Step 1 Sole Source CWP journey to Xmas Target 2017

I luv mix tapes !! So funny the token of lurrrve hahaha ;)

Lucyann liking the sound of that dress girlfriend. ;) ;) and whoop whoop to Tuesday and Hellllllo Wednesday. I'm going to officially be on the 2nd half of my 1st twelve weeker.

I feel like I've got my second wind! ( no jokes please !! ) so peeps are beginning to notice. I notice, my reflection is getting bearable :) :) I'm a happy camper.

I need to book my make up course... just something different to do, hope no one tries to do my make up, no one ever gets it the way I like it. By the time my daughter is back at school I would have completed my first 12 week run and hopefully I will be 3 stones lighter... that's another 1 stone and 5.6lbs. go summer, go summer, go summer!!! ;)

night all you biggest losers out there

Yay!!!! Alice waytago !!! I just had to do my week 6 weighin as won't see CC until tom now urgh.. it's an early weigh in as normal is 5pm but that's ok I lost 4lbs..

Would prob have been more, but been naughty this week. Do not follow my example.

So here's day 42 stats people...

Start weight
Week 0 15st 7lbs (5pm)
Week 1 14st 13lbs (2pm) 8lbs
Week 2 14st 11lbs (7:30pm) 2lbs
Week 3 14st 5.5lbs (5pm) 5.5lbs
Week 4 14st 4lbs (5pm) 1.5lbs
Week 5 14st 2.6lbs(5pm) 1.4lbs
Week 6 13st 12.6lbs (1pm) 4lbs

That's a total of 22.4lbs lost I got my half way mark goal of 21lbs and some .... I have got to reach 28lbs by week 8!! That's 2 weeks to lose 5.6lbs...

".. Come on Ilene " !! Song from my youth ;)


Epic! That's a huge loss, well done! You will smash 5.6lbs in 2 weeks no doubt, just focus :D
Well done on your loss Summer you are doing fabulously!!

You will be a skinny mini before you know it!!

Remember the mantra!! Xx
Summer that means you are 25% towards a healthier you than before. That is such a huge achievement. You should beyond happy with yourself. Xx
Hi guys,
Out of touch for a day and it seems like a life time haha!
Well last night was slightly a rite off went out to dinner with my cousin and her little one. I had a ceasear salad so apart from the lettuce and chicken which was fine. I also had cheese on it And a few croutons! I only had one bar I think as well. Today currently I've only had one bar!
Just got home and everyone is all in a mood! So put fireworks in the air ( joys!) I'm totally unfocused on other things ATM and need to get a summer routine in place. Motivation in which I lack. Don't feel very glamorous today. Need to drink my water although I have had cups of tea today but I need to get on with the water.

I feel my life is a constant rollercoaster! Bought some lovely wedges today to find out ones a size 5/6 really annoyed! I looked in the mirror and totally felt fat! I just never feel pretty
Although I try. Someone yesterday spoke about another girl and said this girls been on a diet for two years and although lost a bit of weight it doesn't notice. That's how I feel although I'm off 3-4 pounds off two stone. Every if lose one more stone il be bk to where I was in 2014 so I've got to shift it so I can actually feel like I'm getting somewhere.

Don't really know what to do with myself. Nothing in the pipeline for the rest of the week by weigh in. Sad life I lead when everyone's at work andall people want to do is meet up for afternoon teas, lunches and dinner dates.

Need to have a plan of action tomorrow. Just fed up of people belittling me, putting me down and making me feel worthless.

Anyway onwards and downwards x
Awww LucyAnn sorry you are feeling down. You can and will do this though!

You could hit your 2 stone next weigh in!!

Just keep the end goal in your sights. You are doing this for you and you want to make you proud.

We all believe in you.

Head down, pounds down, inches down. There is only one route and it's all down! Xx
Thank you Mini Kate how are you?
I popped out this evening so broke it up sightly. I have such a long way to go. It's just made me think of a lot of things such as if I do lose this weight will it change me as in will I feel pretty and beautiful or will it make me worse? Will I have excess skin? Health wise yes I need to do this ... but will it improve my well being ? Will I wake up proud and beautiful. I've always been the ugly one... once I saw an email I shouldn't have by accident where two close friends spoke about a girl that knew me and said I was ugly and they continued to email about me saying not very nice things. I know if I stay like this I will never know and I will always regret it. However when you feel like will it make a difference in how people view me? I know I shouldn't care but I do. I have a morally and hard working job and I also try my hardest to be the best person I can be on the inside I just hope the outside matches up. I feel like Those that are skinny have less problems. Again I looked into heights and weights today... 9 stone 2 should be the goal if not less And i think it will drag out to Xmas 2017 new year 2018! I really want to reach my goal Friday so I only had two products today... I've had 4 pints of water and a bottle of 500 ml of water so I think I've made the quota ... although I had two bars and you need to drink more on those.

