Daily chat...

no probs Cheryl!!!!

Jet handds off he is mine ;)
Pick me up on the way Cheryl.....

And it freaks me out all this Jacob talk, thats my 6yr old boy!! :D ;)
ooh shall i put the yorkies in too ?
lol i ended up having cottage cheese,tom's,cumumber and red onion with king prawns and a boiled egg and for after's i had a toffee muller yum yum !!!!
you never turned up :( yorkies were ruined :( sniff sniff :D
Hello... I responded to a couple of posts but will have to go back to work now, grrrr!! (I read somewhere that some people had had difficulties and slip ups over the weekend, so came to the "chat" to read about it and don't see anything???).

Anyway, out of ketosis, I "survived" a weekend - not Dukanian by any means, but "healthy eating" I'd say with some good carbs. Howzat for avoiding detailing so as not to tempt anyone.

I'll catch up over lunch!
LOL Jo nice one :)
I had a pork pie and pickle and ice cream. and I know of a.n.other who was naughty too :D
morning ladies ,i more are less had a good weekend ..... lol
vicks , ice cream and pork pie, i have been good then lol
lol. you know me :(
I've been v v good, v v boring!!!! Need to get more adventurous.

Not enough exercise yet though.

Pork pie - bleurgh - you could have been bad with something goooood :D ;)
lol ............... re exercise jaqy's i usually only do my stepper which, im happy to do and sometimes i fit in a walk and ive still lost and i eat loads !!!
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I'm sooooo rubbish with exercise, there is a gym in my building but I dont fancy my neighbours seeing me exercise (not that I know my neighbours....). But because theres a gym in my building I obv dont want to pay to use one elsewhere.

Need to dig out my yoga dvds, and get back into the habit of doing something.

Still losing too so not motivated but know I'll need to get on with it soon.