I'm off to the country - have booked half day so leaving office at lunchtime. First I've a lunch tomorrow near the office with a cyber friend, who I've met twice before who lives in the South of France and is up here (freezing cold no doubt) on her holidays!
Then I'll race home, grab cats and man, and off we'll head... hopefully no traffic, and hope to be out in the sun picking veggies by 5.30pm!
Saturday - after early morning shopping, then to the farm for fresh eggs, BBQ (sausage tasting!) lunch invitation at a friends' place 10km away... she has a nice garden, so a bit of lingering there afterwards... back to visit neighbour for 4pm cuppa... while other half watches final score... then laze in front of tv all evening no doubt (what's new?!).
Sunday... to the field early cos 30°C+ forecast and it's very open and HOT over there... dealing with veggies, weeds, breathing FRESH AIR and wishing I looked like Felicity Kendall did on the Good Life!
Then back to the city in the evening (boo hiss!)