Daily chat...

lmao cheryl love it x
Well its true. Hes making loads of money by people buying his book and yet he really has 2 diets and all because he cant spare the extra cash to get it translated properly. I bet he hasnt even been over here to do the research on what foods we have
haaaa you're making me giggle... I could stick a note through his door, yes... BUT

Far be it from me to defend him...

But the site is definitely catering to ALL anglophones - I saw an Aussie asking if perhaps "Oz pork might be leaner than UK stuff cos they call it white meat over there". Response "no pork on this diet! only ham." (DUH!!).

Also, the French book says one thing and the coaching another... when questioned, he responds that he's constantly modifying and updating the diet after feedback from dieters etc. (that's how the recommended 1PP/1PV in Cruise came about - he'd been previously recommending 5/5 but saw that the weight loss difference wasn't actually that great).

Some things do remain the same though - his preference for our cooking from scratch... most of the queries, and product questions in different countries comes from people wanting to cut corners and use pre-cooked/industrial stuff.

If we stuck to his book, we'd therefore not have a problem!

<here endeth my defence of the money maker>
By the way, "tolerated foods" aren't even in the French book... and I don't recall seeing them in the English one!

Something that was added subsequently to keep people happy.

I still recommend doing without where possible, particularly at the beginning of the diet. I know people over here who've been in Cruise for months WITHOUT a slip up and have lost tonnes... and they need the tolerateds to ease the boredom...

But in England that's not yet the case
Chicken and salmon over here and there are just the same!!

His lists of foods are very clear... it's the dieters who are asking "what about this product or that product"?
Lol love it Cheryl. I think its exactly like the new atkins, which has been adapted to less fat and more lean protein. they change to make it sound better and sell more!
morning ladies ,

hope we are all ok and laffing our heads off .

anyway vicks i used cottage cheese and eggs ,and my OH said something smells good i said its the quiches mmmmmmmmmmm for me not for u lol !!

im on and off at the mo got a appointment with my breavement counseller and im taking my pic's of dan has she would like to see him .

so ladies will catch u all in a while

bye for now xx
of course!! and they're catering to different palates... "the English" (I'm generalising wildly here and don't mind to offend anyone) are a little more (let's say) alcohol, takeaway and ready meal oriented than the French (dieters).
OH hope all goes ok Jet xx speak soon x
Jo you are so right. but thats the culture isnt it. I wonder how american people differ? they are similar to us more than the french would you say?
This is just it. I was fine and knew my list of to haves and not to have now it would seem a new addition book has confused me. Im sticking to what i know best!
I think the Americans are either one way or the other. Mega healthy, into their healthy eating + exercise OR completely the reverse!

but I still think that if people stick to the book, they won't go far wrong... there's no need to try this or that product, or count carbs in this or that.

The first time I did this diet in 2007, I ate really boringly (waving at Jet). Salmon, prawns, chicken, eggs, steak. (+ salad/veg on PV days). Fat free natural yoghurt.

I lost 8K in six weeks.

Never since... (never eaten as plainly since either, but I think it's par for the course that "the first time" we get better results with this sort of SHOCK diet than subsequent times)...
oooh Hello Jet... hope it goes ok...
Jo I agree. The first time you try a diet it seems to work. maybe cos its new ???
Quite probably... and also I think it becomes harder subsequently to ever do it with quite the same intent as the first time!

Since we're in "chat", I can say this generally without offending -- I'm actually surprised at how many "slip ups" or "not allowed foodstuffs" we're seeing confessed to already... my first time, I was so perfect!
Good luck Jet. xx
I think as well that its the body adjusting well to it. I think that was proven when we started. Vicky and Caz's losses were far better than mine. They had been eating normally and i had come straight from atkins without a day off in between
and you were doing low carb low fat cheryl with some good losses werent you?
we obv have no willpower Jo x
Yes thats right. I think its def how your body copes and reacts to different diets. Some people get on really well with ww and others with dukan. Its depends on each individual.
I totally agree.
SW just didnt work for me at all (too many carbs) atkins worked for a while but then stalled (too much fat) and ww worked once for me!