Daisybell's collection of top tips to success.

Have friends staying with us for the week so have planned plenty of SW meals but it is hard not to appear anti social. Luckily I am known for not drinking more than the odd glass of wine. Having just got under 13st it would be disasterous to put weight back on. Plan to use cheese in starters as I cannot eat it ( allergy) and have filled the fridge with veg. Also have frozen fruit cut into small pieces ready to make whippy icecream for dessert. The raspberry one went down a storm last night.
mrstore said:
How has your week been with your friends????

Not good! Have put on 1 1/2 lbs this week but at least I know why. Am back on the wagon already and they leave in an hour. Wonderful company so I don't begrudge the gain. Will be a good test for me to see how well I can stick to the SW plan. Is the a list of super foods anywhere? I can't find online and do not have the books as I live in Austria. Help someone?
PastPartyNewMommy said:
Remember your weight fluctuates 2lbs most everyday

You are right, my weight goes up by at least 2 lbs between morning and night but I weigh same time, same scales same day every week which means it is a fairly consistent picture. Weight has dropped steadily since January so am very pleased overall.
Have been extra careful since weigh in on Sunday and am confident I will claw back the one pound gain this week. It has been hard because even in a week, I have got back into a couple of bad habits. Why do bad habits slip back on like a comfy pair of slippers yet healthy eating habits take months to get used to? Maybe like stilettos - painful but make you look more attractive!

I am going clothes shopping today. Only have one pair of trousers that fit me and a maxi skirt - both are becoming a bit tatty with over wear. Am even looking forward to it which must be a first. Almost three sizes down on what I used to be. I will try a couple of secondhand shops first as I don't want to spend much and I don't intend to be wearing them long! Don't have the selection of charity shops in Vienna that there are in UK but I have picked up one or two very nice items of clothing in the past.
Purple Patsy said:
Hope you have luck in the shopw. :D

Picked up a nude "pink" silk shirt dress for Euro 12. (about £8) Size 14 in UK size!!! Whooppee..... Am taking a flyer and have put it in the washing machine as it is a bit grubby round the hem. With a funky belt it will look the business I think. Fashion sense is not one of my strong points though. No doubt my friends will soon put me right. Fingers crossed that it isn't ruined.
Feeling very positive about my weight loss. Down from 15st 2 1/2 lbs in mid January to 12 st 12 1/2 lbs now. Have decided to double check that I am getting at least 1/3 super free foods at each meal. Started the morning well with a one egg mushroom omelette and sliced tomatoes and have just has a lentil salad with carrots, green beans and beansprouts for lunch. Toying with the idea of a few strawberries. Dinner will be prawn stir fry and pak choi followed by homemade raspberry icecream.

Who says diets are boring and monotonous??
Feeling very positive about my weight loss. Down from 15st 2 1/2 lbs in mid January to 12 st 12 1/2 lbs now. Have decided to double check that I am getting at least 1/3 super free foods at each meal. Started the morning well with a one egg mushroom omelette and sliced tomatoes and have just has a lentil salad with carrots, green beans and beansprouts for lunch. Toying with the idea of a few strawberries. Dinner will be prawn stir fry and pak choi followed by homemade raspberry icecream.

Who says diets are boring and monotonous??
Your food sounds lovely today. YUMMY
Weighed in on Sunday at 12 9.75 lbs so steadily moving downwards. I find having two weekly weigh ins works brilliantly for me (Sunday in lbs and Thursday in kilos.) I allow myself a bit of leeway on a Sunday but then have to climb back on the wagon pretty sharpish ready forThursday.

Jubilee lunch was amazing. The apartment and table were decorated with bunting and flags and I managed to convert quite a few traditional recipes to SW. None of our guests was British so for most of them it was their first experience of scotch egg and sherry trifle. (not SW versions unfortunately) I tucked into Jubilee chicken, Waldorf salad and summer pudding. Heaven.

You can see what my obsession is!

My new passion is clothes. I can now fit into a size 14 (just) for the first time in xxx years. I decided that I had a choice - either buy one or two new pieces for the wardrobe or find loads of inexpensive bits and pieces that I could enjoy. I chose the second and now spend my time scouring secondhand shops and the Vienna flea market for bargain buys. This weekend I picked up a lovely white cotton skirt with black embroidery and a denim Gerry Weber skirt. Together they cost the princely sum of £4.50 and I feel a million dollars in them. Looking good is one of the best motivators - the better I feel the more I want to lose. Win win!

Am in the UK for two weeks from Saturday so plan to get a 5kg kettlebell to keep up the exercise. Will also be doing loads of walking so my 19 hour June exercise target should be achievable.
Purple Patsy said:
Well done on the losses and the exercise, A 5 kilo kettlebell wow, Love your approach to the shopping. :D

Thanks for the feedback Purple Patsy. Will post after my first 5 kg experience - if I can move of course!
Can't believe how long it is since I posted on my diary. I became complacent and although things are going in the right direction I need to get back in the driving seat. Since 5th June I have only lost 4 1/2 lbs which is rather pathetic and way off the 1 1/2 per week I was aiming for. So I need a plan.

