(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
thanks serena! i might stay with chilli, and dip occasionally into garlic! i have 19 pp for it and not touched my weeklies yet so fingers crossed i wont do too much damage!
this headache pain is the most awful thing, its like brain freeze that doesnt subside! but i am on the winning side nowanti biotics, nasal spray and pain killers happy bunny here now! roll on 4.45 till its the weekend!
i have no plans for the weekend so going to take it easy and fill up my wardrobesrock and roll! ha cx
I think you should be just fine with 19pp, maybe you could weigh out 50g of Garlic for 5pp and just use that until its gone? I'm liking the sound of your weekend! Hope the next 12mins go quick so you can start your weekend! X