Crazy Caz and her food diary

So it's 8pm, I've still two kids need washed :( lol so much for early to bed for them! Weigh in nights always run late by time we get home and get dinner!

On a plus side I had 1.5lbs off so I'm only 1lb away from the 3st! It must be all this house move and unpacking! I have stairs now too so every little helps ha! Cx

OMG Caz! 1.5lbs Off AND only 1lb away from 3Stone! You Go Girl! You're smashing this WW Malarkey! Well Done Sweetie :) x
Well done on your wi that's fantastic

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About 3st to ww one, though I think if I get two more I will be more than happy! It's hard to imagine another three! Even two, but it's working do will just go with the flow lol cx
About 3st to ww one, though I think if I get two more I will be more than happy! It's hard to imagine another three! Even two, but it's working do will just go with the flow lol cx

Wow that will be epic, whether it be 2 or 3 more, WOW! X
I sure hope so cause my wi's go a lot better with you here :)

i was working it out, its 11 weeks today to xmas eve! am i the only one that gets a bit excited these days?? lol im thinking i could hit 4 stone if i tried my very hardest, you think thats too much of a tight goal?

todays food so far has been the usual, toast 4pp, sunbites 3pp, chicken slice sandwich 4pp, muller light 2pp, apple! so i am on 13pp, i have a one finger time out for a wee nibble at half twoish 2pp then i will have 19 left for this evening! i am currently googling recipes to try something a bit different as I have my sister coming over! whats the chances it will be turkey pitta .... lol! cx
I sure hope so cause my wi's go a lot better with you here :)

i was working it out, its 11 weeks today to xmas eve! am i the only one that gets a bit excited these days?? lol im thinking i could hit 4 stone if i tried my very hardest, you think thats too much of a tight goal?

todays food so far has been the usual, toast 4pp, sunbites 3pp, chicken slice sandwich 4pp, muller light 2pp, apple! so i am on 13pp, i have a one finger time out for a wee nibble at half twoish 2pp then i will have 19 left for this evening! i am currently googling recipes to try something a bit different as I have my sister coming over! whats the chances it will be turkey pitta .... lol! cx

I'm more excited that its 4wks today till my birthday ;-) ooooooo 19pp for the evening, sounds like fun fun fun but I'm sure u can think of something more exciting than Turkey Pitta ;-) x
Well my sister was at mine before me, so she had spag Bol ready! 13pp, and it was yum! So we headed out a good walk for 45mins, think that should be able 3mile? Now I've kids in bed beat from the walk/fresh air and on the sofa with a packet of Pom bear crisps and a finger time out, I've two pp left too! That pound land is fab ha cx
Well my sister was at mine before me, so she had spag Bol ready! 13pp, and it was yum! So we headed out a good walk for 45mins, think that should be able 3mile? Now I've kids in bed beat from the walk/fresh air and on the sofa with a packet of Pom bear crisps and a finger time out, I've two pp left too! That pound land is fab ha cx

Ooooo Spag Bol for 13pp, excellent! Your sis is well trained ;-) I love Time Outs. So yummy for 2pp! What will u use your remaining 2pp on? X
I've no idea! Might go digging in these kitchen boxes and bags see if I can find a hot chili late or something, I know your supposed to use all pp but unless I eat a biscuit or something that's just more crap so thinking better to have nothing! Lol

Any plans for your birthday? Your bound to have a fab outfit at the ready :) cx
I've no idea! Might go digging in these kitchen boxes and bags see if I can find a hot chili late or something, I know your supposed to use all pp but unless I eat a biscuit or something that's just more crap so thinking better to have nothing! Lol

Any plans for your birthday? Your bound to have a fab outfit at the ready :) cx

Did u find anything or just leave them? I never just eat for the sake of it either, that's what got me into this mess! No Plans for my Birthday :-( It falls on the Tuesday and Poppy's is on the Saturday after so that overshadows mine! X
I ended up having nothing, but I'd had plenty so didn't notice it!

Yesterday I went mad and had chicken pitta! Lol so think today will be the same to use up the chicken! I'm breaking a habit and currently having a ham sandwich, and got kids watermelon slices in asda this morning! Lol feel like I'm def going mad! I'm so determined this week, have pointed 100% and have all my weeklies left!

Hope your feeling better, I've still no wifi at home grrr! So last night I got kids in bed after a bath and got carpet cleaning got my room and Sophie's room sorted and after finally getting tumble dryer in I got three loads of washing/drying done with another one this am! Lol I'm trying to keep active I want this 3st out of the road on Monday! Cx
I ended up having nothing, but I'd had plenty so didn't notice it!

Yesterday I went mad and had chicken pitta! Lol so think today will be the same to use up the chicken! I'm breaking a habit and currently having a ham sandwich, and got kids watermelon slices in asda this morning! Lol feel like I'm def going mad! I'm so determined this week, have pointed 100% and have all my weeklies left!

Hope your feeling better, I've still no wifi at home grrr! So last night I got kids in bed after a bath and got carpet cleaning got my room and Sophie's room sorted and after finally getting tumble dryer in I got three loads of washing/drying done with another one this am! Lol I'm trying to keep active I want this 3st out of the road on Monday! Cx

Hey Caz, Sorry to hear you haven't got your wifi sorted yet :-( Your Chicken Pittas sound yummy! Are they like a Fakeaway?x Good for you being 100% on track :) Roll on Monday eh! X
fake away!! i love it, i usually have chilli sauce, turkey (cause you can have so much more) onion, peppers, mushrooms, lettuce and tomato! if i cook in chilli sauve i use moy ploy and if i cook it plain i add some garlic then put chilli ketchup on! ha how minging does that sound but its yum!

you any good 'fake away' ideas?

wifi wont be coming now till 29th oct, bt you sure are worth the money .................. cx

fake away!! i love it, i usually have chilli sauce, turkey (cause you can have so much more) onion, peppers, mushrooms, lettuce and tomato! if i cook in chilli sauve i use moy ploy and if i cook it plain i add some garlic then put chilli ketchup on! ha how minging does that sound but its yum!

you any good 'fake away' ideas?

wifi wont be coming now till 29th oct, bt you sure are worth the money .................. cx


Your Fakeaway sounds amazing! I'm thinking of a Nandos Fakeaway on the Weekend! X
I only ever ate in there once and wasn't very impressed! although i have been told the ones in england are ten times better than the one here!

just reading your thread, all 600 pages i missed not being on yesterday! where did you get your actifry? worth the money? do you just put the stuff in with frylite so effectively cooked free??? them chips look worth it :) cx
I only ever ate in there once and wasn't very impressed! although i have been told the ones in england are ten times better than the one here!

just reading your thread, all 600 pages i missed not being on yesterday! where did you get your actifry? worth the money? do you just put the stuff in with frylite so effectively cooked free??? them chips look worth it :) cx

You know my diary is the 'youth club' of Minis ;-) I got my Actifry from eBay, been waiting till I could haggle a seller down and finally managed it a couple of weeks ago! I've really only done Chips in there and yes I use Frylight so they have the same pp as boiled potatoes but taste so much nicer! Nandos vary even in England, the ones I've been to have varied so much! X