Silver Member
Use them. They're there for you to use. You're cracking on this time well done you x
Use them. They're there for you to use. You're cracking on this time well done you x
I was wondering seen as I havent been to an actual meeting for 3 years if someone could point me in the right direction re syns etc. I am currently having between 5-15 per day. Is this right? Can you save syns?
thanks x
Well Eli - I've been doing SW on and off since 1992. In the beginning I was told to have 15 syns either every day or save them up or use them and go without for a few days. I've learned over the years with each consultant I meet that this information changes depending on the consultant. Two years ago I was told I could save the syns up etc now at my current class I'm being told I have to use them every day I can't save them up and I can't use them before I've 'earned' them (i.e having a big portion of your syns at the beginning of the week).
I've talked to my consultant and told her that if I have to use my syns on a daily basis without being able to save them up or use them before I've earned them, then its too much like a diet for me and I will slowly but surely go off plan more and more and is it not all about running this plan along side real-life and being realistic?. Her conclusion and mine is do what suits you.
Basically I personally have 105 syns a week, every week (equates to 15 a day) even though I've been told to only have 70 a week (10 a day) and only have 105 if you really really need to...well I like syn freedom so I'm always going to have 105 a day until my appetites changes and my body starts to change. I have the majority of my syns on treats in the first 3-4 of every week (the weekend) and then I have no more than 5 syns a day sun-thurs on gravies, sauces, etc. It works really well for me allowing me to have a drink at the weekend and the occasional take away and some chocolate if I want it. Of course if my weight loss slows down to hardly nothing I'll tweak my syns, but not before I check my portions and manage my free foods better. xxx
mmmmm that looks yummy - what soup is it? x
oooh could i be cheeky and ask for the recipe if you dont mind? I have some carrots and sweet potato needs eating up! xxx
That sounds brill, thank you - is tomato puree free? x
Quorn spag bol with smash garlic bread x
<img src=""/>
The smash garlic bread was a bit dodgy - I didn't make it thin enough and I think it could've done with a bit longer in the oven. But everybody had 2 pieces each and agreed it tasted more like garlic potato cake than bread, it was ok but will think twice before I do it again.
So dinner done and eaten, dishes done, lunch boxes done, cats fed, kitchen cleaned. Tony is painting the hall-way and Im helping Sam with his German GCSE revision then me and Tony will do our normal old-bag thing of going watching the soaps in bed with a cuppa tea and some fruit and yogurt. I'm also bursting at the seams for the next bit of BroadChurch at 9pm....I'm so rock n roll
Have a lovely Monday evening you lot!...will catch you tomorrow xxx
Looks yummy. You know what I did my degree in? English lit and....... German!!! Forgotten most of it now though but if you need any help!!
Oooooh lovely snuggly bedtime. I am recording 2 part biggest loser to watch later. I'm embarking on my conclusion now!
Tea looked lovely. I had a bit of an incident on the way home. Brick on my windscreen. I'm ok but had to sort out a replacement and what have you so my idea of mushroom risotto went out the window and I ended up having a baked potato with beans and my HEXA of cheese.
Quick question. Is smash free? X hope you both have a lovely evening x