Things have got to me tonight... just want it to be my turn in catching a break and have a helping hand and feel beautiful. However fairytales don't exsist so I'm going to have to make my own. I have to make my own future better late than never! I need to make a few phone calls tomorrow which will make me anxious and nervous causing to want to dive in and much on treats!

Hope everyone is getting on better than I am.
3 loss This week although I haven't
Been weighed in two weeks (so 3 pound for each week lost) I will need to be on best form tomorrow.
Well done summer chic! Sorry I haven't read all comments. I came to rant and that's just what I did! I've looked at my planning and it looks like il need to do 3 rounds of 12 weeks maybe not a full 3rd round ... however need to get through on target and on plan through the rest of the 12 weeks yet! Almost 2/3rds of the way through. Summer chic you can do this 3 pounds each week will be easy! Can't wait to check on my weight tomorrow seen as I've been.naughty! Night everyone have a good one tomorrow x
Hi posting again. Today probably zero walking but 2 products down and almost 3 pints of water down and one cup of tea. Soon to be two. I've been frantically applying for a job today that closes however I've still got another I reckon 2 and half hours plus to go on it. I've had to take a half hour break from it. It's a great opportunity for me. I'd keep my old job and grab this one which would mean me doing 12 hour shifts Monday - Friday even though it won't be 12 hours I will be working 8.30-8.30 plus travel time but if I can do it for a year it would dramatically support me financially! And help with so much.
Trying not to get my hopes up even though I've done a similar job before which was about 4 years ago it's different and I'm pretty pants about selling myself on paper let alone with interviews. I know a person in the team so she thinks I'd be good at it but we shall see. Fingers crossed!?! Weigh day tomorrow I know I won't reach my target however I'm intrigued to just get an official weigh in!
LucyAnn, good luck with the job believe in yourself xx I'm a great believer in trying to be the best person we can be and treat others as I would like to be treated and I think you being like that shines through. Please don't dwell on what those horrible horrible girls said, you will soon be slim and you WILL BE GORGEOUS and you will have the last laugh. As soon as people start to notice you will feel like it's all worth it. It's take 2.5 stone for people to notice I've lost weight but just keep with it. swnsung you lots of hugs and good luck xx
SummerChic, oh my gosh fantastic, it makes you feel great when people start to notice and when you get back to school the other parents jaws will hit the floor and they'll all be wondering what you did to lose weight so quick and look so good. You will absolutely smash that target xx
I have to say I was thinking about this the other day and I don't know why I wasted months and months on sw? I'm so grateful to a girl aw work starting this or I wouldn't have started it and I would still be 16lb heavier. I've bought some slimmertea from Holland and Barrett my consultant said that should help with my problem at the moment I do not drink tea at all absolutely hate the stuff so that should fun !!
Hey Lucyann,

I've been reading all your posts but as my right arm shoulder wrist.. is still buggered and will take a while to be ok... urghhh... Back to point. I'm in this with you. If I don't hit target in the first 2 round of 12 weeks highly likely, still have a total of 65lbs to loose, I will also be into a third.

We will do this together. I need you and Mini, and Obs, and Chris (chris are you ok, is your son back? What's your news..??) have Kab, Nai, pryti in spirit and everyone else.

I get you're flagging, that's ok, you've done so well but if you look back in another 6 weeks it will be a case of seeing a 3stonr loss if not more. You know you can do this you'll in the 13's within a week. I'm not looking to my next weighin, I doubt it will go up because of my silly popcorn fest on Monday. But it's ok, one week less loses. I've been back on track. If you need something different try a few sticks of cucumber. Or throw some slices in your water. I love cucumber water.

I want you to rant all day if it helps you. I sometimes feel like a naughty snack, to distract myself that's when I drag the little one up and make her go for a drive with me. No it's not late, around 8 pm, not even hungry, but that 15-20 min drives does wondered, By the time I'm back home I'm ok. No snacks needed.

