Daily chat...

it was important for the diet not to drink more than 2 litres.

It just seemed odd to me not if you are retaining water, but more generally if you are not retaining.

My GP is horrified at the amount I drink, and always pinches my flesh and tells me I'm retaining water because I drink too much and should cut down.

Vicky and I have talked about this at length without finding a solution. I drink a lot through thirst - no diabetes cos GP looks for it intently every year, convinced I must have it - but when I read some drink 4L or more per day, I wonder if that's good?
Morning guys :) Hope everyone is well!!
Last night I saw a TV programme that had a guy 500kgs, the size of something like 5 woman, 3 men and a pony, Oh big boy!! I would be horrified to have been that weight!! I wonder what makes you get that big?? Pretty sad and he looked so unhealthy.
Off to the Sydney Easter Show tomorrow, Yippee I will not feel so bad trying to fit my fat a$$ into the rides this year...LOL. I remember all the times I have ALWAYS felt like people were probably thinking OMG whale alert when I got on a ride...LOL. Now Im more confident to just slide in that ride :)
Mums bone marrow and hip bone tests showed nothing :( So shes still up in the air, The Dr wants another biopsy ASAP but the growth even though she can feel it again is no where near as big enough as they want so she has to wait till may for the 3rd biopsy!! Dam Drs!! Dam cancer!!
Going to take my kids to see Hop today, Have to get them out the house, I hate school holidays!
Have a great night/day guys and a fantastic Easter if you celebrate it xxxxxxxxxx
Gosh 500K... beyond a certain weight, I expect moving around becomes such an issue. Poor man.

oooh how excellent re the rides. It's true that there are awkward moments as an overweight person that we now take for granted slimmer.

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Poor man, so much extra weight. Life must be extremely uncomfortable and limited.

As an aside, I carried my (not so little) boy yesterday for all of a minute when we were out for a walk. He weighs 17 kilos now and I've lost 9 or 10, so to think that if I'd put on the amount of weight that I lost (which could have happened), I'd have been carrying him around permanently. It was such a struggle.

How upsetting re your Mum, Vickki. You must all just want some answers, but the tests showing nothing may mean there is nothing? Here's hoping. Enjoy Easter and the amusements. We're on school holidays after tomorrow - can't wait. No homework to organise for a fortnight, no tired kids and (hopefully) decent weather so that most of it is spent outside, we've got an amusement park trip coming up too!

Hope everyone has a good day!
HI Vicks, hope you have a lovely Easter - sorry your Mum is still in limbo.
I always used to have that thing about rides too - but luckily I don't like them! I also used to live in fear of getting on a plane and not being able to do the seatbelt up!!
As an aside, I carried my (not so little) boy yesterday for all of a minute when we were out for a walk. He weighs 17 kilos now and I've lost 9 or 10, so to think that if I'd put on the amount of weight that I lost (which could have happened), I'd have been carrying him around permanently. It was such a struggle.

SNAP :D:D - my DD2 is about 15kg now, and while I've only lost ~12 I've had very similar thoughts when having to carry her (I only do this under duress ;))!

Another super day dawning here. I must dig out all my summer clothes, not just rely on the newly bought ones....
Have fun at the fare vickki. Hope youe Mum gets more news soon.

What are peoples easter and wedding plans?

Local pub is organising a proper street party for the wedding :love047:, big screen, morris men, cake competition, red sparrows :rotflmao:, tug of war.
I also used to live in fear of getting on a plane and not being able to do the seatbelt up!!

Been there, done it... I had to whisper to a (fortunately very discreet, understanding) air hostess that I needed the extension belt. It put me off flying Brit Air (Air France) to Southampton Airport, mind, cos the London flights had longer seatbelts! I also always travelled in light clothing thereafter, to gain a few millimetres on the girth.
Easter just started: I'm up in Northumberland, surrounded by primroses and sheep in labour (and tiny lambs!).

About to get a good workout excavating what used to be a path from underneath flood debris, then washing floors.

We have friends coming Easter Sunday/Monday and more friends coming for food on the Monday.

Plans - just a general catch-up with friends, a bit of walking and foodwise - Sunday - chocolate egg hunt for the kids, something reasonably Dukan-friendly for dinner, Monday - pizza party (I'll keep mine cleanish).

No wedding here - think it's on the TV though - we have totally missed out on the hype which is fine. Husband starts his 10 days leave that day which is much more exciting (for us). Street party sounds good though (red sparrows?), lots of lovely lambs too - lucky you, Atropos, a perfect Spring.:)
In the latest online chat Dr D says we can have 4 prunes if we are feeling bunged up :)

Of course my evil mind immediately thinks ooh yum - plums!!!

Newbies, please ignore that last sentence! I am not promoting plum scoffing!!
I think even prunes would be welcome sometimes when the fruit craving hits :D....

it's mad though - as soon as something becomes verbotten...you want it...simple as...

I'm not a fruit person generally (ie. off diet)..but as soon as I'm on plan...I fancy loads! :(...sods bloomin' law!
bog i love prunes
But could you stop at 4? I am thinking of chopping some and putting them in muffins!

I do find that online chat a bit of an eye opener. The one I was reading today told someone Mullers were banned because they have sugar. (They do). They didn't distinguish between vanilla and toffee and others - they just said flavoured Mullers were not allowed.
I can't even understand some of the responses, let alone the questions, on the online chat! Don't people speak English these days?!!

As for the inconsistencies, I don't think these people responding are necessarily in the UK or familiar with the products. There was a job at one time advertised in Paris for assisting on setting up the UK official site (paid peanuts; got monkeys! They could have had ME had they paid the price!!)
<like you guys do every week...>
Gojis, prunes, it's morphing into a low fat diet.

Surely adding green veg more days would be a better solution than adding a high sugar dried fruit.
Morning folks! Just thought I'd join this thread as it seems (woo-hoo) I'll be sticking around. This seems like the place to get know everyone - so "Hi Everyone!!"

I hope all have reasonable plans for making through it this weekend and next. I'm good for Easter weekend (have requested Chicken added to BBQ menu instead of just lamb and swapped my PP/PV days so I can munch on veg). Plus, I've included a few keep-fit classes to balance it all out.

Its the Royal Wedding Day festivities that I'm concerned about but post that separately closer to the time so as not to hog the chat :)

Have a great day/weekend all!

ooo royal wedding festivities ...are people really celebrating ???
wow ..... I thought it was just another excuse for a day off work lol
Nothing happening here I don't think...I will have a wander round to see on the day...but doubtful there'll be anything going on :)...will keep you posted :) x

p.s. welcome to daily chat Jess! :)