hi all im home and wot a disaster,on friday when i left home i was struck down with a migrane and felt totally rubbish so when i got to the place we was staying i eneded up haveing two custard creams a little bag of maltesers and a pack of macoys just to get my blood sugar levels up i felt a bit better then we went out for something to eat and i had gammon and chips anyway so to the next day ,was up at 6 so no brekkie for me a had some dukan muffins with me but choices for food was a nightmare so i eneded up having a bacon teacake then some curry and chips i also ate my muffins and loads to drink then for dinner i had steak ,garden peas and salad i did not eat my chips ,then sunday morning i made healthy choices for my brekkie 2 poached egg,tom's and mushrooms it came on wholemeal toast i didnt eat it but on the journey back home i hate my muffins with filled a gap then i had a healthy choice chicken and green beans with brussels ,im totally shattered !