Step 1 Sole Source CWP journey to Xmas Target 2017

Be assured they should kick in a couple of hours after you've chewed through 15 sticks of gum :) I know it's weird but it works for me ... xx
I've used these before and trust me they work 100 percent two before bed! Worked out from the loss I've had now for 6 weeks until the need six weeks should be around a loss of 3 stone 2 pounds which takes me to 12.9 ... 12.7 is the goal!


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I know right. But the gum really works for me. Chris ... you have loads of choices lol.

Hi All happy Saturday, will post later daughter has a drama exam shortly so need to get a move on. Plus the bday event this pm...

Need to have a weigh in my daily I've decided to do. Will update later, better have some gum wink wink ;) xxx
Hi SummerChic, I'm not suffering in that department but do you think if I have gum today I could lose some also? I've never heard that, are we allowed to chew gum?? Good luck to your daughter for her exam hope she smashes it Xx

I know right. But the gum really works for me. Chris ... you have loads of choices lol.

Hi All happy Saturday, will post later daughter has a drama exam shortly so need to get a move on. Plus the bday event this pm...

Need to have a weigh in my daily I've decided to do. Will update later, better have some gum wink wink ;) xxx
Very amusing lol xx
Hi guys happy Saturday! Got a new dress for the wedding tonight but a bit unsure of it lol it's a fish tail one ( frill at the bottom
Very different from me) although it is black but I feel a bit hippy in it. Had a lovely shopping day and I cheated although I knew today would be a big X because of the wedding! Lol just going to moisturise and then get a wiggle on running late but hate being the first one there lol ... if not it will be a different dress I got for the christening. Didn't have time for a lash appointmwnrnso trying false ones ( I say try as I can't do them) I fitted in a size 16 go me
( although it was a stretch dress!) dad has informed me I need my belly to deflate a bit more but I knew that. Hope
All is well x
Oh I've had two products
Today and my little cheat was the mini buscuit the size of a pound coin which came with my cup of tea lol x hoping all my walking this week burned off calories. X
Hi, LucyAnn, Thanks for posting the pic I took 2 dulcolax yesterday it worked wonders this morning it went from one extreme to another it was such a relief after 5 days, My CC was getting concerned as l told her I wasn't having anymore products and going for a vindaloof wish full thinking of course, Have a good night xxx
Hi guys it's currently 11.50pm and I'm home already I lasted on water and ive been called boring by a few old work collegues but I didn't care I still felt self conscious but tbh I didn't mind. I had a dance but some people I knew there just liked to drink and smoke which isn't me anyway lol so I went early anyway. I've just treated myself to half a carrot and a cup of tea. Still have a long way to go but I'm more determined now lol x
Hi All,

Seriously need a holiday, no such luck this year, too much needs to be addressed at home. Urgh... hopefully Xmas - when am skinny mini.. ;)

But in the meantime, daughter had her Lamda exam, will be September before we get results, but hopefully she moves up the grades. Great confidence building stuff.

Was meant to get nails done after in fills, but ended up having everything removed to give natural nail some breathing time ... it's been a few years since they saw the light lol, they're now quite thin, but surprisingly not bad, everyone still thought they weren't my natural nails so they can't be too bad.

So had a bday event from early evening until late. I took a shake with me.

The food was flowing as well as the sparkling vino .. I wasn't bothered. Just sat with my sparkling water and enjoyed the conversations Which there was a lot,

Yes everyone was a lovely slim size 6/8 ... that will be me.. well 8/10 when I reach my goal. I am so determined to do this. I was actually looking at the food with wait for it... contempt .. I was like Wtf .. being a greedy pig eating my emotions got me into this mess. I am so determined to work on my mental state to channel that focus in a different way and never again reaching to do that with filling my gullet.

I had my shake sitting on the table in front of me. Yummy chocolate tetra. Yes it was a huge conversation piece. No one judged all got into the potential success of it.

Another girl mentioned, she was over from Hong Kong as lives and works there, and said her friend had lost 3 stones plus in the last 2 and a half months with the plan.

