Sunday wasn't quite what I thought it was, no birthday party for Zachary Jayden, his parents decided they'd do something with him without the rest of us which is fair enough. In fact it helped cover my shame as I forgot his card and present. Bad Auntie Cookie! I'll bring it next week.
So food wise yesterday was pretty good, oats for breakfast, Turkey salad for lunch and chicken dinner, I had a bit of chocolate for supper and a scoop of icecream with a yogurt for my pudding
I've been off today and have done very little, Brett took me to the cinema to see Mad Max, I didn't fancy it at all but he looked like he'd been kicked in the nuts when I said that, so I sucked it up and went and it was quite good actually. Charlize Theron looked brilliant, it was worth a watch. He also took me out for my tea too so bonus.
Food is EE:-
B = pear & grapes
L = veg soup
S = latte (a) and berries
D = chicken salad with bulgar & quinoa, 2 onion rings & 2 chips (6)
A = hi if salted caramel & yogurt
I may have hula puffs for supper too
Total syncs = 9.5
Hex's milk & hi if bar
I forgot to take a picture of tea. Anyway I'm off for a bath and early night so night night all xx
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