Din-dins! and it was lovely
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=82988"/>
Looks nice. Hope your knees held up! You should start a body magic award or do a body magic challenge. The challenge is great. You have a little 'you' that walks along routes like 'around the Olympic stadium'. It's great to say 'in the last 2 months I walked the equivalent of wandering around lake Garda'!!
Oh! That sounds interesting where would I find out about that?xx
Your food always looks so good - I couldn't eat so early though I'd be stuffing my face by 10 - but it's so much better for weight loss!
Go to the sw site and log in. Go to 'my weight loss tools' and then to 'body magic challenge'. Should be clear after that. You basically choose which to do and then fill in every walk you do. I loved it. Did lake Garda and am now very slooooooooowly doing lands end to John o groats!
I think I will sign up for the English Channel challengewill just have to workout my miles in km and will have to build up to an hour at a time because it doesn't give you the option for doing just 20 minutes like I do at the moment.
To be honest I would have my dinner later too but OH is home normally dead on 5.15pm and the kids are mooching in the kitchen from when they get home at 3.15pm so they're all mithering about food even if its 15 mins late. I would eat mine later on my own but we all sit and eat together and they'd be like :O if I tried not eating with them lol..
I'll probably have a couple of pieces of fruit about 8-ish I've already had a Greek yogurt and that'll be it for me...I don't scrimp on my portion sizes so don't tend to have much else after meals unless I'm trying to get some superspeed down me.
Hiya Lisa,
I've got as far as page 6. Those flipping meds and side effects ;( My son and SIL are on quitiapin (sp?) Horrible horrible drug. Apparantly diabetes is a real secondary issue that comes up for many people on these sort of meds. My dh was prescribed the Q stuff but won't take it as he is so spaced out on it, my boy reckongs it really gets in the way of him doing stuff but that it hasn't helped his head at all. but mood altering drugs are so subtle, I wouldn't say that is necessarily true.
Anyway, just wanted to say that I have an inking of what you are going through from being around family members taking that sort of thing and having a recent stint of heavy duty opiates for pain. Mind you, at first I lost weight on them until I got used to them and stopped throwing up. I hate the spaced out not being able to focus feeling. It takes a very different mindset to be a junky I reckon. I had them intaveinously last year too and that was HORRID. But the pain relief was nice.
Hope you are doing better now, I'll carry on reading and catch up you year later, gotta go and do some more mumming.
I should be doing other stuff but today the lure of Minimins is stronger than the lure of dealing with the family. Do you know this thread full of sweet SW friendly yummities?
Tonight's curry was just not happening! I made 2 one of which was ridiculously hot and the other one was mild and creamy but too many syns....I was just not feeling it at all. I would normally freeze some and try and tweak it next time but its all gone in the bin. The wedges and rice where lovely though lol.
I went for an old bag nap this afternoon, something I've not done since my medication days. I must've of needed it because I went flat out for over an hour and had a fantastic dream of getting weighed at class on Friday and the scales saying I'd lost 19lbs in a week lol:O anyway when woke up I felt even more tired than I did before and it's just not lifted since so I've cancelled tonight's cinema trip and have had a soak in a lovely hot bath full of the body shops tangerine wash. So I'm sitting in my p.j's feeling all vague and out of sorts. So I think it's a few cups of tea and an early night.
Hope you've all had a lovely Wednesday and I'll catch you tomorrow.
Tonight's curry was just not happening! I made 2 one of which was ridiculously hot and the other one was mild and creamy but too many syns....I was just not feeling it at all. I would normally freeze some and try and tweak it next time but its all gone in the bin. The wedges and rice where lovely though lol.
I went for an old bag nap this afternoon, something I've not done since my medication days. I must've of needed it because I went flat out for over an hour and had a fantastic dream of getting weighed at class on Friday and the scales saying I'd lost 19lbs in a week lol:O anyway when woke up I felt even more tired than I did before and it's just not lifted since so I've cancelled tonight's cinema trip and have had a soak in a lovely hot bath full of the body shops tangerine wash. So I'm sitting in my p.j's feeling all vague and out of sorts. So I think it's a few cups of tea and an early night.
Hope you've all had a lovely Wednesday and I'll catch you tomorrow.