Curv-a-licious Countdown

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Morning Curvies x

Been a bit quieter as was feeling cr@p but feel a bit better now.

Well done to all you losers ;-)

Good luck Wednesday weighers x

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Morning from me too... :)

Good luck to everyone weighing!!

I was hoping you lovely ladies would be able to give me some ideas for lunches that I can take to work??

Anyone that follows my diary will know I get into food ruts and I seem to have had ryvita and light Philly for as long as I can remember!! :-( so suggestions would be gratefully recieved!

Don't mean to be greedy.. But I would also like some ideas for breakfasts that don't include a B! I sometimes find if I have my B for breakfast I struggle for lunch ect!

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.. I am having a full menu shake up at weekend! :) xxx
Cinta I have either Banana and Yogurt for brekkie or Scrambled Egg and Mushrooms most days apart from the weekend then I have a full English SW stylie lol
For lunch what about Mug Shots or Tuna Pasta Salad, Savoury rice with Sweetcorn,Flask of speed soup?

Good Morning gorgeous girlies :)

Mrs E-H said:
Cinta I have either Banana and Yogurt for brekkie or Scrambled Egg and Mushrooms most days apart from the weekend then I have a full English SW stylie lol
For lunch what about Mug Shots or Tuna Pasta Salad, Savoury rice with Sweetcorn,Flask of speed soup?


I've just started having banana and yoghurt for breakfast too! I find I don't need the cereal and not only is it syn free but it saves my HE's for later too.

When I do have cereal it's usually Weetabix, Weetabix crunchy bran or porridge. On these days I have leftovers for lunch or we make extras of either chicken (and make pasta salad) or roast veg (and make cous cous). Speed soup is great too as you don't need Anything with it! I used to take ryvitas to dip in but it's so filling you really don't need anything.

If I don't have my HEB for breakfast sometimes I'll just take in cottage cheese with either Krisprolls or ryvita wholegrain and some carrots and peppers

Hope this helps x

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Have fun Lucia :)

Ladies, thank you for your replies! You have given me some fab ideas... This is why I luv ya all!! ;-)

I also have banana and yogurt for breakfast, as I dont want to use a B option!

The mushrooms and scrambled egg is a fab idea, I can even bing that in the microwave when I get into work!

I am not keen on cottage cheese but I do like Philly light on ryvita. Once summer comes, I will be able to make some yummy salads!

You have given me a great idea with the carrots, something healthy to nibble on and will help me get more SF!!

Thanks again and feel free to keep the ideas coming!! ;-) xx
Cinta, I am a hex b addict and I have to have 2 on EE so I just syn 6 at the start of the day and always have 2 hex b's. I have the full 15 syns and that works for me as even with the 2 hex b's I then have 9 syns to play with.

I have all sorts of things for brekkie but always grapefruit as well.

