Silver Member
Hooray!!!! I'm SO glad you resisted- just got to focus on how much we want this and when tempted get on here and ask for support. If fingers are busy typing they can't be in the fridge!!
Nooooooo step away from the chocolate thoughts (and pinballs yummmmmm I love haribo)!! It's cause you've been in all day and trapped! Do something to occupy yourself . Get out a dress or jeans you want to get into. Just know that you are sabotaging yourself and you don't need choc but want it - and what will it really bring you? Happiness? The size you want? Any real kind if satisfaction? You will just feel caca if you do it. What about a proper size snickers or something or would that just open the door to disaster ?? You need alternatives that satisfy you. I will give you the recipes ASAP - it's urgent!!!! I know it's ploddy and painful but I would rather be doing this and losing 1-2 lbs pw than gaining that much and more. I'm fed up with muffin tops & hiding my body & feeling embarrassed like people are looking at me but realising because I'm a porker they're not!! I'm also very aware how unhealthy it is and how for me eating is actually self harming in an acceptable way. When I realised I was adding to my anxiety and future Unhealthiness I just didn't want to do it anymore. Think about what you REALLY want and what long term will make you the happiest. We absolutely will do it. Lecture over!!!
2lbs is not bad is it I guess ??
Ps nice to see you! You look very young!
2 pound is amazing. The other person is right step away and go and try something that you want to fit into trust me it will help sortnthe craving.
War thankin ya kindly missie (that's meant to be a Deep South accent!)
The girl I work with did mr McKenna think yourself slim and she said it worked. It made her eat less and only when she was hungry. I tried but kept giggling at his voice! I think you could try it alongside Sw.
Strangely my hubby is not only a builder / site manager but is also a qualified hypnotherapist but he said I'm not very susceptible (&when he tried to hypnotise me not to be scared of flying again I kept cracking up).
You see, out today & less sugar angst! Idle hands etc!! It works but hard to plan for every moment. Hope you're feeling a bit better this evening. Will dig out recipes later and put them on here
I can totally relate to the cracking up laughing bit - if I feel I have to be remotely overly serious about anything I turn into Homer Simpson with Barney dancing in my head wanting guffaw at everything.. But from what I remember Mr McKenna had one of those voices - mind you it was a long time ago and I was desperate to quit smoking... But I did find I looked forward to listening to him he had an mmmmm affect on me and made me a big goose bumpy at times too
....and he is SOOOO NOT my type, very strange indeedy! xx