Daily chat...

Morning Jo. Im ok, a little down and feeling really selfish for doing so. Ive spent so long becoming obsessed with watching the scales go down and now i have to watch them creep up. I know its for great reasons and for that i am so thankful but i cant help feel a little down about the whole weight situation
morning ladies im glad you was a good girl ,im just up so im still a bit dozy lol :D

oh cheryl dont feel down ,just try and eat healthy and u will be fine my hunny .
morning. Cheryl big hugs. and well done Jo for avoiding the croissants, i would really struggle with that!
work till 2 then home to chill after exercise. was going to cinema but dont think bf can get out as dog sitting and he cant bring her round.
Bummer about the cinema! What did you want to see?
I was going to see either Toy story or inception. i will go tomorrow night instead. will keep me off the wine!! (i hope)

Nothing much planned. this afternoon exercise then slob on sofa. put some washing in.
tomorrow housework and exercise and ironing and sunday usual pampering session on the morning then mum coming over in afternoon.

Nothing very exciting, cant even walk the dogs much. hannah just waddles and gets sooo tired and i just took gabi and left hannah and grace on their own this morning and I could hear hannah doing her yelping bark (woof my mum has left me woof) from down the road!!!

I do understand how Chez feels... (and am a bit low myself at times at the moment, and don't even have the comfort of knowing I've a kitten growing in my tum!)

and that's something I've talked to Vicky about re Consolidation... which can be a tough transition if we're too addicted to daily weighing... obviously the scales won't be our friends many days in the week, if any... so good to get out of the habit before arriving in Phase 3... or at least NOT react (mentally or by cutting out veg/bread/whatever to try to compensate).

Vicky - can you not put Hannah in a back pack or something and bring her with you? (shopping trolley?)

I'm off to the country as usual this weekend... hopefully will have some peas to pod (and freeze)! Some beans, lettuces, tomatoes, spring onions to pick and eat! Cleaning to do cos guests next weekend... oh and sit in traffic jams Friday night and Sunday night!
lol i do have a dog bag but she is sooo heavy atm. poor baby lol.

Jo have a fab weekend and eat plenty veg :D i noticed you have taken off the bottom of your sig??? you are NOT giving up. you must start back on with gusto after your friends have been next weekend xxx
Is she really that heavy? They looks such small dogs - my backpack is VERY heavy each day with breakfast, lunch, snack, the most HUMUNGOUS book I'm reading at the moment, my handbag, and goodness knows what else!!!

Yes I took it off because it "bothered me", seeing it, knowing it was lies! I'm PP'ing today... and will do my bestest! Thank you for keeping an eye on me - I need it!
she is that heavy!!!! even when not pregnant she is about a stone!!!

Good cos ill be doing some kick A** when you are back on!!!!
Hope you all have great weekends ... bought a small cool bag yesterday so I can take my frozen yogurts, prawns and a cooked chicken leg out with me ... other half had a muffin in costa yesterday and I gotr my muller out!
Thats great Bev - what a good idea!!!
Very good idea! <she says munching prawns, roast beef and chicken... what a LOVELY mixture!!>
MMM roast beef. im having that sunday. going to do it in the slow cooker again for hours and hours !
I cheated with mine. I get luncheon vouchers at work and rarely use them so get to buy lovely meat at the butcher's. This was cut straight off a HUGE piece they'd cooked... lovely and bleeding just like Vicky and I like it!
what cut was it Jo? ive got rump joint so need to cook it for ages!
It's faux fillet... which my English butcher other half tells me is similar to a sirloin cut but as the French cut their beef up differently to in the UK, not exactly the same!

It would have been €29 (£25) a kilo had I been paying proper money!
omg!!!! yours will be nice rare then..mine will be as tough as boots.