Daily chat...

i only have a bottle a day (one of the little ones)
i could drink gallons of the stuff ,do u think thats not good r ok !!
well its full of chems and stuff. Id prefer to drink coffee/water/

wine/vodka ;)

im only drinking it cos i got bored on monday after 3 black coffees so i went to shop at lunch.
Im getting some ice lolly moulds and gonna make some lollies out of it :D
i think because i cant have choc/carbs its a great help !!

thats a good idea mmmmmm diet coke ice lollies r even codka lollies lol !!
I used to drink two cans of diet cokes a day (cos they were free in the office!!!)... but now that they're not(!), I've stopped...

I'll sometimes have one in the evening now that it's hot, now that tea and coffee is less appealing in the hot flat and I'm all watered out, but I do keep an eye on my sweetener consumption...

cos, as they say in French, "le sucre appelle le sucre"

errr... the more sweet things you eat, the more you want...
<Vicky... I think she's received her Tena lady!>
Jo - ive just spat coke all over (diet coke)
right my ladies got to go ..

thanks all for cheering me up today

will see you all tomorrow !!
haaaaa! Have a good evening Jet!! Won't be far behind you actually...

haaa Vicky! your keyboard will be sticky! Don't forget the salad tonight, will you? can't have you making even more progress on me!! We've had a good laugh today!

Say hi to Cheryl!
Lol i wont forget ;)
Ill have extra im in the mood for plenty of tomatoes :) and exercise LOL
quick question - i miss sausages - anything substitute we can have?
Good morning...

The other half has returned from Blighty armed with goodies...

- Muller Lites (2 for 1 at Tesco's) - I tried my first toffee one last night (absolutely disgusting!!)... and 97 calories a pot (unless you've the willpower to stop at half one - not I!!);
- cottage cheese - he didn't find Langley Farm so bought another 3% one... not tried yet;
- Philly lite - what do you guys use this for, remind me please?
- celery hearts (love em!);
- spring onions (ditto! we're growing em but not yet ready to eat!).

Sausages - other half makes his own, and we'll be running up another batch next week as some friends have placed orders... so I'll have some on my day off!! Otherwise, if pork, no go...

In France, he's now allowing 2 x merguez as a "tolerated" substance. Merguez are spicey beef sausages. The condition is that they be well stabbed(!) and cooked to within an inch of their life!

I have a friend coming over for lunch with me today - as it's PP, and I refuse to pay for a meal out on PP when I can't eat most of my plate, she'll be bringing her food here to my office!! Fair enough right?!! (She's a great Dukanian coach - lost 20K three years ago and has stabilised!! YAY - it can be done!!)
Good morning...

The other half has returned from Blighty armed with goodies...

- Muller Lites (2 for 1 at Tesco's) - I tried my first toffee one last night (absolutely disgusting!!)... and 97 calories a pot (unless you've the willpower to stop at half one - not I!!); - you really dont like them?
- cottage cheese - he didn't find Langley Farm so bought another 3% one... not tried yet;
- Philly lite - what do you guys use this for, remind me please? - just as cheese lol - its nice melted in pan with a little milk for a sauce or just on top of salmon fillet and grilled :)
- celery hearts (love em!); - ooh never had them
- spring onions (ditto! we're growing em but not yet ready to eat!).

Sausages - other half makes his own, and we'll be running up another batch next week as some friends have placed orders... so I'll have some on my day off!! Otherwise, if pork, no go... recipe please???

In France, he's now allowing 2 x merguez as a "tolerated" substance. Merguez are spicey beef sausages. The condition is that they be well stabbed(!) and cooked to within an inch of their life!

I have a friend coming over for lunch with me today - as it's PP, and I refuse to pay for a meal out on PP when I can't eat most of my plate, she'll be bringing her food here to my office!! Fair enough right?!! (She's a great Dukanian coach - lost 20K three years ago and has stabilised!! YAY - it can be done!!) wow thats fantastic for her!!! and good for you making her stay in LOL

:D p.s. i had salad last night!
Re Muller Lites toffee - I've never tasted anything so synthetically disgusting in my life!! Hope the vanilla's are better!

Sausages - he used to be a butcher in the UK so we buy the "mix" from his previous employer while we're in the UK... breadcrumbs, spices etc... and the natural gut skins... They're a no go for Dukan alas...

The thing with this person (who I met on an internet site, but see quite regularly for lunch now) is that she doesn't have food issues like me so she can't quite see why I can't have, say, a chocolate biscuit per day and stop at that in stabilisation (cos I've made it to phase 4 once!!)...
Ah i wanted dukan sausages :)
The vanilla one tastes like custard!
Mmm im the same - its more control issues I think - one biscuit never enough!
I like custard... MIAM!!
Also I don't like having things like that hanging around in biscuit tins - they plague me until they're gone anyway - so I might as well eat them in one go...
lol dont buy them then!!!! Or do what i (used to) do. eat a couple and chuck the rest out or make OH eat them. Luckily my OH loves anything really so he has been sent home with carrier bags full before :D
ello girls ,im late on today had a meeting at work went ok and forgot to pick up my sleeping tablets from chemist so i hardly slept last night,got a banging head today .

jo ive never tired the muller lites i prefer the ww yogs yum yum !!

vicks hope ur ok today !!
Hello Jet... when you say you don't sleep, is it that you're lying in bed thinking? worrying? (just a question: do you drink much caffeine in the day with tea, coffee, diet coke?)

Vicky - you are turning into a feeder... that's terrible!