Daily chat...

have a fab time babe. and be good ;)
hi all im home and wot a disaster,on friday when i left home i was struck down with a migrane and felt totally rubbish so when i got to the place we was staying i eneded up haveing two custard creams a little bag of maltesers and a pack of macoys just to get my blood sugar levels up i felt a bit better then we went out for something to eat and i had gammon and chips anyway so to the next day ,was up at 6 so no brekkie for me a had some dukan muffins with me but choices for food was a nightmare so i eneded up having a bacon teacake then some curry and chips i also ate my muffins and loads to drink then for dinner i had steak ,garden peas and salad i did not eat my chips ,then sunday morning i made healthy choices for my brekkie 2 poached egg,tom's and mushrooms it came on wholemeal toast i didnt eat it but on the journey back home i hate my muffins with filled a gap then i had a healthy choice chicken and green beans with brussels ,im totally shattered !
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But did you have a good time hun? If you did then it doesnt matter, draw a line under it and move on. If only id kept a diary of what id eaten in 2wks! You ask Vic, i was convinced id put on a stone!
the riat airshow was fab ive a slighty sun burnt forehead ,face and chest area's lol
i have some face cream with uva/uvb in it but it mustnt have been enough lol !!

i need to empty my bag got another early start tomorrow !!
Make up stuff never is. Empty your bag................hmmmm, handbag, weekend bag or catheter bag. Lmao
weekend bag lol ,catherter bag already been done !!
oh yes pi**y pants always ;) now where are those tena ladys??????

Jet sounds like you had a cr*p weekend to start but sounded good at the end ;) just back on track tomorrow :D
hey vicks im back on track today then 1st august 2 week hol in lanzote mmmmmmmmmmmm !!
lol you want another hol !!!!!!! mmmmmmmmmmm

my bedtime soon cant keep my eyes open !!!
You can never have enough! We are off for the weekend on the boat at the end of the month for another break.
Sleep well hun. xx
I fell off the wagon slightly yesterday too. I got OH to get some KFC for the kids and I thought I could have the chicken, I had the chicken and some of the secret recipe stuff - no skin. :-(

Got on scales this morning and have only lost 3lb since I started... booooo! There again, sorry to give TMI but feeling a little bloated at mo!
how long did you do attack for PJ? why not post your menus is the daily menus sticky and we can see if you are going wrong?
p.s. JO??JO?? where are you???
JJJJJJJOOOOOOOAAAAAAAANNNNNNNEEEEEEEEE..............ive missed you.....Joanne????? Where are you??
Lmao Cheryl. Maybe she is busy catching up with work :D