Hi everyone,
Ohh I've been laid up all day and hoping can shift the bug tomorrow. Urgh throat is burning...
Lots of waters forced shakes down felt sick .uuurrrggggghh...
Darn the kid for giving me her bugs

... wrist is sore as hell.. look like a zombie gone made, hair is sticking out and seems to have settled in s mohawk hahaha, have slept through most of the day so didn't even feel the day.
Today is dsy 36. Don't expect loses when am ill, just getting that out there.
Mini -Kate yayyyy ... sick or not every day as it comes. Watch the pounds go down and don't be disheartened we are running a 10k marathon, we are almost 2k in....
We have got this. Temptation is all around us. We need to use this time to get ourselves in a good mental place so that we accept what we've done, draw a line and move on. I'm in week 6 ppl. I am almost 1/2 way through my first 12 weeks yes it my first 12 weeks as I I'll def be doing another round of sole source and I I'll love every minute with you Kate as we both have the same lbs to lose, although me more than you.
Come on baby girl. Just think how pleased you'll be when you hit goal. Ahh so what you had a few nibbles, that's all they are. Nibbles which won't halt your losses. You just hit 3lbs in a week you had nibbles. I haven't managed that in the last 2 weeks, not that it will ever be a Competion.
You are doing so well, way better than me and I'll be damned if I stop the plan.
Come on everyone we have this. My first 12 weeks will end around the same time DD returns to school... I had myself a mesostetic peel cust £40 quid and omg. Face feels like a babies bottom.
Have booked another one and a course of Thai massages, can't do anything else. But I feel like I'm loving myself and really enjoying the changes I've seen to date.
Less bloated face, loose clothes, my jaw line is back. Everyone who's seen me has noticed. Albeit friends from 3 years ago I am seriously avoiding.
Lucy Ann you have this with me. You've done so well,
What's your total loss to date? How much more Do you want to lose? Have you noticed the eating habits of you slim friends. Watch and see what they do so you can mimic as your go through your journey.
Tomorrow will be a better.
Chris how are you?
I'm getting mixed up with my days.. I'm 5 weeks 1 day in... next weigh in is week 6. The another 36 days only another 36 days to reach my first 12 weeks...
I will be hitting my goal ! Lose a pound and be proud.
I could loose my my first 3 stones by my bday yayyyyyy.
Night all and stay strong
Love and hugs xxxx