Daily chat...

I don't think it's that Vicky. In most diets, a slip up can be easily rectified... but Atkins and Dukan are a bit different where that's concerned and each slip up actually causes us more problems than fighting through the urges...

Probably the whole home cooking lark is a bit much to digest initially also? And it's true that if one doesn't preplan and organise everything as we do, it's not an easy diet to do if going out to restaurants without having chosen what one will have!
Well i did lose a bit with ww but i was far more active then and didnt ever eat my extra points. Id go clubbing 4nights a week constaltly dancing and weighed a mere 9st 2lb but still went!
omg you must have been a stick. I was always around 10 stone/ 10 1/2 stone when i clubbing.
ah i was never bothered about my weight (after id been a fat kid and lost it) until i turned about 25 when i went down to 8 1/2 stone (medical and personal reasons) and then i put 5 1/2 stone on after that! The lowest ive been from trying to diet is 9st 9.
I was ill though hun. So obsessed i made myself ill. Now its gone the opposite way. I was even smaller than that at one point in a size 8 jeans that were too big and i remember looking at a friend thinking she was so thin and beautiful and i wanted to be like her only i was smaller. Serious issues going on. It all piled on when i got to about 23 and met Mark. I became content, he loved me for me and all my deamons just went away. He took me for lots of meals and it all went on then my asthma became really bad and the steroids topped it off really. Its then my weight became a problem as no matter what i done the steroids meant i couldnt lose it. Fingers crossed i havent been in hospital for 12mths now but with winter looming and being pregnant my immune system will be weaker but i now have a home nebuliser so hopefully it wont get that bad
I went mental on WW, lost about 3 stone (got to 10st4) so it worked physically but was so depressed and never reached goal which was some impossible number.
OMG cheryl I didnt realise. reminds me of a program i was watching last night. living with size 0! glad you are healthier now xxxx
ooh what channel was that on Vicky?

I did my usual marathon of tv last night...online catch up :) but didn't see this one...?
hello peeps boring jet is ere only for 5 lol

counselling went well thank you girls

and will be on in a while im off out again lol
glad went ok Jet
Was on sky 1 2 or 3 cant remember.
ooh anyone watch new series of americas biggest loser?
Glad it went well Jet. Are you still smiling lovely?
I sky plus everything then bore mark when i watch it
LOL. im getting my ideas from Jillian - so you should watch. she is mean!
oh yeah. she makes them cry, swears at them, shouts, screams and even makes them puke :D
Jillian needs to be mean with the wicked witch!!

I'd do well with Jillian coz I'd want to prove that I could do it.. Bob I'd just gaze at too much even tho he's way too pretty for me!