Step 1 Sole Source CWP journey to Xmas Target 2017

Hey Chris,

I mean cross with it that it's put me in such a bad place, only junk food that is.. if I am cross with it and condition myself its bad for me, and really mean it, I will stay away from it.

I had my official weigh in. Last week it was 91kg or 14st 4lbs..

I've lost and gained this week which is interesting. I have flavouring with all my water, so will try less of it.. but can't see am doing anything else wrong... so will stick with it. The tummy is really flattening.

So official stats

Start 15s 7lbs
Week 1 14st 13lbs (8lbs loss)
Week 2 14st 11lbs (2lbs loss)
Week 3 14st 5.5lbs (5.5lb loss)
Week 4 14st 4lbs (1.5lb loss)
Week 5 14st 2.6lbs (1.4lb loss, but did manage to be 2lb loss last thu... which is interesting)

So officially after 5 weeks am looking at 18.4lb loss.. I did have 6 strawberries and some 6 baby tomatoes:: can't see how that could make a difference as officially I could go with 3 products and a 200 cal meal as I have 4 products ... I recall a few days ago, Friday I was hungry. Maybe the psychological need stalled further losses.

Ok it's done so have 3 weeks to hit 2 stones that's another 9.6lbs to loss in 3 weeks.. but not going to stress if I don't, I will stick to plan until I have lost every pound of my whole target. That's to reach 130lbs, let's see if it's doable as that's my personal target.

I'm going down, that's all that matters. I've picked up DD flu bug, so maybe retention of water. Tonsils flared up... urgh...

Off to doctors then Poss hospital re wrist.. ahh falling apart lol.. ;) as long as the lbs are going down that's all that matters.

So everyone we have this...

Lefty hand not so fast takes ages to type ...


Hi Summer

You are doing amazing! Keep going

Sorry you don't feel well and hope your wrist starts to improve.

I am the same mind set as you I'm keeping my head down until I lose every pound!!

Hi guys,

Hope you feel better soon SummerChic, rest up and keep powering through you've got this.
I've probably said the F word about a million times yesterday! After work being rubbish. Just busy. Went to get my nails done and they are terrible so disappointed with them I can't even look at them wasn't what I wanted at all. So I've wasted around 40.00 on hideous nails. I ate yesterday and cheated at work as well... 4 mini sausages, carrot sticks, a pink wafer biscuit and 4 crisps and tbh today I could have carried on eating and not given a hoot. Goal seems so far away and I've looked so tired and fed up! I honestly thought getting my nails done would cheer me up. Clearly not. Went to bed and also had three products. Really don't want to get on the scales now. Today buffet at work didn't touch any of it! Even though I was setting it up I've had my second product 2 hours earlier than I usually do. So let's see what this eveninb brings! I'm starting to get a little fed up... like deflated by it all. I have jumped on the scales today with approximately 3 pound loss so I need another 3 next week however three events this weekend and would like just to enjoy myself at one at least however I think it's the fear of will I struggle back on it the next day or will I spoil it. Just want to have a few drinks with my work colleagues lol. Just trying my hardest to keep level headed and stay on track until Friday when I finish work. My dads cooking dinner for everyone tonight steaks, pastas and salads with homemade carrot cake and Eton mess for dessert ... think my job in the kitchen will be to make a jelly for tomorrow lol or stay away from the kitchen & dinning room all together!
Hi everyone,

Ohh I've been laid up all day and hoping can shift the bug tomorrow. Urgh throat is burning...

Lots of waters forced shakes down felt sick .uuurrrggggghh...

Darn the kid for giving me her bugs ;) ... wrist is sore as hell.. look like a zombie gone made, hair is sticking out and seems to have settled in s mohawk hahaha, have slept through most of the day so didn't even feel the day.

Today is dsy 36. Don't expect loses when am ill, just getting that out there.

Mini -Kate yayyyy ... sick or not every day as it comes. Watch the pounds go down and don't be disheartened we are running a 10k marathon, we are almost 2k in....

We have got this. Temptation is all around us. We need to use this time to get ourselves in a good mental place so that we accept what we've done, draw a line and move on. I'm in week 6 ppl. I am almost 1/2 way through my first 12 weeks yes it my first 12 weeks as I I'll def be doing another round of sole source and I I'll love every minute with you Kate as we both have the same lbs to lose, although me more than you.

Come on baby girl. Just think how pleased you'll be when you hit goal. Ahh so what you had a few nibbles, that's all they are. Nibbles which won't halt your losses. You just hit 3lbs in a week you had nibbles. I haven't managed that in the last 2 weeks, not that it will ever be a Competion.

You are doing so well, way better than me and I'll be damned if I stop the plan.

Come on everyone we have this. My first 12 weeks will end around the same time DD returns to school... I had myself a mesostetic peel cust £40 quid and omg. Face feels like a babies bottom.

Have booked another one and a course of Thai massages, can't do anything else. But I feel like I'm loving myself and really enjoying the changes I've seen to date.

Less bloated face, loose clothes, my jaw line is back. Everyone who's seen me has noticed. Albeit friends from 3 years ago I am seriously avoiding.

