Daily menus

morning peeps
B - scrambled egg and dukan toast
L - mussels prawns salmon and crabsticks
D - big fat steak

didnt do my walk this morning - slept in! will get 17 min stepper later and 20 mins wii fit 50 sit ups (see im getting there)
brekkie - oatbran

lunch - cottage cheese and ham

dinner - chicken fillets x2 yum yum

vicks enjoy ur big fat steak !!
what you having with your chicken jet? any sauce or marinade?
minds not on food today so im glad im on attack and this diet are i wouldnt of eaten anything today !!
you still have to make sure you eat honey x
yeh i will but it makes it easier i think ,ive just tried those egg custard things i made yesterday i put them in fridge and they dont taste that bad just need to be a bit sweeter!

plus TOTM is ere to !!
lol we are in sync with totm now LOL!!

can you not put some sweetener on top? and can i use muffin tray lol
right im with u now ,never seen one of those before ,where do buy then from !!
morrisons :D
so do you think i can use???
i shoudnt think why not but check with jo ,she is an expert !!
I answered that in the recipe thread... I'm not sure about the bain marie aspect, so I suggested a pyrex dish and serve yourself portions...
My Thursday menu on PV - can't switch this week cos too late!

5.5K walk and it was SO HOT it was HORRIBLE! 78% humidity, and 20°C at 7am... ugh!

Breakfast - guess? Dukan Muffins with smoked fish in

Lunch - salmon (poached with last night's one), 1/2 egg, mixed salad. Some chicken too cos I'm usually guilty of OD'ing on the salad bit!
fat free fromage blanc

Snack - chicken thigh, fat free fruit flavoured yoghurt

Dinner - chicken livers fried up (spray oil) with onion and mushrooms served HOT on small salad... I love hot/cold combinations!
mmm salad sounds delish Jo :D