It was nice Vicky, but I'm totally carbed/sugared to the eyeballs and am feeling hungover, ill and fat... so not a great feeling, and I wasn't sure whether coming here might make me feel even worse (and it might still!!!).
I'm totally pi**ed off with myself, have AGAIN outgrown my clothes - I certainly bloat when I go off on one, but how lovely was it to go to number 2s properly for a few days(!!!!!)...
So no I'm definitely NOT happy with my weight, or how I'm feeling, but have visitors arriving weekend of July 31/1 so being in ketosis isn't going to be an option so the clever part of my brain is telling me not to go there cos it's not worth it/bad for one's health to go in and out of ketosis like this... but the other part says get the maximum weight off in next 11 days before they arrive!!
How are you all...? I'm swamped with work so will disappear after lunch again alas...