bulldogdaisy said:Lots of yummy chocolate from Asda for my sundaes :0)
Jaly said:Measurements are fantastic, well doneHope you're well and have had a good week (well, a better week than me at least which isn't particularly difficult!!)
stef2009 said:Ahhh quarter of a lb Pffft be off in no time!! Well done on inch losses that's great!! Xxx
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nessa123 said:Oh my god they have brought vice versa's back!!!!!!
stef2009 said:I am fumingggg!!! I have looked everywhere fr vice versus this week, including asda and none had them!! I've been mortified lol
Lucky buggarxx
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charlie's~mummy said:Aw Hun quarter lb is neither here nor there you'll have s fab loss next week xxx
moonwatcher said:Quarter of a pound is nothing for TOTM - why a lot of scales wouldn't even be sensitive enough to show it! Well done on the inch loss - that's great - after all no-one is going to look at you and think "Cor she looks like she's put on a quarter of a pound " but they will look and think 'Wow she looks slimmer" when they notice the inches gone!
stef2009 said:Banana butty?!?!? Is this on bread?? Lol xxx
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Jaly said:Looks fabx
bulldogdaisy said:Lol yes a banana in bread ;0)