Firstly let me say well done on your weight loss you are doing fantastic

Secondly your post about stress and anger I could have written myself, and is something like you I really want to work on.
I have been under a lot of stress lately and I now find I have a very short fuse and everyone around me has noticed it. Its nothing too serious but I just find myself screaming at the kids for the simplest things, with my 19yr old a simple issue with her not cleaning her room can escalate into World War 3 and with my 3yr old a simple burst of energy (typical for a 3yr old boy) has me screaming at him, then of course in both cases it happens then I feel awful and have to apologise to them and lately because I am aware of it I can actually feel myself doing it and I hate it.
The issue really came to a head this week as we have been together for 20yrs and always said we would love 3 kids but i have severe fertility issues so babies don't come easily for us, we really wanted to start trying again after my son was born 3yrs ago but at that point we knew it just wasn't practical as 1: We were living in a tiny house so needed to move. 2: Fertility treatment doesn't come cheap so we needed to save. 3: And at 3-4st overweight I wasn't physically ready for fertility tx or pregnancy, so we decided to deal with all these issues first then re-address it.
Everything took a lot longer to sort than planned but now 3yrs on things are all starting to fall into place as we have moved house. I'm on my way to my goal weight and now xmas is over we can start saving again so we feel by the summer we should be ready to start looking into things again.
For 3yrs a 3rd baby was my dream and I was so excited but now it's getting closer my stress levels worry me as if I'm feeling really stressed now imagine how things will be with a newborn thrown on top. This worry actually had me considering not trying for another baby but after speaking to family and friends I realised that the stress I've been feeling lately all has a reason, as we have just moved into a house which needs a lot of work so money is very tight as it is but then on top of this a family member I tried to help has let me down badly which has had serious financial implications on my own family so it's all a mess, but as my lovely partner keeps telling me it's not a life or death issue and it's something that will take a few months of sorting but will be worked out in the end so he keeps telling me not to stress so much.
I know everyone is right and in a few months the issue will be all over and my stress levels will return to normal but it has made me aware that when I am stressed I do take it out on the ones I love so I really need to start working on it so if we are blessed with another baby in the future and I do find myself "stressed" which I most likely will with a baby then I can handle it without it affecting my loved ones x