Daily chat...

mmm yes they did look like my fav or the raspberry
Im off now ladies got to get on. Need to get to the bank and might find some clothes while im there! Speak later
My bank doesn't sell clothes! typical France eh?

Not yet. As soon as i smell or see food i feel worse. I'll have to have something though as it stops the sicky feeling for a bit then it comes back

maybe now's the time to try Jo's muffins or the gallette with tons of ginger hun or diet ginger beer?

It's proven to help with nausea x
sorry just noticed you tried some ginger :) I will investigate if there's any other options aside from those already mentioned :), I sympathise wholey - for me it was all day everyday and like something from the exorcist :O
oH sarah. must have been horrid. how long did it last for you?
(waiting for that response...)

Morning all - and I hear Vicky had a very short night's sleep... and that she doesn't have enough padding any longer to sleep on the floor these days! (YAY!!)

How's everyone?

Was almost good last night, may have indulged in some wine but nothing bad foodwise (no cupcakes, ben and jerrys, sweets, it was all on offer) and have given the box of chocolates from goody bag to team in work.

Hope morning sickness not so bad today.
Feel much better today, hooray, hope everyone is feeling good too

I feel fine today - it's raining outside (this is good!) and I've lost weight.

The kids aren't arguing (yet). However, due to the above rain, I fear it will start at some point.

Off out for a walk anyway!
morning just had a yogurt feel a bit better weight loss happy with
right off to drag the kids to tesco lol
We had the rain during the evening and overnight so now glorious sunshine :)