Daily chat and general fun food time

Hi bubbly your doing fab. Well done on that 2lb reckon it was ur dancing! :)

Thanks bubbles! Between that and the gym I am well set for my body magic!!!

Having quite a good day today.. Feeling a little on the lazy side but have football tomorrow, personal training on Wednesday and I'm off to Dubai on Thursday.. Thinking of ensuring I have my trainers and stuff with me to work out at the hotel I'm staying in plus measuring and bring my breakfasts with me too!
Are you not scared going dubai? Although i guess you in the midst of conflicts in isreal too. Id just be frightened to go anywhere i think. X
Hi bubbles! I'm actually living in a tiny place called bahrain which is pretty cool! I've been to Dubai before, it's pretty normal tbh..

Breakfast : overnight oats (hex b)

Snacks : 2 syn options, orange

Lunch : leftover rice (1 syn), Galaxy piece chocolate (4 syns), yoghurt, grapes, apple

Dinner : not sure what to cook for dinner tonight, thinking beef strips with chips and beans

I did have some diet coke and pear as well

24/105 syns
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Good morning all. Have decided to try and let go of my resentment at work and just get my job done today.

Breakfast : hex b toast, hex a laughing cow and 2 hard boiled eggs

Snack : daim bar (yummy!! 7 syns) and tea (1/2 syn)

Lunch : chicken salad (3 syns for dressing) yoghurt and pear

Carrot sticks and coke zero

Dinner : steak, baked potato and lots of veggies
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Hope work was ok chick. There's nothing worse than been unhappy at work I don't think. I was bloated last week..I could see it and feel it. Ughhh..that makes ya feel naff too x
My whole office is after ordering in fooking pizza! I stayed strong!!

Lunch : Mc Cains jacket potato (1 syn), baked beans and mushrooms

Free yoghurt - swapping from an EESP day to EE day

Dinner : dunno but I'm on my way to the airport so hoping for some salad maybe?

Me and OH always get a Starbucks in the airport so I've saved my hex a for some tea and I've Alpen lights and Special K bars with me!
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Hmmm... have you been drinking plenty? Maybe lay off foods that are known to cause bloating such as beans, cabbage, sprouts, onions, broccoli, cauliflower if you still feel the same tomorrow? I don't know what else to suggest. I know mine last week was defo down to * week..lol.. x
Enjoy Dubai :)
So yesterday was very off plan

Food today:

100g full fat raspberry yoghurt
Hex b museli (measured)

Snacks :

Orange, Apple (speed)
Water x2
Alpen light

Lunch : banana and ceaser salad (hex a) Parmesan

3 x 700 ml magners
Alpen light

Dinner + garlic potatoes, lamb and scoop of mash

1/2 glass wine

10 vodka and Cokes
Lol.. Magners in Dubai! Ace! I've been good this morning but feel the rest of the day will be off plan for me too :) Glad you had a good time!
Well I lost 1.5lbs this week! Amazed tbh! Didn't think I'd be losing this week!

Breakfast : hex b toast, 1 Syn laughing cow and scrambled eggs

Tea (hex A) and 4 syn piece of chocolate

Lunch : chicken salad instead! Yummy - rice, mushrooms, lettuce, tomatoes, sweet corn and peppers

Dinner : spag bol with tagliatelle pasta for a wee change! 'Twas delish
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Well done!! :)
Morning guys!!

Gosh I'm up early today and I feel like the weekend is catching up with me.. Feeling a little sore from last night at the gym but I plan to head tonight as well!

Breakfast : Hexb Dorset cereal, mixed berries, yoghurt

Snacks : banana, grapes and pear

2 syn caramel sweet while the rest of the office had chocolate cake

Lunch : baked potato, mushrooms, tuna and baked beans

5 syn Special K bar

Dinner : chicken with rice and 1 syn peri peri seasoning
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