Lucy Ann you have this with me. You've done so well,

What's your total loss to date? How much more Do you want to lose? Have you noticed the eating habits of you slim friends. Watch and see what they do so you can mimic as your go through your journey.

Tomorrow will be a better. :)

Chris how are you?

I'm getting mixed up with my days.. I'm 5 weeks 1 day in... next weigh in is week 6. The another 36 days only another 36 days to reach my first 12 weeks...

I will be hitting my goal ! Lose a pound and be proud.

I could loose my my first 3 stones by my bday yayyyyyy.

Night all and stay strong

Love and hugs xxxx
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Hi Hun,

Well officially with CPW consultant I have lost 1 stone 8 pounds however looking in scales I'd say a positive loss of 3 pounds. Weighed in the morning and evening my scales are different they usually say I way more at home however it doesn't matter because the body in a bikini doesn't lie.

I will certainly be doing another round after completion of 12 weeks even if i lose another stone in weeks 8-12 I will only be at the weight I was when first completing cpw which means I will still have another 3 stone to lose for ultimate goal. The 26th August will be my 12 week course. My second 12 week course will be until November.

My mother who is against the diet has told
Me not to cheat again. My dad on the other hand has told me not to be hard on myself. Tbh they have now been coming around to the idea of being supportive. Although I've been given an opportunity of a life time by my dad... I've declined which I know hurts him however it would take me off the diet for three weeks to experience it however I feel part of the experience would be hindered by my conscieness of my body. It fits more of next summer I go. Purely to celebrate studies, driving and weightloss. I have to look at it as these 12 weeks will be easy as in the next 12 weeks I will be studying hard and finally finishing off my career.

Can't wait for Friday my throat has been killing me! I want to go a spa but even then I won't until I've lost at least two more stone. I want to start toning now though. I tried on a swimsuit earlier ... I look 70 rather than 28! Cellulite legs wobbling everywhere and tyres and buldges everywhere! Still a size 18 so a long way off .... 4 dress sizes to be precise.

I think the dial changer will be the winner for me when I see the 13s just to keep me motivated!
Hey SummerChic, You sound like you are still doing well although your not well, I'm into my 4th week and 2- 5 lb away from my 1st stone hopefully I will lose that on Mondays wi, l feel a lot better in myself like you, my face is not bloated, no double chin, clothes are looser its good to know l can fit in clothes that was to small before, l was surprised today l tried a top on that actually fit where as before it was that tight l nearly had to take scissors to take it off, lol chat soon xxx
Hi Lucyann,

You and I are definitely on the same path. My first 12 weeks finished sept 6. So I'm only a week behind you. And you've hit your first stone and a half already.

I have week 6 weigh in Tuesday and I hope to be in the 13's which will put me at my stone and a half..

We have this. By the time your second round comes along you'll have lost your first 3 stones and that will continue to spur you on even with all that study.

You're doing so well and it's so lovely to hear your family are on board. They can see your commitment and drive and I bet they see results too.

Keep at it

Hi Chris,

Your first stone, that's such s good feeling, you can't quiet fathom it's really happened any other plan we'd be lucky to have lost 7lbs at the same pace if we were lucky.

When the bloat from the face goes that really made me feel better, my daughter has been making lovely comments and again that's spurred me on so much.

I bet when your son gets home from he'll be really amazed how you've changed.

I struggled to have all products yesterday, I only had 3 but felt to ill. My throat is red raw today swallowing water is painful have missed my first product 2pm .. will try in a bit.. will make sure I have just shakes which hopefully will cool my throat. Will stick some in the freezer in ice pop moulds...

I'm 5 days from the half way mark so really hope to hit my first 21lbs loss. Which will keep me on track for 3 stones in 3 months, but it's ok if I don't, with my thyroid meds and others I'm on I expect a slower pace as long as down is the norm.

Hi guys, after being at work and sorting out things got dropped off by my assistant to which I looked down and lost my rare diamond ring my parents got me from Italy! Quick drive back to work emptying bin bags of rubbish to then finally checking a cuboard I'd be in to see it was on the floor all in all 1 hour lost but well worth it! And to my surprise I came home to find that my cambridge lady who was away on holiday has sent me a lovely post card to motivate me. Although my challenge is tomorrow after work for a leaving do and the rest
Let's hope I can pull off the 3 pounds next week although I have a week off for work eek!?! I'm weighing myself tomorrow once I'm home from work st the usual time I go to the lady. However someone said why don't I go to boots to get weighed but I couldn't cope if they were out or if they were different and said I weighed 15 stone lol so mine will do until next Friday! Eek! It's been a struggle this week but I'm praying my body gives me a break.


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Hey. SummerChic. You're doing really well alongside the meds you have to take. Sorry to hear you're still unwell maybe you could had ice cubes to your shakes aswell as the lollies, yeh my son's home Monday I've missed him being around these last couple of weeks end of peace and quiet no doubt. Get well soon xxx
Hey chic what's been happening? You sprained your wrist.. I've not had time to read your posts but will catch up in 3 weeks lol.. so stressful at moment. Your doing amazing. Keep it up x
Hi Chris,

Finally feeling better, although wrist will take sometime, have it strapped up at mo, so my posts will be sometimes short. As left hand not fast.

