Nice quiet house today so done nothing other than plod around playing my favourite music and doing lots of cooking, it was bliss

Breakfast was left over cold rice pudding mixed with cherry yoghurt and grapes and very nice it was too a little like a very stodgy porridge. Lots of coffee followed (hexA)
I made cheese (hexA) tomato and onion omelettes for lunch with baked beans, hubbs comes home for his lunch when he can.
Spent the afternoon making soups. One was a curried parsnip soup and the other was butternut squash and carrot. So tea was a small bowl of each with 4 dark rye ryvitas (hexB) and some laughing cow blue cheese (hexB). Don't recommend the curried parsnip much, but the other was very nice

Had a sweet tooth craving all day so have decided to have a huge chunk of my weekly syns and treat myself. I ended up with quite a few syns left over last week and some days was using them for the sake of it so to avoid that situation again I'm having the syns when I REALLY need them and I REALLY need lots of chocolate and sweets tonight

21.5g maltesers - 5.5 syns
10 liquorice allsorts - 10 syns
2 foxes Viennese edition biscuits - 8 syns
Off out tomorrow with my friend. He's the one who owns the dog whom I walk when he's at work. I've known him it seems like forever and he is the closest I would say to having a best friend or GBF, yes he is very much gay lol. Anyway its his day off tomorrow so he's going to hold my hand round the shops and then we are having a small tea at the pub before going to the cinema and watching the new Tom Cruise movie so I'm really looking forward to that

Hope you are all having a lovely Tuesday evening xxx