Daily chat...

right im off to bed. im shattered from all the none exercise. sweet dreams girls and pray for the weight loss fairy..its nearly friday and WI day!!!!!
night hun sleep well and catch you tomorrow ,nearly friday ................
OMG ladies its nearly 5 and ive been up since 4 these blasted period pains are just awful !!!!!!!
Ouch Jet! Hope yr in the land of nod now.

Morning all. x
morning gorgeous Linz ;) and gorgeous every else!
OOH Jet not good babes. hope you feeling little better now?
morning ladies ,im up and feel absolutly shattered at the mo ,going to have a brew and breakfast .

thank god my pains have subsided a bit but my blasted him his throbbing like mad ,apprently there is nothing wrong with me according to the x-ray taken a while back but it hurts like hell !!
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Hello all... and today is my last day this week and I'm sooooo busy at work (sniffle!!)...

So if you need me for a query, copy it here cos I don't know how I'll catch up with the reading!! Far too many threads going now which is great and next week I'll be delighted to catch up properly!

So I'm off tonight, leaving my cats behind (sniffffffle) and my cleaner's coming in to feed them tomorrow and Saturday... (I'm back late Sunday). (I could have offered one of you a cat sit this weekend!!)

From Monday I'll be as strict as ever anyone could be. It's all planned out. As I'll be "alone" evenings next week, and I can empty cupboards/supermarkets/you name it when "alone" and no one can see (it doesn't count if it's not witnessed you see!!), I'm planned up to the eyeballs and if all that fails, then I'll have tried at least!

How are you all? I'll try to check the end of diaries! But if I disappear it's cos they're being horrible here at the moment - end of month, people away etc...
Hey girls. Jet get some painkillers babe! hope you feel better soon.

Jo - how dare they expect you to work. we need you!!!
Are you off to the country tonight for your friends visit? and how come on own next week hon? is your OH staying there.
You will be good. you will.
hey jo if ur on and off today like me ,i might not be able to catch up with u because i fly sunday afternoon ,so jo have a good weekend and begood and behave !!!
hey vicks ,nothing seems to shift the pain in my blasted him !!!

but thank you anyway !!!!!!!
Sneaking a quick break (cos my colleague has "remembered" a training session she signed up for "ooops" and has disappeared!! having arrived an hour late cos her "pillow broke down" - lovely French expression for oversleeping "panne d'oreiller"!!)... Meanwhile Miss Mug here is getting all the cr*p!

Yes tonight we go to the house together; tomorrow morning shopping and start of the big "muck out" (aka spring cleaning big time!), then he'll leave me after (PP!) lunch to drive 4hrs to train station she's arriving in from England! (This is his daughter and two grandkids).

They'll then drive back... probably 5hrs with kids, and a mealtime, so I won't expect them before midnight (1am?).

We'll have the weekend together, with maybe two more friends of theirs joining them from Sunday, then my other half will bring me back here late Sunday... sleep a bit... then return for the week with them... leaving me ALONE with my restart of Dukan/[cupboards/supermarkets]
Oh i love the pillow broke down :D spring cleaning you make me feel guilty. I havent done one for a couple of months. I was going to do one before pups but decided to wait till after cos im sure carpets will need cleaning!
oh so you will miss out on the fun and have to come back. and we will be watching what you are eating. so no secret eating missus!!!
I love decluttering...I hate clutter...yet the place needs gutting...so much STUFF...that's right unspecified, general STUFF :(...MEH!
oh me too. In fact I have OCD that badly that my wardrobe is colour co ordinated as are my clothes in drawers and underwear. my BF comes round and moves things in the wardrobe to wind me up but I can see that my colourful wardrobe rainbow has been disturbed!!!

so..i annoy him as he has ocd with food. he has to have it laid out in exact spaces i.e. meat then chips all straight so i mess it all up :D
ooh I wanna BE you :) colour coordinated wardrobe - it's my dream and aspiration - gotta sort the b*gger out first though :( meh
I don't find it easy alone ... nooo... far too easy as no need to hide.

So I'm MEGA organised...

Vicky - I could use you to organise my wardrobe! I've already thought of putting labels on them as to what weight I need to be to get in them!
Lol. i do love my wardrobe. I have soooo many clothes and shoes too. x
Lol Jo. No the fat clothes that are too big need packing away :D dont let them stay in your wardrobe.