Paris is region 75...
Disneyland, Marne la Vallée, is in region 77. Here's a good map of M la V:
Carte de Marne-la-Vallée
and here one showing the regions around Paris (Disney being in 77)
Carte d'Ile-de-France
How does this campsite look?
(never camped, so wouldn't have a clue)
(Just double checked on arrival at work, and it's 60km from Paris, so a bit far...)
That's great - in city centre? or near M-la-V? No problems if out there - plenty of people commute that far on a daily basis. No need to pay Paris prices necessarily...
One thing Scrumps - be sure to get everyone a European Medical Card, won't you? You never know, and you pay upfront for everything over here. I paid €140 for an xray yesterday :-([/QUOTE]
No tiers payant?