CornishTT''s weight loss diary

Good luck with the 'space food' I just did 7 weeks on s&s and lost 32.5lbs... It's great and works brilliantly if you stick to it.. I did 3 packs and a meal every day. :)
Thanks cheeky, am so motivated and pumped for it, I know I will stick to it as have done so with atkins, I WILL do this and see fab results by xmas! Yay! lo. What are you doing now you're off SnS? x

I did a few days of Atkins then had the weekend off everything for my birthday.. Put 8lbs on.. Back on Atkins this week and lost 4 of those so far.. Think I'm planning on sticking with induction phase as long as I can as I still have a lot to lose..
Thanks coffeelover, hope I will be as successful as the others on here!

Day 1 under my belt and although I was hungry in between meals once I ate I was fine.

Today's diary is as follows:
food diary.png
Re: My Atkins diary

Day 2 here we come! For breakfast had chocolate shake, it was fine and I am now not hungry. I had it with 100ml skimmed milk as couldn't use up my allowance yesterday so ahead of the game today! Had 30ml in my rooibos tea (caffeine free) so only 20ml to go. It's not that I don't like milk I just have nothing to use it in. Going to finally try cauli rice tonight with some curry spiced chicken and carrots. Weird eating veg again in such large quantities (well, for me anyway). Diary attached.

Hope you're all well x


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Re: My Atkins diary

So day 3 under way. Diary looks as follows. Not a fan of the red fruits (bland) or choc mint shakes. I never really 'got' choc mixed with mint or orange, seems unnatural somehow, lol. Otherwise I'm feeling ok.

Might go for meals when I re-order agains as missing the 'savoury' taste. Having marigold broth helps but feel more sated if I've eaten it.


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Re: My weight loss diary

Oh bother. I'm having to quit SnS. I got on pretty good with it and found was able to keep to 3 packs and a meal. So why am I giving it up? Well, it's my Candida. I thought after doing 3 months of Atkins I would be rid of the most of it but since starting SnS (from the first evening) I've (sorry tmi) had stomach cramps, burping and wind and this morning I woke up and my eczema is back, on my face, in ear and back of head. I guess I should have know when it said not suitable for coleiacs (spl) or those with wheat intolerance. While I was still in ketosis the wheat was obviously feeding my candida. Oh heck.

I am gutted. Primarily because the eczema is back and I it looks like I've undone the good I did with Atkins. Though I am surprised it has come back so quickly.

Also, I loved the simplicity of the diet. That's why the shakes and bars were ideal, no need to cook or think or prepare. Go to the box, pick a pack, mix with water and voila, lunch done!

So with that simplicity in mind, I am going to go back on Atkins and attempt to have a cooking morning and prepare meals for the week ahead and freeze em. Means planning but then I know exactly what I'm eating and can document it on mfp ahead if time so can't say I'm too lazy, etc, as will always be done. OCD, much?

I'm going back on induction (primarily to fight the Candida again) and I will just plod on, this time, stalling or no stalling. Must deviate! Maybe that's just the way my body responds to weight loss.

Hope you guys ok x
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Sorry to hear about candida returning. I'm sure there's a candida diet similar to atkins but without processed food? Does the s&s have splenda or sugar substitute in it?
Re: My weight loss diary

Thanks for reminding me coffeelover, I have followed a Candida diet before which led me to Atkins. I did Atkins without the processed food in the past and it worked well, will go back to it!

As for ingredients, it has aspartame, which doesn't agree with me anyway (comes out on my skin). Here's an list of ingredients as example :
Gosh, so many ingredients, I don't even know what half of them are!
Sorry to hear that sns triggered your probs. upside of atkins is lovely way to eat and lose weight altho agree it can feel slow. Hopefully feeling good and clear skin will support the journey!
Re: My weight loss diary

Thanks Katie, Dec makes a difference, clear skin, even if slow.

Back on the Atkins wagon as of today, had a carb binge last couple of days. Never mind, move on, start again. Need to chug the water down and flush the system and just keep going. Week 1 of 8 week Xmas count down challenge not going to well, lol. Oh well, it's my 7 week Xmas countdown challenge, hahaha.

4 small lamb chops & coffee with some milk (not legit induction but didn't have cream and couldn't face it black).

