Daily chat...

I adore the edamame; when I googled I found this:

I found the weekly Q & A's for Dr. Dukan...and that question was asked three times. He answered the same for all of them: "Edamame and soy beans are unfortunately not allowed before the consolidation phase." From the man himself

Myself I can't see that they are any worse than green beans.
I think some of this confusion comes from the fact that bean sprouts are frequently, erroneously, referred to as Soya-bean-sprouts, esp in French (Pousse de soja) or German (Sojasprossen). And beansprouts *are* allowed as far as I know (as per Dukanaute list of foods Tous les aliments Dukan autorisés, interdits, tolérés et les adjuvants pour cuisiner - Recettes Dukan pour le Régime Dukan).

Green beans - yes but only those long thin ('french') ones where the actual beans haven't yet properly formed, so really you're eating the pods not beans.
Hmm - I'm guessing consumption of bean sprouts have plummeted anyway over the past week!
;) yes beansprouts are ok, not soy beans... aaah language issues there...
I found the weekly Q & A's for Dr. Dukan...and that question was asked three times. He answered the same for all of them: "Edamame and soy beans are unfortunately not allowed before the consolidation phase." From the man himself

But that means they can be eaten on conso! I have made my own sprouts for a long time, using Mung, which is a tiny soy bean. Properly prepared soaked overnight soybeans have amazing properties, including reversing the effects of Kwashiorkor, though none of us will be suffering from that! They have useful enzymes as well as first class protein
Yes sprouts are made from Mung beans - Topaz do yours grow straight and how do you do that? Mine sprout in a jar and end up very wriggly (I know makes no difference to the taste).

Edamame in Conso - of course they can - along with all other beans and pulses, in the approved 'carb' ration where you are advised to start with brown pasta once a week. And of course you could have them in your 'Gala' meal too! I certainly re-introduced some peas that way.
I'm also interested in soya because they are a particularly high phytoestrogen, which is a help as one gets older. Recently the high use of soya by Japanese and in many parts of China has been suggested as a reason why they don't get extensive menopause problems. It's thought that because they have used soy through tofu as well as beans over a long period before menopause that this is effective (ie that it is not so useful to just eat them when it's already set in).

Nice and sunny out, not overly hot though but that's fine - perfect outdoor conditions to get stuff done!

Kids off school today (so nice having 3 days with no early starts) so we'll head off for another cherry picking session - they are so ripe, they're just about falling off the trees.

Garden needs tidying too, bet I don't get volunteers for that!

Hope all are well and have a good Dukan day:).
I hear the sun is back tomorrow - can't wait!
Yes sprouts are made from Mung beans - Topaz do yours grow straight and how do you do that? Mine sprout in a jar and end up very wriggly (I know makes nodifference to the taste).

Mine are wiggly in a jar, too. I find an old jam jar or similar works well as you can keep them moist with the lid on and light can get in. Also water can be drained off.
Hot day for us today, so I'm in a skirt... (strangely though tomorrow will be far colder... air coming down from the UK again, they say!)
Jo, you're still here?

Yes me in a dress too after being a bit hot in trousers (linen though) and T-shirt yesterday. Hopefully the sun will come out - and then loads of rain in the night - the gardens is still parched.

Have a good day everyone!
I ended up wearing a dress to work one day last week (for the first time ever I think!) and my legs were so cold!!!
Has anyone used Stevia leaves in cooking. I am now the proud owner of two Stevia plants and am wondering what to do with them! I will admit to chewing on a leaf to try it, and it was nice and sweet. Just wondering if anyone has experimented?
'fraid not. I tasted stevia once, hated it, and haven't tried since (and it's not cheap!). I hear the taste has been improved on though (but not the price alas). I wonder what you could do with your leaves... chop them up and use them instead of sweetener in your lovely cake? Or use it in the filling to have some green bits to stick between your teeth?!

Dull day today here seemingly. I keep checking the forecast, cos guests arrive next Tues pm in the city and Thurs pm in the country so LOTS of bbqs are planned. Fingers crossed.
Has anyone used Stevia leaves in cooking. I am now the proud owner of two Stevia plants and am wondering what to do with them! I will admit to chewing on a leaf to try it, and it was nice and sweet. Just wondering if anyone has experimented?

There are dedicated cookbooks for cooking with it - I stumbled across some on Amazon the other day.