So tell me about your younger days, what were your early triggers? You've been so good. Keep at it ;) :) :)

Summer xxx
Hi All,

It's interesting how some of 'our'..."friends" react when losing weight, from what Lucyann has said it reminds me of a friend I had. She's still there in my life but lives abroad now, but wobetide if anyone is around her who she perceives is slimmer and prettier in on the way to getting there. They will do whatever they can to try and sabotage it. Here's a story from my past.

A few years ago I was a few lbs heavier, I was younger and went on WW, lost all the weight and kept it off until about 2 years ago.
I had been training and eating clean. I actually hadn't noticed the change I still saw myself as a big girl. It takes some time for you brain to catch up you're much slimmer. ( I mean a lot of time)

We were on holiday, Cuba, and she was freakjng out that she couldn't get her hair right. She was swearing, I noticed she looked me up and down and gave me a dirty look, I brushed it off initially as she's cross with her self. She then got the hair dryer, and flung it across the room... my travel hair dryer by the way. I found out much later maybe a year or tie she was upset as she thought I looked really good and she didn't like it as I was the one who was the fat friend... I mean WTF!!!!

I'd kept all the weight off until 2 years ago where a like challenge saw me revert to my old ways regain that weight I lost all those years ago and double it... yes hence the 6 stone goal! She admitted that it was bad if her to have done that. And she was ashamed of herself she had been so selfish.

So the moral here. People show their "support" in some interesting ways... ps the hairdryer survived ... just ... ;)

Oh my gosh I can't believe a friend would act like that! Funny but growing up I had a slim, tall and gorgeous best friend and I was always the fat friend but do you know what she was always ao supportive and protective of me I was really lucky. I'm so glad to be part of this group it's so supportive so thank you everyone xx
Omg friends are cruel sometimes and some are true ... I know they all still talk behind my back.
I used to have such a flare and different fashion sense that lots of people said they were always jealous. As I put the weight on my clothing style has change to a wardrobe full of Black black and yes black! I'm bring colour back gradually! Funny how things people say stick in your head and it's hard to shift it once it's in there. I think a lot of people are on the weight loss hype at the moment and I also think it is my age range. My weigh in is in 3.5 hours time... and I just want it over and to be back on track I need a talking too ... 3 meals out this week! And although slightly good choices I want to lose more than eat! Just finding it socially awkward! And next Tuesday although it might change I have a luncheon with my boss and assistant. No news on the job app front.
Well the post above was meant to have sent don't know why. So I've had my weigh in and my consultant looks fabulously bronzed and refreshed. I have gone for bars this week although I have plenty of shakes to last me as well when needed. I've treated myself to a soya cappuccino and some new shoes!?! As well as a long Size 14 jumper!?! And I put on some jeans that I bought in a size18 real jeans btw no stretch and I lost the receipt so I couldn't take them back as I couldn't even get my leg into them! I tried these on today and wore them this evening although they are extremely baggy and hanging off me I had to add a belt! I can't believe it!?! Ok so I've been dragging this out and I have met my personal target for the two weeks with a 7 pound loss!!!! I am on week 8! So it's official weeks7/8 is a total loss of 7 pounds in total in two months I have achieve my set target of 2 stone with an added bonus to kick start my next stone goal of 1 pound lol So as I'm now officially in the 13s!!!! I am now 11 pound away from being in 12s and 13 pound away from my third stone! August this is your target 13 pounds to lose! Hopefully I can do this. Once in the 12s I will begin to think of toning to help. September will see me into 11s at that point I will be taking a week off to have a holiday and then back on it to 10s ... I'm a long way off two stone is fab for me but this next stone off will be my struggle as past 13.2 I havent been since I don't know when because I never weighed myself I believe when I was in Ibiza I was at 12 stone so anything past 13.2 is going to help me realise I can do this! X
LucyAnn fantastic news ⭐⭐️ Two gold stars for two stone I bet you amazing well done really proud of you 29lb loss, size14 top and size 16 bottoms brilliant!! Try not to dwell on how much you still have to lose look at how far you have come. It shows you can eat out and have healthy options and still lose weight. You are so going to do this xx
Thank you! Such a long way to go but I'm feeling ready for this week. Going to try stick to 3 products. She did ask if I wanted to move up a step but I have declined and said I would like to stay on SS. So that's all good. I have two weeks until I'm out for a event a bit like it's a knock out so I'd really like to lose 7 before then if I can. If not more. Let's see. Week 9 let's do this...