I like you Longratia... I now just buy a pack of chicken legs and thigh, rather than the breasts which I find dry and boring... (and I wonder whether they might even be making Cher get so full so quickly? I can't get through a whole breast easily on PP either as they're SO dry on their own! If I have a breast, it'll be on PV to help it down!
I too cook a lot on Sundays... boil six eggs or make individual quiches, and organise my menus for the following week before going shopping... I also buy fresh prawns, peel them, and freeze them(!) in small packages so that I can just grab some on the hop as an extra ingredient... same with liver... sardines... even salmon, I'll usually have some "cooked" salmon frozen for the odd occasion when I'm busy in the evening and need to take my lunch with me at 7am!