CornishTT S&S Diary

That's great that you're hitting your targets AND you're back into the 15's. That's it now - bye bye 16's. You won't be seeing that number again! Yay!!

The only thing I can think of with your chilli (which sounds great!) is the tomato paste might have citric acid and that little annoying thing can kick us out of ketosis. But also I do find that I just have a random hungry day every so often without any rhyme or reason for it. I think our bodies adjust and change and hormone imbalances etc. we never stay the same internally day by day so I guess it's to be expected that we'll experience a hungry day once in a while. As long as we don't succumb to it then we're A-ok! :)

As for the other thing:
I use the fibre powder twice a day and that helps! I still probably only go maybe twice in a week, but it's a better experience. (Sorry!). My sister started this diet and she's gone the other way totally!
I've never tried those physillian(?) husks - do you think they're better? I may give them a whirl.


Well done Toni on reaching goals you're doing great!! Thanks for the codes too! Are psyllium husks Atkins friendly? I'm having a little trouble!
Hey guys, typed reply and it's deleted it again, sighh. Anyhoo.

Kira, hope son better soon and agree, calorie deficit equals weight loss, just trust the system, lol. Love it when clothrs get looser!

Pri - thanks hun, you are too!

Sammy - your poor sister. Just the yesterday I was in lidl where the lady was buying anti - diorreah meds and I was kinda hoping I had that problem over my lazy gut. Psyllium husks may be the answer to her too, see this Wikipedia entry. Psyllium seed husks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. It works for me everyday, but when I don't take I'm twice a week usually too.

Sam - you're v welcome and also Dr Atkins mentioned them innhis book if needed so I would saynthe are Atkins friendly.

*please note, I am not a dietician or qualified in any way, I am just sharing my experience and what's worked for me*

Psyllum husks are natural and like the wiki says, most colon clenase or bowel movement meds contain them as main ingredient. I'll bet that's what that fibre stuff is sns sell. Like wiki says it's indigestible fibe so even though it gives a carb count it isn't digested hence not affecting k? It's fibre without added guffins you sometimes get and it works for me.
My pack looks like this: 1389876839442.jpg

Can't remember where I got em but they're all over internet and in health shops. I got the loose stuff and I mix a tbsp in with 170g fage 0% yoghurt and a pack with about 60-70 ml water. Leave to stand for a couple of minutes and comes out thick mousse, lovely. Hope ur habing a good day lovelies x
I used psyllium when I did vlcd before and they were fine though probably didn't take them regularly so still had trouble going some days when I didn't take them. They don't affect my weight loss.
Kira - nice to know, I dont think it's affect me either.

Sammy - gia sun dried tom paste doesn't have citric acid in thankfully (I checked, phew!). I think you were right about the random hungry day, I forgot used to happen when I did atkins, could eat a horse and it's cart! Usually I'd feed the need but ive refrained today, just had my packs as normal and all good.

Thanks so much for your support everyone, it really means a lot to me x
AWh! Toni you are not alone as i am feeling hungry (or restless?) like I was on Monday again. Very strange as i was fine Tuesday and Wednesday. Hope to get distracted once I do school run. DS2 has an after school class which doesn't end until 6pm so I should be 'safe" ha!Ha! Another early night then for me!
Pri - dulcolax makes you go, psyllium husks help u go by providing fibre. I wouldn't want to take laxatives on a regular basis (don't know what the chemicals can do to my body) so psyllium husks are a healthier option for me.

Clinquant - never thought of it like that, lol. I also need to go out and buy new jeans as current ones getting to be too saggy. You know your jeans are too big when the button goes over your belly button. :) PS, thanks for reminding me about tabasco, forgot about that beauty!

Heading off to bed soon in anticipation of an early bird wakeup call, night all x
Day 12, 44 days to go. .
Loss today 1lb 12oz, total lost 1st.
Start weight 16st 11lb 8oz current weight 15st 11lb 8oz.

Gah! 1 stone lost in 11 days (since I haven't done day 12 yet), is that really possible? My scales says it is! Wow, I am chuffed but know that most of it is crimbo weight. Tho once I hit 16st 2lb (lowest before crimbo) it's been fresh fat lost, lol (thanks to Clinquant for the great terminology!).

Early bird wake up call was hubby today, his snoring woke me at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep as he wouldn't stop snoring. Then DD was screaming with nightmare at 5am and that woke DS (even though he was in the lounge!) and they've both been up since. Sighh... Only one still sleeping is DH. Won't put on here what I think of that.

Anyhoo, since doing this diet, I've been doing a lot of thinking. Since I've not been feeding my emotions with food, I have been doing some thinking and I would very much like to stop being so stressy. I am a little neurotic when it comes to everything, really and would like to a) stop shouting, ever b) stop constantly criticising/nagging/correcting c) stop being constantly irritable with DH n Kids.

This is rather difficult to type and have never admitted this to anyone, though every one around me already knows what I'm like. As of today, 17 Jan 2014 I am going to take my 'alchy' approach. One shout/critisim/irritable comment is one too many. My coping strategy will be, for this week, to say what I think, feel, IN MY HEAD, then write it down and try and figure out why I am saying/feeling that. Then next week we'll take another step.