3 boiled eggs, yog,hex b of bread

beans on hex b of toast

crackerbread with ham and laughing cow and tomatoes

hot porrage with berries and a yog over the top- makes a massive bowl

hex b of bread peanut butter(synned) with a sliced banana over the top and a yog

Well only a little 0.5 off this week but that's ok as I've been on nights and had an accident with 15 Jaffa cakes :-( the microwave in work broke lol plus I normally gain when on nights . Well done to everyone else keep at it peoples xxx
Addibelle 14lbs (W) (4.5lbs lost - 9.5lbs to go)
Bb65 14lbs (Su) (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
broadsbean 18lbs (4lbs lost-14 to go)
Bron (Mon)14lbs ( 5.5lbs lost -13.5 to go)
Eyden-Hainsworth (Mon)14lb (0lb lost - 14 to go)
Fat&40 (Wed) 17lbs (1lbs lost - 16 to go)
JackieN (Mon) (1 lost - 6lb to go)
Harebell Fairy (Tu) 14lbs (-5lbs lost - 19 lbs to go)
Jo-85 (tue) 14lb (+6.5 lost ~ 20.5 to go)
Lily42uk 20lb (Tu)(+4lbs lost ~ 24lb to go)
LittleFlutterby (Tu) 20lb (11lb lost ~ 9lb to go)
Lollypop1985 (Th) 14lb (3lb lost ~ 11lb to go)
LSF666 (Th) 10lb (4lbs lost ~ 6lbs to go)
Lucia Lucia (Th) 14lbs (2.5lb lost ~ 11.5lbs to go)
Purple Patsy (Tu) 14lbs (0lb lost ~ 14lb to go)
TanyaLiepins 14lb (5.5lbs ~ 8.5 to go)
Shenzi (Th) 14lbs (9lbs lost ~ 5lbs to go)
SugarPlum (Sa) 14lb (4lb lost ~ 10lb to go)
Welshtigger 14lbs (3.5lbs lost ~ 10.5lbs to go
tanyaliepins said:
Well only a little 0.5 off this week but that's ok as I've been on nights and had an accident with 15 Jaffa cakes :-( the microwave in work broke lol plus I normally gain when on nights . Well done to everyone else keep at it peoples xxx
Addibelle 14lbs (W) (4.5lbs lost - 9.5lbs to go)
Bb65 14lbs (Su) (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
broadsbean 18lbs (4lbs lost-14 to go)
Bron (Mon)14lbs ( 5.5lbs lost -13.5 to go)
Eyden-Hainsworth (Mon)14lb (0lb lost - 14 to go)
Fat&40 (Wed) 17lbs (1lbs lost - 16 to go)
JackieN (Mon) (1 lost - 6lb to go)
Harebell Fairy (Tu) 14lbs (-5lbs lost - 19 lbs to go)
Jo-85 (tue) 14lb (+6.5 lost ~ 20.5 to go)
Lily42uk 20lb (Tu)(+4lbs lost ~ 24lb to go)
LittleFlutterby (Tu) 20lb (11lb lost ~ 9lb to go)
Lollypop1985 (Th) 14lb (3lb lost ~ 11lb to go)
LSF666 (Th) 10lb (4lbs lost ~ 6lbs to go)
Lucia Lucia (Th) 14lbs (2.5lb lost ~ 11.5lbs to go)
Purple Patsy (Tu) 14lbs (0lb lost ~ 14lb to go)
TanyaLiepins 14lb (5.5lbs ~ 8.5 to go)
Shenzi (Th) 14lbs (9lbs lost ~ 5lbs to go)
SugarPlum (Sa) 14lb (4lb lost ~ 10lb to go)
Welshtigger 14lbs (3.5lbs lost ~ 10.5lbs to go

It's a loss Hunny!! Well done! :) xxx
A couple more ideas fro you Cinta:
Gammon and egg loaf (makes about 6 slices)

Cube 140g lean gammon
Mixed with 2 deseeded and cubed red peppers
2 large handfuls of herbs of choice
6 beaten eggs
Mix together, season and put in a loaf tin sprayed with fry light.
Bake in the oven for about 50 mins or until set.
Cook at 190°C
Store in fridge until needed.
Syn free
Pasta Quiche

1 Packet of Batchelors Pasta n Sauce (Tomato is free as is chicken and herb)
1 Tub of Fat Free Cottage Cheese (Morrisons Eat smart one is best as it’s thicker)
4 Eggs
Tomato x 2

Make Pasta n sauce as per packet instructions.
When done put in a quiche or flan dish.
Whisk the tub of cottage cheese with the eggs and S&P and then pour over the pasta n sauce mix.
Slice tomatoes and mushrooms and put on top of mix.
Cook in oven at 180c for 30 minutes

I like to slice mine when it’s cold and store in pots in the fridge for use as breakfast, or as a syn free snack.

I regularly have these for brekkie and my SIL takes his to work for breakfast too.

Hope everyone's having a lovely day.
Well done to all wednesday weighers :bighug: xxxx
Hi ladies,

Can somebody please help....

Are all Mug shots Free?? And are they free on EE Day??

I am on a mission to try new things and I have never had them!

Anybody like them or recommend a certain flavour?? Xxx
Hi Cinta all mugshots that are less than 1% fat are free on EE...I haven't had them not my cup of tea, but my daughter regularly takes them to work with her and loves them, she also takes Tesco's Tomato and Pasta snack pots they too are free xxx
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