Daily chat...

How dare she. My french isnt great by i got by, why cant they for just one day so i can speak to her. We are far more important than work you know!
I know Cheryl I have been on here most of the morning!!!!
You see, priorities! Pmsl. Im trying to ring work at mo to sort out my shifts and no one wants to answer the phones. Their loss, i just wont turn up. lol
lol. do you have like an area manager/shift organiser you ring?
Its my duty station officer i need to speak to. There are 2 in today and not one of them is answering the phone or thier mobile. I'll forgive them if there is a major incident going on but thats it! Lol
I think i want to do that job even more now...........coz they never do any bloody work.
Wheres Son? I know Jet said she wouldnt be on here til the evening but Son and Jo both gone. Its a sad day...........
where is Jet today?? Sona doesnt come on on a monday its her family day out :D
See ive been tortured what with you being away, caz not coming on and Jo off - imagine how last week was for me LOL
Oh babe but im back now. xx
Jet said about going back to work and doesnt have a computer there, or at least i think that was today!
Is that coz you have your priorities right or you are just lazy. Pmsl
Sorry very delayed message, i think my computer is having problems. Its not been working this hard for a few wks
lol im busy too!!!! im multi tasking :D
oh is she going back to work?
Think so. Unless i have my days wrong. Lol
Multi tasking proves your a woman!!! Sams still not here yet, ive only lived here 5yrs and she still used the tom tom to find me!
lol. i think you get to rely on them too much :D

is it her first day back aswell?
Hello ladies and I'm BACK!! (in body if not totally in mind!)...

I hope you're all well (and I've already checked out Vicky's signature and see that all is going well still...). For me? Hmm... let's just say that my "one day off diet" experiment failed miserably... and I ate like a proverbial for the last five days... so, preferring not to break my scales this morning, I rererestart without weighing myself... not sure how long for as might well move onto something else, while sticking around just not detailing!

I'll try to read where you're all at...
yey welcome back :D missed you Jo!!!!!!
did you have a fantastic time??
and have you had a think on as to what you want to do? or are you now happty at weight?

:D :D :D
I'm back...!!! and I found this post from Jet with her sweet muffins and I had to pop up to say that the quantities of brans are WRONG... you need double the oatbran to wheatbran on Dukan (in the French book at least!). How many per day are you allowing yourself? Next time, double the oatbran, and you've then got 12 muffins for 4 days...
i put in ............

4 tbl - oat bran
4 tbl - wheat bran
4 tbl - fromage frais
4 eggs
2 tbl - sweetener
1 vanilla ww yogurt and 1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring
tip of baking powder

It was nice Vicky, but I'm totally carbed/sugared to the eyeballs and am feeling hungover, ill and fat... so not a great feeling, and I wasn't sure whether coming here might make me feel even worse (and it might still!!!).

I'm totally pi**ed off with myself, have AGAIN outgrown my clothes - I certainly bloat when I go off on one, but how lovely was it to go to number 2s properly for a few days(!!!!!)...

So no I'm definitely NOT happy with my weight, or how I'm feeling, but have visitors arriving weekend of July 31/1 so being in ketosis isn't going to be an option so the clever part of my brain is telling me not to go there cos it's not worth it/bad for one's health to go in and out of ketosis like this... but the other part says get the maximum weight off in next 11 days before they arrive!!

How are you all...? I'm swamped with work so will disappear after lunch again alas...
Oh Jo. Bug hugs (slimming ones) dont say oh im not going to diet until your friends come you will only feel worse. why not ust do healthy eating again?

so you obv had a great holiday then eh? and did you really eat that much?

Im ok - very hot today and feeling bloated too(oh the weekend alcohol) and 3 days PV dont help. changed my plan to pv fri sat sunday and the rest PP as im enjoying having some veg on a friday night. and am going out for a meal this friday so it makes sense. and I find it easier to do PP at work anyway. will see how this affects weight loss.

great to have you back you have been missed xxxx
That's really kind of you and thank you! (I'm a real advertisement for how NOT to low carb diet though! You can all use me as your inspiration of what NOT to do!!!)

I'll Dukan until they come, because I don't trust myself otherwise... did I eat a lot? Gosh yes! Most usually until I felt totally full and almost nauseated, then starting again as soon as less nauseated! (true!!)... Yesterday was a "no meals" day... just cr*p from dawn to midnight, when I reluctantly turned the light out and went to sleep!

Truly pathetic... caused, I'm sure, by too many years of dieting... and too many months of low carb dieting... (sorry but why do we throw ourselves on carbs the minute we lose the plot? gotta be!!)
Is there any reason why you started dieting so young? I did as I just loved my food (especially coco pops with full fat milk), its not as if my mum didnt make a really healthy dinner either. It was just all the other stuff LOL

Carbs are just easy and quick to eat and they make you feel great at the time...then slowly you will feel more tired...and thus crave more carbs. They are evil!!!
You dont necessarily have to go into ketosis on this anyway - if you actually counted your carbs through the day they will be no where near 20 (especially with the oatbran and wheatbran) which is where you go to get into ketosis.

(I'm a real advertisement for how NOT to low carb diet though! You can all use me as your inspiration of what NOT to do!!!)

no no no!!!!! you have done really well and Jo, look there isnt a single one of us who hasnt faltered on this diet (ok there are a couple of good girls) BUT we have just picked up and got back on, with your encouragement.
This diet is really a low fat, low carb HEALTHY way of eating.
Get yourself on those scales tonight, be either disgusted or amazed with yourself but you WILL get motivated !!!!!
