Curv-a-licious Countdown

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Hey Lucia, my hubby doesn't have a weight problem at all but like your hubby he hates most veg, so I buy the veg he will eat and find a way to cook it he'll give a go, like mashing celeriac and swede into potatoes and stuff like that or making veg soup which he'll eat and he likes fruit too so I make sure I make meals that can incorporate that for him too, so even though he's not following the plan as such he is still eating healthily, well some of the time anyways lol, so good luck to you and hubby xxxxxx

That's fab that you go with your hubby Lisa, my hubby doesn't need to go he's less than 10st and 5ft 10 tall...but he takes me and picks me up and isn't shy about coming in and saying hello and helping out so all the girls know him and the consultant clive and him talk about fishing cos they are both keen or carp fishing lol ...which is nice he feels he's part of it too...think that may be why he's been a lot more supportive since I joined SW another well known slimming club they didn't like all that stuff so ostricised him and to be honest me and my daughter too amongst many...if you're face didn't fit you were not welcomed xxx
Luckily he's not the only male which it good even the consultants hubby goes as well :)

He was getting disheartened before Xmas and then won a 6 week countdown in the raffle so I'm relieved.

And we both LOVE veg so no problem there. I used to be fussy with veg before we met but now I eat most things and love them. Tastes change.

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You're so right about tastes changing, there weren't many things I didn't like but even those I have come to love, things like Cauliflower, Strawberries (I know I must have been the only person in the world that didn't like them), Oranges or any fruit similar, Blue cheese, love them all now...the only thing I still can't eat and can't even bring myself to taste cos the smell alone puts me off is Kidneys :yuk: and I think I can live without them lol xxxx
There are 3 men in the group so I think it will be ok. Mum has agreed to have the kids.One of the men is quite inspiring. He is very large prob around 30 yrs old but he lost his Mum and in her last days she said to him, "lose the weight love, do it for me" and he promised his Mum he would and he is doing a fab job in memory of her.
Not the best start to this challenge, put 0.5lb on - happy with that this week.

Addibelle 14lbs (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
Bb65 14lbs (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
broadsbean 18lbs (0lbs lost-18 to go)
Bron 14lbs ( 0 lbs lost -14to go)
Fat&40 17lbs (-0.5lbs lost - 17.5 to go)
Harebell Fairy 14lbs (0lbs lost - 14 lbs to go)
Jo-85 14lb (0lb lost ~ 14lb to go)
Lily42uk 20lb (1lb lost ~ 19lb to go)
LittleFlutterby 20lb (5lb lost ~ 15lb to go)
LSF666 10lb (0lb lost ~ 10lb to go)
Lucia Lucia 14lbs (0lb lost ~ 14lbs to go)
SugarPlum 14lb (0lb lost ~ 14lb to go)
Welshtigger 14lbs (0.5lb lost ~ 13.5lbs to go)
If I manage to upload these here is my before picture and one taken this week.


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sorry, first one is 24 stone 4 lbs

second and third are 19 st 10
Off to weigh shortly. Anything less than a 4lb gain I will be pleased with :D
Back from WI. Delighted to report a gain of 1.5 lbs. This really is a first for me. I have always always put on heaps and heaps.

I have updated my stats and will update the challenge thread cos that little gain will be gone and more next week.
Addibelle 14lbs (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
Bb65 14lbs (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
broadsbean 18lbs (0lbs lost-18 to go)
Bron 14lbs ( 0 lbs lost -14to go)
Fat&40 17lbs (-0.5lbs lost - 17.5 to go)
Harebell Fairy 14lbs (0lbs lost - 14 lbs to go)
Jo-85 14lb (0lb lost ~ 14lb to go)
Lily42uk 20lb (1lb lost ~ 19lb to go)
LittleFlutterby 20lb (5lb lost ~ 15lb to go)
LSF666 10lb (0lb lost ~ 10lb to go)
Lucia Lucia 14lbs (-1.5lb lost ~ 15.5lbs to go)
SugarPlum 14lb (0lb lost ~ 14lb to go)
Welshtigger 14lbs (0.5lb lost ~ 13.5lbs to go)[/QUOTE]
I know I said I'd start next week but I only went and LOST 1/2 a lb :)

"]Addibelle 14lbs (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
Bb65 14lbs (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
broadsbean 18lbs (0lbs lost-18 to go)
Bron 14lbs ( 0 lbs lost -14to go)
Fat&40 17lbs (-0.5lbs lost - 17.5 to go)
Harebell Fairy 14lbs (0lbs lost - 14 lbs to go)
Jo-85 14lb (0lb lost ~ 14lb to go)
Lily42uk 20lb (1lb lost ~ 19lb to go)
LittleFlutterby 20lb (5lb lost ~ 15lb to go)
LSF666 10lb (0.5lb lost ~ 9.5lbs to go)
Lucia Lucia 14lbs (-1.5lb lost ~ 15.5lbs to go)
SugarPlum 14lb (0lb lost ~ 14lb to go)
Welshtigger 14lbs (0.5lb lost ~ 13.5lbs to go)

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well done Lisa :)

i wasn't looking forward to weigh in on tues, but of course, after stepping on the scales, im glad i was there! still can't believe it!
Hi Curvys,

Hope everyone is ready for the New Year Festivities!?

I have been so ill since Boxing Day, I am just hoping I can get better for tomorrow! :cry:

I weighed this morning, a day earlier.. I am just too excited to get back on plan! I have STS but it could be false reading, with being so sick.

However I am still chuffed with that result, I am ready for FAB week and a good loss!!!

I have just ordered some new dresses in a size 22, from the next sale! I am currently a 24, I can get into the 22's but need to loose some weight to feel comfortable in them!

It was only a few months ago, I was a size 30!!! :eek:

Really looking forward to this challenge ladies.. i think we are all going to smash our targets!! xxx
hope you feel better soon sugarplum, well done on the sts and getting the smaller size - great feeling
lsf666 said:
Well done Cinta xxx

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fat&40 said:
hope you feel better soon sugarplum, well done on the sts and getting the smaller size - great feeling

Thank You Ladies,
I am looking for inspiration for next weeks food Diary, I want to try some new recipe ideas!!

I was wondering what everyone's top 3 SW meals are??

I am getting stuck in a little but of a food rut and want to get out of it.... And thought all you lovely ladies must have lots of Yummy ideas!

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