I confidently said "ladies that will be me and some ;) " !!

I'm finding I on odd days like yesterday may miss a shake or two yesterday and replace with just protein.

Although I did have a few baby santorini tomatoes, and raw mushrooms. (6 in total, they're yum and filling) oh to have healthy clean eating in my regime ;) ;)

Gotta get a move on. Math tuition for daughter, she's year 7 but a couple of years ahead.. nothing like me FYI. Been told to keep her interested need to keep her challenged. lol ... Not like her school doesn't already.. they are darn good. It's state but selective so possibly I was given the wrong child at the hospital all those years ago lol...

Need my daily weigh in. StS yesterday... ohh let's hope I have a good drop this official weigh in.. oh to be in the 13's now that would be something

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SummerChic, well done on keeping your focus yesterday you're doing fabulous. I have my WI later I'm going to see if I can be measured.i don't think I've got rid if any inches though. I only managed 1 product yesterday with bit of protein never done that before hope it doesn't affect my loss (if I have one ) xx
LucyAnn, proud of you for going last night when I'm sure you would much rather not have. Well done for staying on plan you did great. Don't let it bother you being called boring I don't drink anyway so I'm used to it and I refuse to be bullied into drinking when I don't want to. When I went out last Saturday I didn't drink and when we went last year I drank Pepsi max ! X
Hi all,

Well done Kab, I honestly don't see the fuss about alcohol... I very rarely drink it! I wasnt those types of people that were at the wedding let's just say. The bride was a friend from a previous job however she thinks I'm a snob. I'm not I don't think by any shape or form. I just have been brought up differently. I've spent the day facetiming my mother and sister and just generally helping my dad and drinking tea. Very tired today every time
I get you keep seeing black spots. I got onto the scales this morning dead on 14 however still another 6 days until
Official weigh in so it could
All change. My sister being a bit overly keen mentioned in passing on the phone imagine If you lost 12 pounds in two weeks! A very unlikely thought however I'm dreaming it was haha!
Is everyone on this forum from the UK? Haven't had a product today so I need to motivate myself and walk to the village shop for a ( loaf of bread and a few bits) haven't walked that much today! Need to get motivated.

Good luck on weigh in's ladies! You can do it
Hey All,

Just realised I've added day's accidentally .. ops an at the end of day 33 today lol.. clearly for my days mixed up.. was doing my chart just now and realised start date June 14 2017..

Hope all ok,
Will update later

Hey Summerchic. How's it going? I had a lovely holiday earlier this year (Prague and Berlin!) but no more holidays this year. Am planning to take next year off to study and need to save as much as I can this year. I am excited about next year, and it gives me more impetus to lose weight. It will be great to be slim, and feel confident in a new place and among new people. No fat baggage. No one will know the past me. Here's to a slim me for the rest of my life. Can't wait!
Hi Obs, Lucyann

lol apart from sprained hand, ok lefty typing is not the easiest and unsurprisingly slow...

Will go hospital tomorrow hope it's nothing worse..

Lucyann, you're less than I am.. I was 91kg last weigh in I think.. err had so many weight checks but officially that was last weigh in.. so I'm catching up with you. Now we have no excuses not to be diet buddies xxx

Obs you've done brilliantly. Your so much closer to goal.. I'm amazed by you. By everyone here. This is a superbly challenging life change to adapt to and we're all doing it well.

Will post tom official weigh in. This week has been going up and down like a yoyo. That's all ok, part of the process...

Fingers crossed day 34 ends xxx


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Hey Chris

What's your news? My turn to go hospital for my dodgy wrist and now going down my arm.. pain that is...

But staying on track, developing a contrmptnfor bad food, look what it's done to me ... urgh ...


Hay what you done to your wrist hope it's not too bad, l had my wi in today lost 4 1/2 lb that's 10 1/2lb in 3wks, lm well happy with the loss onwards and upwards they say another 2.1/2lb that's my 1st stone gone. Best diet I've been on for good weight loss will message soon typing with 1 eye open and 1 shut so tired goodnight SummerChic xxx