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I was ok in the end! I can usually hang on at work by drinking black coffee if I'm desperate. I sacrificed the gym before work for a lay in, so made for it at lunchtime which meant I ate my lunch really early to make sure I got through it!Are you there much longer? Running out of food on a Monday?!!
We seem to be having cases of people eating other people's food out of the fridge, so I daren't put too much in there! Although I have found that no one touches my cottage cheese etc! Just people's lovely yogurts and fruit salads and things!
I've had a bit of a rollercoaster few weeks, but am well and truly back on track now.
And Gold Coast is lovely, my hubby's from Brisbane and we hope to move over to Aus in the next few years or so. If this is what summer is like though, I'm not sure I can make it through another British winter! I'm very jealous of you Scrumper! Good luck for your move!