Daily chat...

Very short cropped hair kinda red/pink in colour! Not ur beautiful brunette bobs like the ladies! x
(oooh you mean the YOUNGSTERS!!! I was wondering who the babes were - no brunette am I!)
naturally dishwater... artificially blonde and copper :) (haven't you seen my album? my fat pics are there!)
I don't wear the hat on Thursdays...
hey ladies ,sorry ive not been on much today,hope little cheryl is ok and hope we all had a good day !!
where is everyone????????? im lonely here on my own :(
morning ladies ,feeling a bit down in the dumps today me and my OH had word's last night ,stupid word's involving my diet anyway he said he would like to go out on sat night to the indian and i just said wot about my diet so he threw a strop so i said cheer's and went to bed !!

he has txt this morning saying sorry but i just feel shity i dont deal to well with my emotions !!
oh babe. hugs xxxx
Bloody men just dont understand do they? if it was the other way round you would support him.
you can have chicken tikka or something there babe and a tomato based curry. but no rice, no poppadoms, no mango chutney. no point going really lol
thanks viks, he has majorly upset me with his attitude toward this ,but has said he can tell im losing weight and his impressed

today i think he is a two- faced so and so ...rant over

MEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes men!!!! you have got to be speaking you going on hls with him soon. can we see where you staying??? hotel name???
ooh im a bugger for looking at reviews ;)
Afternoon all cant believe was about to drag the kids out and it starts raining love this British summer NOT......still trying to read all the threads on here so am about but not posting have had a headache this morning think in need to up the water too ...Oh and buy some new scales as mine said id put on 3lb last night then id lost it again this morning how strange