Daily chat...

And down comes the rain! I swear I just saw a little line of animals (mice, beetles, squirrels, etc) lining up two by two...

Ironically this mornings "Farming Today" program was all about drought - I think Radio 4 should go into business as a rain maker!
There are dedicated cookbooks for cooking with it - I stumbled across some on Amazon the other day.

Thanks Anja I will have a look.
It's surprising what you can bring over on the ferry ;) We are stopped most crossings these days, because I have a guilty look on my face I guess, but they simply "look" (well our car is usually full to the roof) in the boot, ask if it's all for our own consumption (yep!), and wave us on...

Not that I countenance smuggling of course ;)

Weather good here... not great... but better than your way, hee hee!

It's lovely here today after a huge storm yesterday afternoon and lots of rain which continued into the night.

The kitten is settling in nicely, we've had no miaowing/squealing overnight, she prefers her bed for naps but sleeps overnight on a kitchen chair. The kids aren't annoying her too much but she is quick to hide under the stove when she's had enough. Her tail is bent (don't think it was when we saw her last week) so I suppose it's been broken, but is already mended (not causing her any pain when touched) so nothing to be done. It will give her an individual look anyway! She'll be a great hunter - she's caught a few flies in the kitchen already and is scraping at the boards we've put over the trench (that husband dug out to repair the leak), so I'm sure she can smell/hear something in there! Won't be long before the mice pack up their belongings and move, I reckon:D.

Apart from that, 2 weeks to school holidays (1 week for eldest) and it can't come soon enough.

Food-wise all is well, got though boring Thursday:). Much more interesting food on the menu today.

Hope everyone has a good one!
Hey all! Just wanted to connect and say hi!!

Cruise pp today went well, when I get back on track I always think wasn't that hard after all

ah Louise... as you've found, attack and cruise are the EASY bits! Good luck with your second try at Conso!

Rainy grey and horrible this morning - great NOT! First guest arrives tomorrow evening, but I'm concerned at it potentially not being BBQ weather at end of week when the other four arrive. Ho hum!

Three day work week for me this week, then off Thurs to Mon, inc. :D

Lovely here today (sunshine and promising to be hot) after Friday/Saturday being officially very wet. Saturday picnic plans were cancelled, so to compensate slightly we took the kids to a restaurant complete with bouncy castles/trampolines in the evening (by which time the sun had come out). They still got soaked but had a great time.

Strange weather just now though, not summery at all (apart from the odd day) so I suppose Spring/Summer have been shifted around this year! Hope your forecast improves, Jo. I'm sure you'll have a good time, even if it rains - we've had lots of rainy BBQs in the past!

Panic stations yesterday as on Saturday night I couldn't find Gamine, checked her usual hiding spots and no sign, so went to bed (a bit worried). Morning came and still no sign. Searched house frantically (even emptied cupboards!) and looked outside. After about 4 hours of constant searching, she appeared - very calmly -under the coffee table. On closer inspection of said table, the drawers don't slide in right to the back and there was room for her to climb up and sleep on top of the kids' DVDs. Phew!

Hope all have a good day!
Gosh what a shock that must have been! I "lose" mine at times at the house, particularly after strangers have been in, and it's amazing how they manage to literally VANISH into thin air! (Well I thought that's what they did but, when making beds up this weekend for guests, I found tell tale furry areas beneath the pretty eiderdowns I cover the unmade up beds with...)! Gamine will be post put out when she outgrows her little bed!

As the BBQ is a gas bottle one (my father will tease us mercilessly!), we might well simply cook outside and eat indoors!!
As the BBQ is a gas bottle one (my father will tease us mercilessly!), we might well simply cook outside and eat indoors!!

I've do e that so many times! Kettle BBQs make it easy, rain just fizzes on the top. Once had a slightly mad English style camping trip (ie wet) with all sitting round a roaring campfire on a beach. Fronts were warm and dry, backs soaked! We didn't notice the wet backs till we stood up!
BBQ in the rain are even easier when I'm at home in Northumberland - I do almost all my cooking on the fire on the grate, and watch the rain running down the window.
You guys are depressing me. You might expect rain in June in your country - after all, what would Wimbledon be without the waterfalls down the stairs! (booo hooo - it's gone all dark again here!)
Dark and depressing here too!

Speaking of losing pets in the home, I've finally figured out where our puppy (I say puppy, she's 10 months now!) has been disappearing to when I can't find her anywhere. She's claimed the bottom shelf of my wardrobe as her own and has started curling up in there! I thought I was going a bit crazy with seeing the stuff that was in there always on the floor, but figured I'd just put things in messily! Now I know!

Also I'm at work and I've run out of food. Bad times!
Are you there much longer? Running out of food on a Monday?!!
Hey Vickki - good to see you! One of our members, Scrumper, is emigrating! You should pop to her diary and see her!

Ugh re school holidays - my thoughts exactly (and I don't have any of my own, just that they get everywhere and make lots of noise, haaaa!)

Great to hear from you, Vickki!

I like the school holidays (well, the first month!) as the kids are less tired so less argumentative (with me, at least) after a break. I'd have thought Paris would be less crowded during the holidays, Jo?

Went out on a wee hike last night - weather was perfect. Hoping for the same again tonight (with the older kids) as they wanted to come last night. Next week we'll go a bit further and take picnic with us, fingers crossed for no rain!

Hope everyone has a good day!
Paris less crowded? Nah! Ever more tourists ugh! My issue with kids is more in the country where the grand kids of my immediate neighbours run riot in the front garden!! Playing ball against a metal barn door (BANG SCHPLAFF WALLOP), screaming (girls), shouting (boys). I'm almost glad when it rains after lunch at the weekend and I can have a peaceful siesta! haaaa! It's particularly irritating as they have a HUGE garden behind, AND there's a football field with posts set up not far away, but I guess it's more fun on concrete, grrrr!!
Morning Guys :) OH IM SO COMING TO PARIS! and will bring my 4 kids JUST for you Jo...lol, Oh I hate all the kids that come with school holidays, Its like the multiply and all invade the shopping centres... Aagghhhh.
Robin your so good with hiking! Im way to lazy BUT when I hit the shops in Malaysia I can walk for DAYS :)
Have a great day/night guys xxxxxxx
Oh Scrumpers going to the Gold coast, Luck thing always warm there!! AND if you read this tania YES oat brans soooo easy to find in the grocery shops :)
HI Vickki - good to hear from you. The holiday sounds good! I'm going to be in Paris in just over 4 weeks! I like the sound of those Malaysian shops!