Have made good progress with the kette bell and now have an 8 kg bell. I also walk for an average of 40mins a day. So on the exercise front I will continue as I am.

On the food front I have let things slip. My problem is actually doing extra easy but having two sets of Hxs. I have also been tucking into handfuls of sultanas and nuts on the basis that they are healthy. So I am going back to basics with green days with the odd red day thrown into the mix. Will be planning my meals in advance and cutting out those incidental little extras. I am also going to keep eating out down to once a week. Even though it is usually at friends the results can be even harder to control than in a restaurant. On Saturday a friend had cooked a moussaka swimming in oil with extra cheese in the sauce. Luckily for me she had forgotten I can't eat cheese so I had a green salad with guacamole instead. Worked out really well.

My plans for the rest of the day;

Lunch - salad with small portion of chicken, slice melon Hex B

Snack: 2 ryvita with light Philly and one teaspoon jam (1 1/2 syns) hex A&B

Dinner: pasta with mediterranean veg, green beans and cauli, raspberry yogurt sugar free jelly and fresh fruit

Snack : cherries and iced coffee Hex A

Will do kettlebells this afternoon and walked for 30 mins this morning.
Glad to see you are back :)
As promised, daily updates from now on. Yesterday went pretty much to plan although I added a mugshot in the evening and had quite a bit of fruit between meals. Don't know if it is the kettlebells exercise that does it, but I am ravenous in the evenings. Need to find something to occupy myself.

Meal plan for today

Breakfast - Mushroom omelette, baked beans and grilled tomatoes.

Snack - iced coffee (hex A)

Lunch - salad, pasta and Mediterranean veg (left from last night)

Snack- 2 crispbreads, Philly light and jam (hexA & B, 2 syns)

Dinner - new potatoes, green beans, cabbage and carrots with chicken (hexB) in tomato sauce. Raspberry yogurt jelly and fruit

Snack - options chocolate drink ( 1 1/2 syns)

Have decided to sort out my wardrobe this evening. This will take my mind off food and allow me to do another clear out at the same time. Have just sent a small case of clothes to a friend who is also doing SW but was a couple of stone heavier than me to begin with. Am becoming addicted to clothes shopping which I have never been before. Luckily I have a few sources of great secondhand clothes that will keep me going as I drop through the sizes to my goal weight. Last weekends finds were a white cotton skirt (Betty Barclay) an orange linens skirt (Steilmahn) a white linen blouse and a khaki linen jacket that I have hardly taken off. Grand total of Euro 13 (£10) I love the feeling of buying 14s and finding real bargains makes it even better. I have to find a way of remembering the feel good when I am about to grab a handful of raisins! Maybe it is time for a before and after photo on the fridge?
Back again. Today is going to be challenging. I have been invited to dinner at a friends (acquaintance rather than close friend) and I haven't seen her for at least six months so she doesn't know I am trying to lose weight. The good thing is that she is stick thin herself so I can't imagine the food will be too rich and fattening. I have already told her I can't eat cheese - remembering with pained embarrassment last Saturdays fiasco, so that's one taboo ingredient out of the picture. With any luck she will serve fish but as she is Hungarian and married to a Frenchman I have no idea what to expect. The plus side will be the look on her face when she sees me! I am planning on wearing my new orange fitted skirt. It is snug so will be a constant reminder not to over indulge!

Breakfast - Melon with fat free Greek yogurt

Snack - pear

Lunch - salad with egg and crispy bacon (HExB), melon and ginger

Snack - iced coffee (HexA)

Dinner - will report back tomorrow

I will not go off the rails tonight, I will not go off the rails tonight....... Really want to hit my three stone loss this week and there is even a tiny and remote chance I will get below 12 stone. That would be amazing (and a miracle) but who knows. My losses over the past few weeks have been paltry and it is down to me not some mysterious hormone. Hands up! It was me.
Good to hear from you too Purple Patsy. How are you getting on?

Was out for a meal last night which was salad (and avocado) halibut with mango and mint (sounds weird but was gorgeous) and an apple tart. I ate the avocado and a tiny sliver of apple tart so not too bad over all. Just wish it hadn't been this week when I am trying so hard to reach my 3 stone.

Today is the day for my slimming support group. We all follow our own diet plans but support each other to lose weight. It works really well and today one of the members is talking about "eating out" Could have done with this last week!

Have another friend staying for the weekend and have just had an email from her saying she is on a diet so can we eat healthy. Perfect timing and a woman after my own heart. Bearing in mind that this is why I put on weight last week, this is good news.


Breakfast: fruit salad ( pear, peach, plum , cherries) and fat free Greek yogurt

Snack: iced coffee ( HexA)

Lunch: out at friend's. ( instructed no fat!)

Snack: crispbreads and Philly (HexA & B)

Dinner: Bacon omelette, salad, grilled tomatoes, melon (HexB)

Have kept my options open for lunch and will decide whether to make it a green or red day when I know what we are eating.

Really need to see a loss today at weigh in (my weekly kg weigh in) as this will boost my morale no end.