Crazy Caz and her food diary

thanks serena! i might stay with chilli, and dip occasionally into garlic! i have 19 pp for it and not touched my weeklies yet so fingers crossed i wont do too much damage!

this headache pain is the most awful thing, its like brain freeze that doesnt subside! but i am on the winning side now :) anti biotics, nasal spray and pain killers happy bunny here now! roll on 4.45 till its the weekend!

i have no plans for the weekend so going to take it easy and fill up my wardrobes :) rock and roll! ha cx

I think you should be just fine with 19pp, maybe you could weigh out 50g of Garlic for 5pp and just use that until its gone? I'm liking the sound of your weekend! Hope the next 12mins go quick so you can start your weekend! X
Hope you feel alot better soon hun
Looking forward to getting my slow cooker tomorrow.

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Hello strangers! lol god i really am getting worse at this!!!

I only lost half a pound this week, but figured its not too bad and better than a gain! i sort of lost my motivation last week, although i wasnt 'bad' i just was prob a bit laxi daisy about the whole thing!

Anyways back on it this week :) a customer brought me in a tin of roses yesterday, thanks ....... lol though i have no problem resisting them! am i right that two sweets is 3? like seriously waste of pp there!!

i am so proud of myself i got up this morning and took the slow cooker out of the box and actually put on dinner!! lol its the slow cooker sachet of chicken curry so hopefully it turns out nice! dad had called into mine earlier and called to say it smelt lovely!

emily has her halloween disco tonight, anyone any tip on face paints lol! they grow up too quick i cant get away with a white face and black lips anymore it has to be a design!! grrr lol so quick shift with her then off to aqua fit! very much looking forward to it again this week.

think thats all my excitement, though still getting sore heads! anyone else ever have anything like that? cx
Hello strangers! lol god i really am getting worse at this!!!

I only lost half a pound this week, but figured its not too bad and better than a gain! i sort of lost my motivation last week, although i wasnt 'bad' i just was prob a bit laxi daisy about the whole thing!

Anyways back on it this week :) a customer brought me in a tin of roses yesterday, thanks ....... lol though i have no problem resisting them! am i right that two sweets is 3? like seriously waste of pp there!!

i am so proud of myself i got up this morning and took the slow cooker out of the box and actually put on dinner!! lol its the slow cooker sachet of chicken curry so hopefully it turns out nice! dad had called into mine earlier and called to say it smelt lovely!

emily has her halloween disco tonight, anyone any tip on face paints lol! they grow up too quick i cant get away with a white face and black lips anymore it has to be a design!! grrr lol so quick shift with her then off to aqua fit! very much looking forward to it again this week.

think thats all my excitement, though still getting sore heads! anyone else ever have anything like that? cx

Hey Caz,

Well Done on your 0.5lb Loss :) Heading in the right direction :)

In case you get tempted...




Hope Emily enjoys her Disco, good luck with the Face Painting! X
lol oh serena thanks, you have only heightened the temptation!! would one really be enough .....

how many is in a whole tin lol! cx
lol oh serena thanks, you have only heightened the temptation!! would one really be enough .....

how many is in a whole tin lol! cx

God Knows! I can't stand Roses lol x
hello hello!

well my slow cooked curry was lovely! i used the swartz packet, think next time i would make my own but def good first go! so in all my excitement of coming home to my 'ready made' dinner after aqua fit last night I stopped in the shop and got pork fillet and have a pork casserole type thing in the slow cooker today! lol i think i have caught the bug ...

hello hello!

well my slow cooked curry was lovely! i used the swartz packet, think next time i would make my own but def good first go! so in all my excitement of coming home to my 'ready made' dinner after aqua fit last night I stopped in the shop and got pork fillet and have a pork casserole type thing in the slow cooker today! lol i think i have caught the bug ...


