Silver Member
Rough night. Sally in agony with her foot, the wound wash made her cry (and she's hard has nails) so antibiotics for a week - but she's got a raging temp. Sam is also off school feeling sick and having certain 'man' problems which probably also need antibiotics, but couldn't get him in the docs this morning and I have to be at class for 9.15am in the morning and have to stay until its finished which is normally about 12.30/1pm else I don't get the class free. So hope I don't get a snotty receptionist and she can get me an afternoon appointment tomorrow.
I know I sound selfish and I know my boy is unwell but I NEED to go to class EVERY week to keep me on track. I also need to hand his science BTEC course work in tomorrow has its the cut off day and he's not well enough to do it himself.
Sally wants to come to class with me tomorrow morning but she takes ages to walk because of her foot and its a good 15 minute walk anyway and then all the walking afterwards and I don't know whether she'll manage heads a bit like arrrrrrggggghhhhhgghhhh!!!!
So anyhoo...
Breakfast: coffee by the bucket load.
Lunch: the last bit of sweet potato and carrot soup with a wholemeal roll with laughing cow cheese and salad.
Dinner: Im planning on making the SW cheese and onion pastry-less pie and hope it don't look like the slop I made last Friday. Gonna have beans and baked potato with it.
Will post a pic and recipe if it turns out semi-decent.
Soooo.....weigh in tomorrow! Hubbs has predicted my weight loss spot on every single week so he's predicted a 2lb loss tomorrow which will be brilliant meaning my first stone could be achievable within the next 2 weeks at 1.5 lbs a week!!!!but I don't wanna count my chickens..but it would be amazing to be a stone down within 6 weeks.
Right off to feed and water the invalids and the furbabies.
Oh thought you might like to see a pic of 3 of my babies. Kitty and Rosie are obviously upto no good elsewhere lol. So front is Ruby middle is Dennis and back is Daisy.
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Awww how cute are the furbabies! I have one - my little dog charlie hes a treasure!
Sounds like a rough few days coming up. I hope the kids are better soon xxx