Daily chat...

If no one sees you eat naughties it counts as ten times more calories!!!! wow warm!!!

Ah you arent deserting us for too long then! Cheryl back on Thursday evening and Neils bird (although she has deserted us) goes away next week too! There is only me that doesnt desert!!! Ill even be on here when Im on my holidays lol
lol when i desert i weekends coz im at my partners also im away next week at a man's event a air show mmmmmmmm maybe i should of said no but att he time it seemed ok and then 1st august we are away for 2 weeks in lanzorote (spellin ) looking forwar to the break but will try and be good on diet mmmmmmmmm ..
oh wow i love airshows you lucky thing. which one?
Are you self catering in Lanzarote Jet? Otherwise, hardest Dukan meal to do at hotels I find is breakfast! Oh and start stocking up your oatbran cos you'll need to take it with you!!!

Where are you off to Vicky on hols? (I'm not actually going "anywhere" so don't feel bad if you're not! I'm going where I always go on a Friday... just not coming back for a week!!)...

Yes I hope Cheryl is having a good time... the left hand side of the country is having storms now... and the right gets hotter and hotter before storms... I'm heading right tonight... She's left!
Im not goin anywhere just will take time off to look after pups if she is pregnant :D
will be nice for you to have lie ins for a week though eh?
and oatbran in your suitcase lol. they will think she is either a) mentally insane or b) a drug trafficker

When will you know for sure? (and, from then, how long before pups?)

I never lie in... I'll be up by 6am as usual... 6.30am if I'm lucky. I have a "MM" of my own you see... Minnie... we call her "Moaning Minnie" because she comes on the bed, as regular as clockwork, come winter/summer, rain or shine, weekday or weekend, at 6am! and MOANS!

Also I'm a morning person so best get me up for a nice LONG morning's toil... and then I can have a siesta(!)... and a social afternoon visiting people... and lazy evening in front of the box! (We have "proper" English TV there - why do you think we go so often?! we record stuff during the week - cos weekend TV sucks - and errr I'm a big soap fan + Holby, Casualty, Bill etc!!)...

I've taken oatbran all over the place! Worst still, when I go to my Dad's, I take a hundredweight of muffins!!!

Oooh if ever you're travelling, I made a cake in 2 x victoria sandwich tins with eight days' muffin mixture and simply sliced each layer into four and froze on arrival! perfect!
Oh JO do your cats live in your country retreat all the time or do they come back and forth with you? oh it sounds idyllic nice siestas :D

i will probably know for sure next week but then you just have to keep fingers crossed till it happens (should be end of this month/beginning next) and ill take a week off work if not more to check she is being good mum lol
you will be sick of piccies :D

love the muffin/cake idea. i dont know whether to have a go at making the muffins this weekend. I suppose they will just taste like the cake i made?
Are you self catering in Lanzarote Jet? Otherwise, hardest Dukan meal to do at hotels I find is breakfast! Oh and start stocking up your oatbran cos you'll need to take it with you!!!

Where are you off to Vicky on hols? (I'm not actually going "anywhere" so don't feel bad if you're not! I'm going where I always go on a Friday... just not coming back for a week!!)...

Yes I hope Cheryl is having a good time... the left hand side of the country is having storms now... and the right gets hotter and hotter before storms... I'm heading right tonight... She's left!

jo im all inclusive i will sort it out i think !!
Im not goin anywhere just will take time off to look after pups if she is pregnant :D
will be nice for you to have lie ins for a week though eh?
and oatbran in your suitcase lol. they will think she is either a) mentally insane or b) a drug trafficker


dont make me panic ,drug trafficer OMG :D
i have to reply like this coz i remember wot u have all written lol
My cats to and fro in their travel cases in the car... they hide when they sense we're going to put them in but, once in, they sleep throughout... EXCEPT last weekend, when we travelled much earlier, and one of them was in the sun and she kept miaowing until I got the message and put a blanket(!) on the top of her travel box to protect her! We thought we were doing them a favour NOT putting it on, as thought it would be so airless, but hadn't thought about the sun!!

On a Friday, it can take 3 or even 3.5 hours and they're never a bother where the loo is concerned... (but one or the other often heads to the litter box at a trot when we get there!! awh!!). They love it at the house as they've got loads of room to run around (and spiders and ugh even mice found twice)... and even in the hot weather, it'll be COLD indoors there cos the house has 70cm thick walls!

I don't let them out though, either there or in the city (obviously) cos there are too many strays... and limping strays at that. People are horrible...
I always look guilty when I go through customs in the car... (never bring cats to England obviously, but have lots of other stuff whichever way we're travelling most usually!)
morning gals !!!

hope we are all ok and are still working through our diets !!
morning :D been a bit naughty this weekend. will update in my diary lol
im always naughty at weekends :D

anyway someone needs to keep us in check this week cos Jo is off. Cheryl not back till thursday either.
So who are we nominating to tell us off for being naughty?
mmmmmmmm i dont like telling anyone off but this once

remember when i last ironed ............ well i need to do it again mmmmmmmmm !!
?????? dont understand ?