Hey Caz :) Glad you're loving the Slow Cooker, the Sky's the Limit now! I hear that they cook Meat really lovely and tender so I'm sure you will love the Pork. How's the House? X
aw i hope so! i might even try a chicken some day :) lol!

house going good, i am just sitting here thinking i cant wait to go home! in saying that ive still sooo much to do and get but i have had to reign myself in and stand back and keep telling myself i have forever lol! my dad has bathroom painted and papered now, so floor tiles just need to go down. the tiler has let me down three times now so i have another one arranged who cant do it till 6th nov! whats with men, can they not have it done like yesterday! lol then after that i need to get all the wee things like a cabinet or unit, mirrors toilet roll holder etc! still need a new door hung but way too dear it may wait to after xmas and my lovely new kitchen should fingers crossed be ready to get fitted next week! but then again after it goes in i have floor and wall tiles to do and actually unpack my kitchen! lol

ok RANT OVER! but i so need a rant today, bad mood fairy def landed with me today cx
aw i hope so! i might even try a chicken some day :) lol!

house going good, i am just sitting here thinking i cant wait to go home! in saying that ive still sooo much to do and get but i have had to reign myself in and stand back and keep telling myself i have forever lol! my dad has bathroom painted and papered now, so floor tiles just need to go down. the tiler has let me down three times now so i have another one arranged who cant do it till 6th nov! whats with men, can they not have it done like yesterday! lol then after that i need to get all the wee things like a cabinet or unit, mirrors toilet roll holder etc! still need a new door hung but way too dear it may wait to after xmas and my lovely new kitchen should fingers crossed be ready to get fitted next week! but then again after it goes in i have floor and wall tiles to do and actually unpack my kitchen! lol

ok RANT OVER! but i so need a rant today, bad mood fairy def landed with me today cx

You feel free to rant, god I do it enough on my Thread lol! It's so nice when things start fitting into place, do you think you will stay there long term? I'm currently watching a bigger slow cooker on eBay, yes I've got a slow cooker which I hardly use but I think that if I had a bigger one I'd probably be more likely to use it! X
I got mine in Argos 3.5litre for £12! It's plenty big, would do four people! I should have took a picture of my dinner past two nights! Pork casserole thing was lovely! Think I will do spag Bol on Monday!

Went for a walk after, kids are in bed and I'm about to carve pumpkins :) lol I'm more excited than kids would be anyway lol!! Will take a picture

This is first house I've bought and think with the area and everything we might just stay here forever lol cx
I got mine in Argos 3.5litre for £12! It's plenty big, would do four people! I should have took a picture of my dinner past two nights! Pork casserole thing was lovely! Think I will do spag Bol on Monday!

Went for a walk after, kids are in bed and I'm about to carve pumpkins :) lol I'm more excited than kids would be anyway lol!! Will take a picture

This is first house I've bought and think with the area and everything we might just stay here forever lol cx

Awwww that's so lovely, a house which is you own :) Im looking forward to your Pumpkin pic! X
How much fun did I have!!


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Oh freestyle :) lol I'm actually not clever enough to have thought of stencils! Def an idea next year cx
Oh freestyle :) lol I'm actually not clever enough to have thought of stencils! Def an idea next year cx

I think Asda sell the stencil kit for 50p? X
Made the kids pose this am! Lol cx


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Made the kids pose this am! Lol cx

Awwwww how cute do they look! And OMG how much does your youngest look like you, lucky girl ;-) x
I actually think I love you! Every one here says she's so like him grrrrr pumpkins lit, we drink in hand cheers to the freakin weekend!

Had a lovely massive dinner at mums, butchers chicken burgers, low pp bap and homemade potato wedges so I've three pp left, and all my weeklies cx
I actually think I love you! Every one here says she's so like him grrrrr pumpkins lit, we drink in hand cheers to the freakin weekend!

Had a lovely massive dinner at mums, butchers chicken burgers, low pp bap and homemade potato wedges so I've three pp left, and all my weeklies cx

No Way?!! She's like a Mini-Me! And a very cute Mini-Me ;-) Your Dinner at your Mums sounds yummy, did you use your 3pp on something yummy? X