Salmon & cauli mash.

roast chicken & broccoli.
Sorry to hear the sns didn't work for you!! I've been toying with the idea to switch just for a few weeks to give me a boost but decided not to. I came off shakes because I kept on failing and cheating! Atkins may be slower than I thought but it's going down.... Stick to it and those pounds will go..... For good!!! X
Thanks kimmi, you are so right. Slow and steady wins and I toyed with the idea for about a week and I clearly made the wrong choice. Should have just stuck it out with Atkins as the sns did more damage than I would have liked as now I am in a carb roundabout and I can't seem to get off! Yesterday I managed to stay good and have been good until mid afternoon but when making sweet popcorn for the kids, couldn't resist and had a bowl full (bigger than my head). It was hideous. I have gone out and bought a bunch of Atkins friendly food and I am hoping to get back on the wagon tomorrow. I just need to get back into ketosis and then it all seems easier to decline.

Heard of a brilliant exercise to lose weight. Turn your head to the left, then turn your head to the right and repeat whenever you are offered food! lol.

We have had a pretty crap week this week as we're not going ahead with the new business venture we were interested in. The books just didn't justify us moving our family 2 hours away. It's sad cause it means we have to keep doing what we're doing now (which is fine, we're making a living now) but it isn't what we ACTUALLY want to do. We've been here before (about 5 years ago we nearly did it too, but house sale fell through and it just didn't happen) and it's even more bitter defeat this time. Last time we turned it into different business and had two kids, this time we can't even do that, lol.

Anyhoo, enough feeling sorry for myself and feeding my moods with carbs, I must I must increase my will power! So, tomorrow, Monday 11th is me starting again. Full weigh in etc as I'm sure there's damage done with over a week of carb loading. Here's hoping it will woosh off quick and I can get back to my pre carb-pregnancy weight in a week or two.

I'm going to try and have a structured day to help me get back on the wagon. So no cheating or adding extra salami or cheese here and there. Clean and green all the way. It's going to be as follows:

B - 3 boiled egg mayo or 3 egg omlette, 100g spinach
L - Grilled/fried chicken and 100g brocolli
D - Fried/grilled salmon and 100g cauliflower
S - 30g cheese
W - aim for 4l - need a flush out!

If I get hungry just defrost another chicken breast or salmon and grill/fry that.

So, here's to being back on the wagon and losing steadily... yaya!

Also, I am going to start the 'walk of pain' again as I haven't been doing any exercise at all.

Hope you guys are well otherwise x
We all have times like that...... I am rarely 100% but I am 99% better than I used to be! I had a major carb day on Saturday, Rolls, cookies, pizza and as a result gained 2lbs. I felt awful, physically sick, guilty and horribly full....... I've now had 2 days 100% and hoping for a whoosh too!!! 6 more weigh ins until christmas....... 2lbs a week could nearly be a stone??!!!! You in?

Sorry to hear about the business plans etc..... All crappy crap crap but don't let that feed your mood and then feed your face!!!!! Practice that new exercise you say, turn your head to the left and then to the right!!!! Xx
Re: My weight loss diary

B - 150g mushrooms fried in butter with garlic salt and 4 small lamb chops (was SO HUNGRY!)
L - 200g lean steak with 75g celery and 1/2 tbsp curry powder and 2 tbsp mayo
D - roast chicken with hot paprika garlic salt
S - 30g squeaky cheese (haloumi)
W - aim for 4l - (i nearly did it today, 3.5l)

I went to body combat tonight and really enjoyed it. I was much fitter than I thought, I think Pilates and 'walk of pain' has helped.
Re: My weight loss diary

Well, still in the wagon, so hoping ketosis will kick in tomorrow or day after. I am starting to get funny taste in sides of mouth, good indicator. Still glugging the water, I managed 3l (still not management 4l!) I do wake up in the middle of night thought with a bursting bladder.

Hoping fact I'm drinking lots of water and the fact I killled at body combat last night (i ache all over) I will hopefully be sts on sat, which is something i can live with (did I tell you about the 3 tubs of Ben and Jerrys cookie dough I had in my 'binge week'?). No wonder I'm this size!

AND my eczema on head is back and bad, only in one place though so hoping I can get to where I was health wise soon. Sugar addiction is a b***h!

Menu as follows:
B - chicken thigh n leg with two cucumbers in brine (like gerkins but salty, no sugar or vinegar, yummy!)
L - 4 med egg scrambled eggs, 100g broccoli and chicken breast
D - chicken breast, 100g cauli, 100g mushrooms, 14 green olives
S - 60g cheese
W - 3l

I read yesterday that while in ketosis, the body produces ACETONE as a by product when burning your fat, which comes out in breath and pee! A, no wonder we (I) smell when in ketosis and B, no wonder we have a funny taste in our mouths!

(from Wikipedia)
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