Daily chat...

Morning all. Id like you all to send Vicky positive thoughts. My poor friend is having a really bad time of it at mo. I wont go into details as i'll let her tell you. But its not looking too good. So happy positive thoughts and it might help. xx
oh Cheryl...
Ok Vicky has just said i can tell you all. Hannah went into labour early this morning and i think the sac came out but she was not pushing. The vet gave an injection (oxytocin) to help things along the way but hannah did not respond to it. Vic had been told at that point that the 1st born probably would be "born dead". Now she is at the vets and HM has gone for a c section but it doesnt look like any of the babies will survive.
I will let you all know what happens.
Oh gosh, poor Hannah and poor Vicky. Thanks for letting us know, Cheryl.

Fingers crossed for a positive outcome though. My dog had one of her pups turned the wrong way so blocking the birth canal. That pup was stillborn but there was one stuck behind it that was still alive and in fine form, so miracles can happen, am hoping for the same for Hannah.
Absolutely - miracles can happen - strong vibes to Hannah right now... and of course to Vicky who must be in pieces...

Internet is a fabulous thing but, right now, we're all so far away... I hope someone's with her.
Some light distraction...

I LOVED this post from Jac this morning:

Was almost good (is that like "almost pregnant"?) last night, may have indulged in some wine (were you too drunk to remember?)

but nothing bad foodwise (no cupcakes, ben and jerrys, sweets, it was all on offer) and have given the box of chocolates from goody bag to team in work. FABULOUS!

Hope morning sickness not so bad today.
Come on Hannah...
Gosh yes indeed... they do look nice!
Vic just called me and Hannah is ok and out of surgery. FANTASTIC news, she has had 7 babies and they are all ok. I of course broke down and cried tears of joy on the phone. Thanks you all for your good wishes, they worked. xx
right ladies now i know everything is ok i can go out to find a miracle cure for this morning sickness that had me up 3 times last night!!!!
What a great update! Thanks, Cheryl:).

Well done Hannah (wow, 7 pups for a wee dog is a lot)! Hope she's over the op quickly and back home very soon.

Hopefully poor Vicky can relax now, what a stressful time. (I'd have been breaking out the chocolate:eek:).
OMG!!! SEVEN!! wowza!!!

I didn't like to say before, when we were talking about miracles, but the cat whose kittens I've told you about before was checked over on the Friday by a vet who said he could hear no heartbeats of the kittens and could she come in on Monday to have them "removed" and a full hysterectemy.
She had six kittens...


(I'd have been breaking out the chocolate:eek:).

Our Vickster doesn't have a sweet tooth... she'll be breaking out something else I'm sure... and, for once, I'll ENCOURAGE her!