I was thinking I'm 4 days away from my half way mark, and it all seems so doable.

I'm pleased with my progress, whatever I lose the number is going down. Then to work on maintenance.

I'm glad your son will be home soon. Makes all the difference

Hi Nai,

You've got loads on, you've done amazingly well. You've lost a stone. And you still have time to lose more. Let's hope you won't have to have last min alterations if you lose too much.

You'll be the first one of us to reach goal as you said you wanted to lose a stone or a stone and a half. Well you did it. So a huge high five to you :) :)

There's a lot of us on your toes to be the 2nd to reach goal so watch this space ;)


It's the last day of school, gosh this year has flown by, my little one has finished her first year of high school and onto the next..

She has a sleepover at her friends and I'll collect her in the am. I'm meant to be meeting friends this evening but will see as fancy s nice evening alone relaxing and watching movies or something. As I prob won't get a chance for a bit.

I'll be hosting a sleepover sat night lol... all this being kept busy are excellent distractions. I don't focus on the plan or losses, practice for when I'm in maintenance as I have to get on with it later and being too obsessed may make me revert back to my old ways. I have to accept this as the future.. ( thinking out loud mantra).

So the very first thing I noticed in me was my watch was loose. I'd gained so much I had to put a section back on which had been taken off at purchase. It was so tight even then it would squeeze my skin. I can now slip my thumb into the space between watch and wrist. I'll have to remove the section again soon.. oh that really feels good.

My legs, my calves everything were so bloated. I would bend my knees and I swear the results looked like a balloon about to burst. I would look and think my skin couldn't hold it all in and would explode if I tried to bend any more, not that I could the resistance of the fat just made it so hard to move.

I found my hip bones, lol I know that sounds silly, I am 1/4 into my goals weight. I did a sneaky weigh in just now.:. And it may go up again by official weigh in day on Tuesday but I'm coming in at 13st 13lbs... that's a whopping 22lb loss or 10kgs in my first coming up to 6 weeks. Another 6 lbs to my 2 stone mark. Holly schmolly !!!

It's early am and my weigh ins are around 5pm but fingers crossed over the coming days that will be my evening weight if I loose another pound or so. Crikey that's more than I've lost in the past two weeks combined. Ok, so another 66lbs to go lol.. I've got this. By Xmas it will be all gone. Official target is 133lbs but going for 130ish. Who says it can't be done??? ;) ;)

Watch this space xxx
Durr something odd with my losses today, Poss down to my sickness. But I still had all my products bar one day, first day of the heavy cold when I only managed 3 products but had a little chicken...

Anyway now showing 13.11 I won't hold it to ransom as I expect it to jump a little by WI day but I'm def in the 13's and if that's the number im well and truly out of obese range. Eeeeeee very very happy. I've dropped my BMI by from 32 to 28.5

So unofficially 4st 4lb to lose. 1 stone 10lbs gone in 5 weeks and 3 days


And the best being able to have a bath without struggling...

Hey Chris,

Hi All,

The board seems to be on the quiet side at the moment. Getting to my half way point this coming Tuesday. I've had unofficial losses, but they fluctuate over the week, it happened last week and didn't settle on the lower side. Interesting to see how the body behaves then settles at the end of 7 days.

So 3 more days to go, I'm going to start going in mini goals of 10kgs as that gives me a total of 4 mini goals which I hope is a good way to go. Hopefully Tuesday will see the first 10kg as long as I get a 22lb total loss. Need to have an official loss of 3.6lbs... then I can move to my next 10 kg loss. And hope to get it by the end of the first week in September.

I am in a good routine now. I don't need to exercise any huge will power anymore. I can see me getting into the dress I want to be able to wear when I reach goal.

Keep strong everyone, we can all do this

So daughter having a sleepover, after dinner I had a handful of homemade lightly salted popcorn. I know it was bad, having anxiety thinking it'll knock me out of ketosis.

But it was a good handful then I walked away giving the girls each a bowl. I was pleased I exercised control that I savoured every kernel and didn't go for a second handful. That's how I need to be in the future. Although probably not smart I had any in the first place.

Well what's done is done. I will do better forthwith. But come on freshly made hot popcorn. ;) ;)

I'm working out if I can loose 3 stones in the first 12 weeks, that is pretty amazing in itself. The following 12 weeks the same. Who knows maybe even a few weeks sooner if my body and dodgy metabolism allows it. I can start my weightlifting in my last 20lbs to lose to really tone and strengthen. I will get a personal trainer to help me. I have no clue regarding weights etc.

But weight lifting is the best way to move forward and a little cardio. Rowing machine should do it. But that's yet to come. Fingers crossed any sickness weight Ive lost settled and I have at least 3 maybe 4lbs in the official week ends loss.

I hope everyone else is getting along well. Taking girls to pictures tomorrow so off to sleep myself
