Daily chat...

well hi again ,just sat down with my brew ,bath was run and phone call from school he has been involved in a fight so has been sent home the reason behind this ,he says the other boy was calling him names and so he decided to use his fights ,,kids eh !!!

oh no!! just what you need eh?
is he home then?
he is home ,band from his laptop ,got to punish him someway to make him realise that it is not acceptable to use his fists, and get caught ,now if he was to batter the little sod in a back alley i wouldnt say a peep ,kids are awful !!
he is going through a bad time. When does he finish school
well school breaks up next friday but he has got DT at school all week i think ,i think because the other children know his weak spot they play on it to wind him up ,so tomorrow im at school to try and sort out wot is going on ,im also trying to get him to see some one about his anger thats really bad at the mo ,but on top of it all he has still lost his brother and he still needs to be taken in hand are he will deffo be on the wrong road !!
isnt there a school counsellor?/ what do they say that winds him up?
he is seeing the counseller ,and i told jordan that if he is telling this to the counseller that this would be sorted out but he isnt allowed to tell me anything about the meetings which i understand !!

he says they call him fat ,he also has crooked teeth ( getting braces soon ) but he doesnt seem to be able to cope with his anger ,i will sort it !!
oh poor lad. bloody kids are evil!!!
ur telling me i myself was bullied at school for a lot of years and i think jordan is a bit frightened of how i would deal with this , one kid near my home threw a stone at my window and broke it (the window was new an all ) and not cheap anyway i rang the police they said they will get to me iventually but i said if i get hold of him/ them they would know about it ,anyway i did get hold of one of them by the scruff of his neck but i had a witness who backed me up and the little sod was scared ,i was mad and in the end i had to buy a new window and he got off scot free ,say no more
oh that really annoys me. I was bullied too.
i think he is frightened if i got hold of him i would batter the little sod !!
Hey everyone, very stupid moment today, stewed up some rhubarb all ready to eat it and then remembered I'm on PP today!!!
oh dear, well save it for tomorrow and enjoy !!

i finally made my sweet muffins !!


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were they nice JET?
Mmm they look good.

I tried a second time and had brain lapse and only put in half the bran so they were tastier (flavoured yog) but a too eggy.
hi all i tasted one last nite and was happy there where nice a lot better than the first batch i made lol !!
lol :D what did you put in x
i put in ............

4 tbl - oat bran
4 tbl - wheat bran
4 tbl - fromage frais
4 eggs
2 tbl - sweetener
1 vanilla ww yogurt and 1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring
tip of baking powder

right gaks im off now see you all later

bye !!!!!!!!!!!!