Silver Member
I luv mix tapes !! So funny the token of lurrrve hahaha 
Lucyann liking the sound of that dress girlfriend.
and whoop whoop to Tuesday and Hellllllo Wednesday. I'm going to officially be on the 2nd half of my 1st twelve weeker.
I feel like I've got my second wind! ( no jokes please !! ) so peeps are beginning to notice. I notice, my reflection is getting bearable
I'm a happy camper.
I need to book my make up course... just something different to do, hope no one tries to do my make up, no one ever gets it the way I like it. By the time my daughter is back at school I would have completed my first 12 week run and hopefully I will be 3 stones lighter... that's another 1 stone and 5.6lbs. go summer, go summer, go summer!!!
night all you biggest losers out there
Lucyann liking the sound of that dress girlfriend.
I feel like I've got my second wind! ( no jokes please !! ) so peeps are beginning to notice. I notice, my reflection is getting bearable
I need to book my make up course... just something different to do, hope no one tries to do my make up, no one ever gets it the way I like it. By the time my daughter is back at school I would have completed my first 12 week run and hopefully I will be 3 stones lighter... that's another 1 stone and 5.6lbs. go summer, go summer, go summer!!!
night all you biggest losers out there