mallards tea room Brett's tiffin

My 2 syn portion

Beautiful weather too xx


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The pictures with me are on Brett's phone, but you all know what I look like, still ill post a couple more when he's home tonight xx

Food wise :-
Friday = 7 syns
Saturday = 8 syns
Sunday = 19.5 syns

Monday's food plan is keeping it simple EE:-

Breakfast = berries & grapes

Lunch = carrot & lentil soup, fruit salad

Snack = latte (a) apple

Dinner = roast chicken, carrots, peas, butternut squash & sprouts, rice & gravy (1.5)

Afters = not sure but probably hi if bar unless I make a scan bran cake xx

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Thanks Michelle

Food update, I added a chicken leg & melon to my snacks, and then had hula puffs (3.5) for supper. My hex b was 2x hi if lights so in all I'm ending in 5 syns but I do feel I've snacked just for the sake of it so I'll try to keep myself busier tomorrow to reduce that nibbling xx

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Hello, I'm having another just can't stop eating day to day. I honestly haven't been hungry since Saturday! Very annoying I'm trying to fight it but I'm struggling, only saving grace is mostly free and speed foods but still it's good I don't need

I'm going to paint my nails to try and distract myself

Hope everyone is well xx

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Isn't so annoying when you have a can't stop eating day, I'm the same I eat speed/free foods but there is a little voice in my head saying 'too much' it's hard doing SW at times like that, what I mean is SW say eat until full etc but really................ everything in moderation. Talking of which that dark chocolate with raspberries is shouting 'eat me, eat me'!!! x
Hello, I'm having another just can't stop eating day to day. I honestly haven't been hungry since Saturday! Very annoying I'm trying to fight it but I'm struggling, only saving grace is mostly free and speed foods but still it's good I don't need

I'm going to paint my nails to try and distract myself

Hope everyone is well xx

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Try and distract yourself with something to do... xx
Afternoon glad you had a good time in the lakes pics look lovely. It is hard when you have s week like that but just try and eat free and super free foods.
See you tomorrow

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Good evening

Ooh it's bedtime already. I've been in work 11-9, home, bath and a catch up on here. Realised I missed yesterday's update.

I got my eating for the sake of it a little better controlled yesterday I don't know what wrong with me? Anyway I went out for tea with the girls and went to Zizzi's, ordered the goats cheese & spinach ravioli in tomato sauce, I asked for it with no pine nuts or pesto, and ordered a side of broccoli cooked no fat and they did it! It was so nice, I did have a bit of Parmesan on top, delicious.

I ended up on 9 syns I think so was pleased. Not sure how WI will go tomorrow I'd love a loss but can't see it, maybe a sts if I'm lucky.

Today's food had been good :-

Breakfast = eggs & fruit
Lunch = carry & lentil soup,
Snack = banana & satsumas
Dinner = chicken salad, mayo (1), butternut squash,
Afters = hi if salted caramel (b) pear& latte (a)

In work straight after WI so it'll be late before I can get on here. Hope everyone is well xx

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