Any feedback, suggestions or ideas are welcome.

Menu today:
Chocolate shake with 175g 0% fage yoghurt, 1 tbsp psyllium husks n a little water
Cottage pie with 150g green beans
Caramel shake pudding, pack with only a little water
Cafe late shake, hot

Hope you have a miraculous day, mine is going to be spectacular! :D x
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Morning Toni and well done on the 1st loss to date! Great going!

You could be almost describing me as I am shouts, nagging and I would love to be a calm and laid back parent. I'm always in a rush. I will have think and come back with suggestions for you/us.

Day 12 yay!
Sounds like you're definitely in the mood for a spectacular day!! :) Xx
OMG! I feel all choked up! What a great article and sadly at times it is still me! I feel quite ashamed that I am still a yeller especially since I've taken a career break and I do not have the work stresses I had previously on top of just life. I can't even cry because my throat is tight just reading that!

Thanks so much for sharing that. It's not just weight loss and maintenance I have to control it seems. I think I have been better since the new year as my resolution was to try and see the positives and be happy with what i have not what I don't have and you raising this and sharing the article has come at a great time. I think the way she wrote the article says it all. Children can't be replaced and neither can parents, things and stuff can.

Firstly let me say well done on your weight loss you are doing fantastic :).

Secondly your post about stress and anger I could have written myself, and is something like you I really want to work on.

I have been under a lot of stress lately and I now find I have a very short fuse and everyone around me has noticed it. Its nothing too serious but I just find myself screaming at the kids for the simplest things, with my 19yr old a simple issue with her not cleaning her room can escalate into World War 3 and with my 3yr old a simple burst of energy (typical for a 3yr old boy) has me screaming at him, then of course in both cases it happens then I feel awful and have to apologise to them and lately because I am aware of it I can actually feel myself doing it and I hate it.

The issue really came to a head this week as we have been together for 20yrs and always said we would love 3 kids but i have severe fertility issues so babies don't come easily for us, we really wanted to start trying again after my son was born 3yrs ago but at that point we knew it just wasn't practical as 1: We were living in a tiny house so needed to move. 2: Fertility treatment doesn't come cheap so we needed to save. 3: And at 3-4st overweight I wasn't physically ready for fertility tx or pregnancy, so we decided to deal with all these issues first then re-address it.

Everything took a lot longer to sort than planned but now 3yrs on things are all starting to fall into place as we have moved house. I'm on my way to my goal weight and now xmas is over we can start saving again so we feel by the summer we should be ready to start looking into things again.

For 3yrs a 3rd baby was my dream and I was so excited but now it's getting closer my stress levels worry me as if I'm feeling really stressed now imagine how things will be with a newborn thrown on top. This worry actually had me considering not trying for another baby but after speaking to family and friends I realised that the stress I've been feeling lately all has a reason, as we have just moved into a house which needs a lot of work so money is very tight as it is but then on top of this a family member I tried to help has let me down badly which has had serious financial implications on my own family so it's all a mess, but as my lovely partner keeps telling me it's not a life or death issue and it's something that will take a few months of sorting but will be worked out in the end so he keeps telling me not to stress so much.

I know everyone is right and in a few months the issue will be all over and my stress levels will return to normal but it has made me aware that when I am stressed I do take it out on the ones I love so I really need to start working on it so if we are blessed with another baby in the future and I do find myself "stressed" which I most likely will with a baby then I can handle it without it affecting my loved ones x
I was the same when i read it too. The thing that got me is the fear in their eyes of yet ANOTHER reprimand or tirade.

Good resolution, that is pretty much what in was thinking. Well done for thinking and taking action on something that is troubling you.

I wonder sometime of staying at home exclusively exacerbates the situation sometimes as we don't have the balance of work/adult interaction/break from the kids. I am very lucky not to be working either and so glad I can be here for them but after the last 4 years of full time mum hood, I need a break. I guess it will come soon enough when DS goes to school in September.

Lunch time, munch time!
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I wonder sometime of staying at home exclusively exacerbates the situation sometimes as we don't have the balance of work/adult interaction/break from the kids.

I think your onto something there as I have 2 friends who were both desperate to get back to work after their maternity leave ended because they said they just couldn't handle the stress of being a 24/7 stay at home mum and we're desperate to get back to work!! lol.

I can't leave my other half with the kids for more than a couple of hrs or he's on the phone begging me to come home, I think some people just underestimate what goes into running a home with young kids, I sometimes think working would be the easier option.

I am in Scotland so my son has another 18 months before he starts school (Aug 2015") when he's 5 so I have decided to get to my goal weight as soon as possible then dedicate the next year trying for baby no3 but if the year passes and we are unsuccessful then I'm throwing in the towel and going out to work, as you said I think we all need a little bit of life and adult conversation away from the house.

On the other hand I have got a friend who works full time and puts her kids into daycare from 8am-6pm, it's not for me to judge but personally I don't feel that's fair for the kids so I would never go that far, a term time job working a few days while he's at school would be enough for me x